Colonel Mould Drive

Mangonui 0420

4 June 2020

Kaitaia Hospital


Dear  hospital

I am writing to thank you for saving us and bringing us  food to stop us starving.

 I really thank all hospital’s doctor and nurses for risking your life to keep us safe looking for a antivirus to stop the virus thank you for saving people from dying from Covid-

I think Wuhan city tested a virus on a tiger and they illegally spread the virus to america to indonesia india into New Zealand.   

I think 2011 wuhan city tested a virus on the tiger and then they ilegale spreading it over the world killing over its brutal

I didn’t enjoy the lockdown! It felt like I was going to be stuck in a bubble for life. I could go to the shops and laundry shops. I could play the PS3, but I was all by myself. I wanted to play a Mortal Kombat 9 demo with somebody.I also played Assassin Creed. I would have enjoyed it if Joey could have come to my house. My Papa told me that I should teleport!!

Yours sincerely Jordan