Published using Google Docs
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

!clip - clips the last 30 seconds uwu

!collab - check out collab partners in this stream :3

!commands - shows a list of commands >.<

!dance - dance ┏(-_-)┛

!death - count deaths X.X

!dorime - use it with the dorime redeem combined for an extra effect!

!discord - link to discord~

!donate - donation link~~

!followage - see how long you've followed me for owo

!hug - hug neila (っಠ‿ಠ)っ

!hugs (username) - hugs the user :heart:

!highfive (username) - highfives the user (●゜□゜)人(゜□゜○)

!love (username) - checks love compatibility between you and the user (っಠ‿ಠ)っ

!scream - count neila screams :open_mouth:

!seiso - seiso check ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ

!slap (username) - slaps the user >:)

!twitter - link to twitter

!time - check neila's timezone

!wtf - wtf moment

!hi - tell me hi

!uptime - check how long i've been on~

!yes - jojo yes

!no (jojo no)

!ip shows the minecraft smp server ip

!kiss (username) blows a kiss to a user (๑ơ ₃ ơ):hearts:

!pat (username) pats the user

!pogcheck (username) checks how pog the user are

!unsub just for jokes, unsub for the memes >:D