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Volunteer Expectations and Confidentiality Statement Graves
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Parent and community volunteers at Graves Elementary School must follow expectations, guidelines,  and confidentiality requirements. Volunteers have an ethical responsibility to keep all  information about staff and students confidential.

1) Information should not be discussed with others outside of school; this includes family,  friends, and other parents.

2) Any violation of this policy by a volunteer will be cause for dismissal.

3) All volunteers must read the expectations and guidelines for volunteering and sign the  statement below.

Remember, violating staff and student confidentiality is not just impolite, it’s against the law.

I have read and understand the Expectations and Guidelines for Volunteering. I agree to  abide by all of the information therein.

I understand I will need to be fingerprinted and have a state and federal background  check before I can routinely volunteer for the school.

I understand I will hear information by and about Graves Elementary School staff, parents,  community members, and students that is confidential.  

I understand I should not discuss any confidential information I have heard in the office,  in the classroom, or on school grounds with anyone. I understand if I do, I will be dismissed  from my volunteer position.

I have read and understand the above statement. I agree to abide by all expectations and  requirements.

_____________________________________ ____________________________ Signature


___________________________________________________________ Print name



Graves Elementary  School greatly appreciates all of our volunteers who provide much-needed assistance  to students and teachers in many ways, from attending school field trips to volunteering in the  classroom. We value your involvement and participation, and are glad you have graciously  decided to volunteer with Graves Elementary School.

Please read this information carefully. It is designed to give you the information necessary to  ensure your experience with us is rewarding. If you have any questions, please contact the office at 831-422-6392.

Volunteering in the classrooms 

If you wish to routinely volunteer in the classroom, you will need to be fingerprinted and have a background check as required by law. Routinely means more than once or twice  throughout the school year. Once you have been fingerprinted one time, you will not  need to be fingerprinted again unless your background check information is known to  change. Please speak to the office about fingerprinting. There is a form you will need to  take with you to establishments authorized to provide fingerprinting service. These  businesses and public service offices will also charge a fee.

Expectations for volunteering and working closely with the classroom teacher and  school staff includes:

o Following the directions of school staff members

o Accepting direction and suggestions from teachers

o Respecting the privacy of teachers and students by not discussing school matters  away from the classroom

o Allowing teachers and aides to be responsible for student discipline

o Referring to staff for solutions to any problems which may arise with students  whether they be instructional or medical

o Demonstrating patience, kindness, and respect

o Being positive and encouraging rather than negative or derogatory

Volunteers are expected to:

o Wear appropriate attire. Attempt to follow dress code requirements for students  as a good guideline for what is considered appropriate.

o Show respect to all staff and students

o Share concerns regarding the school to administration only. Do not share concerns  with anyone outside of the staff.

o If you cannot make your scheduled volunteer time, please call the school so the  teacher and students can be informed.

o Do not bring others with you to volunteer at the school. This includes younger  children, other family members, or friends.  

o You are asked to turn your cell phone off while volunteering in the classroom. Do  not take phone calls in the classroom.

Rules for volunteers

o No smoking, vaping, or tobacco products allowed.

o No alcohol, drugs, or weapons allowed.

o Do not use school equipment for personal use.

o Use proper language.

o No threatening, harassing, or belittling others.

o Do not transport students in your private vehicle.

o Do not be alone with a student.

o All interactions with a student should be professional and focused on teaching  and learning.

o Do not say or write anything to a student that you would be uncomfortable  sharing with the student’s parents, school administration, or the teacher.

Maintain student confidentiality. Volunteers are expected and required by law to keep  all student information shared while working as a volunteer confidential. Federal law  strictly prohibits schools and volunteers from releasing any student information without  parent/guardian permission. This includes all academic, medical, and personal  information such as but not limited to attendance, behavior, discipline, grades, etc.  Volunteers cannot take photos of students or their work during volunteer activities and  post them publicly without authorization from the school.

Disclosure of student information by a volunteer is in violation of the Family Educational  Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and may subject the volunteer and school to civil liability.  It is important that you do not discuss students or their progress with others – even the  

student’s own parents. Leave this up to the teacher. Do not make references to a  student’s abilities in front of other students. The only person who should be told about  a student’s work is the teacher. If parents ask in or out of school about their student’s  progress suggest they contact the teacher for that information.

Any accident involving a student, employee, or volunteer that occurs on school property  must be reported to the principal using the appropriate accident report form.

 Emergency procedures should be reviewed and followed. Ask the office or teacher to let  you read their emergency procedures manual.