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Morning Highs Ivy
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

After your loyal secretary of thirty years retired, the search for her perfect replacement was robust. You interviewed hundreds of men and women, not able to find a single one with the same devotion and drive as your former assistant. You call the final interview of the week in, a girl with devilishly good looks. You can’t help but be struck by her sharp features, confidence, and sultry body language.

She’s more enthusiastic than any applicant you’ve interviewed, and by far the most competent. You can’t believe your luck- and you were just about to settle for the Harvard grad!

“So like I’ve just explained; I’m the most competent and excited applicant you’ve interviewed, so what time should I come in tomorrow?” She asks, smiling knowingly as you take in her blunt forwardness.

You don’t know what comes over you, but you can’t think of anyone better to hire…

“I should probably think this over, but I love your attitude. You’re hired!” You tell Madison, shaking her hand as the smell of her perfume tickles your nose.

“I didn’t think I could find someone to replace Gertrude, but I may have found the perfect person for the job!” You say to your family later that night, all of you eating dinner together as usual.

“That’s great, honey!

What’s his name?” Your wife asks, an expectant tone in her voice as your heart deflates.

O shit…

She sees the crestfallen look on your face, and rolls her eyes.

“Are you serious?? You promised!” She starts to yell, stopping herselfso the kids don’t see an argument.

“I don’t know what happened, she just interviewed so well I-”

“Why are you interviewing women in the first place?? I thought I had your word!!”

“I’m sorry, babe! The board insisted, and I didn’t have time to call and-”

“It’s fine. She just better not be prettier than me…” Your wife trails off, the familiar spark of joy in her eye as she jokes.

“Impossible.” You reply charmfully, giving your wife a loving kiss as everyone at the table continues eating uncomfortably.

That night you’re too tired to even cuddle with your wonderful Susan, exhausted after a day full of intense interviews. You wake up well rested, and get to work before anyone else in the office. Like any CEO should. You pace once around the office as you do every morning, basking in what you built from the bottom up. You never go into the employee bathrooms, but you hear an odd sound coming from inside one of the men’s rooms.

“What’s going on- Ahhhh!” You cry out in surprise, “Who are you??”

A buxom woman with luscious black hair stands before the mirror, unbothered by you or your outburst. She’s too occupied in her own body, or at least the back of it. Her torso is average size, if not a bit thick- or maybe a bit more on the slimmer side?

Her hips and ass are so large, you can barely focus on anything else. Her body’s proportions are impossible to gauge, and you just watch in silence as she turns her ass for you to get a better view.

She emits a lustful hum as she wiggles her hips, bouncing her bubble butt lightly as your mouth starts to water.

“Who are you?? I mean- uhhhh, what department are you in?” You ask meekly as you realize it's possible you just never met one of your employees, “What are you doing here so early?

And in the men’s room??”

You make sure to meet every prospective employee, and you don’t remember ever seeing this woman. Her perfume is familiar though, a light floral smokiness…

“Early?? I still haven’t gone home, what time is it? I’m in the IT department, I was just talking to some redhead chick when… This can't be my body…” The woman trails off, eyes glued on her ass as you sigh and walk out.

There’s nobody else in the office, so what’s the harm in her doing some weird shit in the men’s room?

You laugh off the strange incident as you go to your desk, convinced the employee must’ve just been nervous speaking to you. You spend the rest of the morning arranging meeting schedules with different clients as employees trickle in.

You’re too busy to notice if Madison started working today, letting your HR person get her started and signing all the necessary paperwork. You finish work a couple of hours early, besides a video call meeting you can take at home…

Wait, the packing reports!

You need them for that video meeting!!

You rush to the data analysts in the warehouse, hoping to beat rush hour traffic. You run through the large swinging doors, shouting for your head analyst.

“George! Please tell me you have those rep- Oh my!” You suddenly exclaim, forgetting what you’re doing for a moment as a young woman in fitted sweatpants spins around.

“Excuse me, sir?” She says in the way George always asks you to repeat yourself, “Oh yeah, I have the reports- they’re in my office!”

She hurries to her office, clearly aware of the rush you’re in. You’re too astounded to even contemplate the scenario, praying that there’s some type of prank happening as the girl hands you a stack of papers that look exactly like the report would.

“I’m in too much of a rush for this, tell whoever’s pranking me that I’m pretty shook!” You laugh, already leaving the warehouse as you shout your joke back to “George”.

You stop by your partner’s office on the way to your car, Hoping to drop the papers on his desk and go.

“Sorry Juan, I’m in a bit of a- who the fuck are you??” You suddenly shout, blushing as a woman wrapped in a fancy black dress approaches you with a smile.

“In a rush?? I’m okay with a quick fuck, but I know how long you can last, Daddy…” The sexy temptress winks, bouncing her ample bust before turning around to show off her perfectly shaped ass.

You don’t know what this is about, maybe your wife’s trying to honeypot you after that secretary hire-

“I’m a married man!! Give these to Juan- I gotta go!” You stammer as you hand the girl a copy of the reports, ignoring as she drops the entire stack on the floor.

You don’t turn around as she begs for you, instead running to your office to grab your car keys. Still sure you can leave before traffic really starts up, you open the door and-

“Madison??” You blurt out in surprise, seeing her for the first time since the interview.

She gives you a simmering look as she pulls her socks up slender calves, then lets her fingers linger by her miniskirt before dropping it to the ground. You try not to stare as she lifts her shirt, revealing toned abs and jiggling C cups. You’re speechless as she gyrates her hips, pinching her nipples and letting a moan out through clenched teeth.

Her intensity is infectious, erecting your member as you try to fight the building urges. The familiar scent of her perfume strengthens in your nose as the room gets cloudy somehow, but you don’t have enough blood flow going to your head to contemplate what’s going on.

“I’m a married man, Madison. I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but I-”

“Stuff it, loser! I only picked you cuz your senior partner’s a little too senior…” Madison chuckles, “Now sit down at your desk, and let’s discuss this.”

She waits expectantly as you give her a perplexed look, but then your legs start carrying you toward your desk! You try to tell them to stop, but they ignore any signal sent from your brain.

“What’s happening?? What did you do with my partner??? Who’s that woman in his office!?” You demand as Madison covers your eyes, only lifting her hand once you’re sitting down.

She’s now wearing a different skirt and shirt, calmly sitting with you behind your desk.

“Your partner is now a prostitute. I had to secure you this empire, and I thought that would be a fun way to do it.” Madison smiles, a hungry look in her eye as she stares into yours.

“He’s what?? No! I need Juan, he’s the backbone of this entire operation!!” You protest, slamming your fist on the desk as your emotions flare up.

“Oh, you’re pretty hard headed…” Madison purrs as she pulls out a green flower bud.

She presses it between her fingers, rubbing it and turning it into a ground up powder. She then blows the powder in your face, suffocating you as you inadvertently inhale the particulate.

“You’ll be very happy to find out that you’re the backbone of this company now, more than twice as wealthy and happily able to do anything Juan used to. He’s a pretty little whore with more than enough clients to keep him satisfied, and he’ll be able to make an honest living from you too!” Madison giggles, “You should be thanking me for consolidating your power, rewarding me for this opportunity!”

You struggle to breathe as she speaks, your throat dry as you gasp for air. Your head is numbed as your mind morphs to her words, transforming your reality as you finally ingest any of the remaining powder stuck in your orifices.

You pant as a wave of unnaturally overwhelming relief washes over you, and your memory of the past few minutes goes fuzzy as Madison contemplates more suggestions. You can tell something’s wrong though, and focus enough to actually remember everything.

“You’re a maniac!! Have you been transforming other employees into women with this dark magic??” You yell, now angry at the attempted manipulation.

“Wow, you’re a real tough nut!

I’ve only seen this level of stubbornness a couple of times before, and it really makes you so much more attractive!” Madison laughs as you blush and look away, “You should still be under the herb’s influence though, so let’s get to work on that thick skull!

In the interview you asked me to get some more pretty girls in the office, and you wouldn’t stop flirting with me… You told me to destroy your partner's life, so I just did what I was told…”

Your brain throbs as you fight change, and you close your eyes as you struggle to maintain your memories. You can remember making the unnatural requests to Madison, and flirting with the seductive secretary before telling her she had the job.

“You called me in here cuz you were so thankful that I spiced up the office, I think you said something about a reward?” Madison winks, crushing more herbs in her hand as you suddenly recall what she’s talking about.  

“That’s right, Madison! You really did such a great job, I think you deserve this…” You say warmly, mind grasping for straws internally as you hand your secretary an envelope with a smile.

“Thank you, sir!” She purrs, staring at your crotch as she opens the envelope and looks at what’s inside.

She gasps at the amount on the check, her lips shaped in an O shape as you watch with growing arousal.

“Omg!!” She exclaims, immediately hugging you tightly.

You feel her breasts press into your chest you rub the tiny small of her back, and she thanks you profusely as you stand up. Your bulging pants touch her skirt, and she leans on your chest as you get lost in her eyes…

“No! I’m married! Keep the money, just don’t ruin my family!” You cry, too weak to move as your mind overheats from conflicting memories.

Madison ignores your pleas though, knowing the hornier you get the harder it will be to hold onto your old life. She strokes your tie vigorously, her hands rubbing past your erection with each tug.

“I know you transformed my employees, I know what you did to my partner, and I know what you’re trying to do to my marriage! I won’t let you get away with it, and I won’t succumb to your devilish ways!” You whimper, stuck in Madison’s gasp as she leans into your ear.

“Yeah, so I turned a bunch of your best employees and friends into bimbos? You love it!” Madison laughs as she flings more powder in your face, “You love your new secretary, you love when I change you, and you love that I’m gonna be your wife soon!”

You cough and groan as you try to fight the reworking of your mind, visualizing warping memories of your data analyst and partner- one shaping into a ditzy bimbo, and another into a very popular prostitute.

“Now stop fighting this, you’re lucky- you could always be on the other side of things!” Madison laughs, sparking a vision framed by red hair.

You feel large weights on your chest jiggle as you squirm in your seat, your shirt now a pink silky top that’s tucked into a tight pencil skirt. You can feel the cushioned bubbles beneath you as your wide hips press into the arms of your chair, your thick thighs pressed together as you become aware of the lack of anything between them.

Then you open your eyes, and you realize the surreal reality was just your imagination.

“Please don’t turn me into a bimbo- I’ll do anything!” You beg, ready to cry as Madison giggles.

“You don’t have to do anything, honey.” Madison whispers as she throws more herbs in your face, “I’m gonna be your wife, you were never loyal to your current one.”

“Please stop… Don’t tear my family apart…” You trail off meekly, now scared to fight and be turned into a bimbo.

You feel the herbs move your brain cells around, remodeling your life to fit into Madison’s desired reality. All those loving nights cuddling with your wife, now spent fucking Juanita silly in the office after paying her.

The promise you made to your wife about hiring a male secretary, now just you bragging to the mother of your children about how much hotter your new secretary is gonna be than her. Most of the women working at your offices are hotter than your wife anyway, and there’s a reason for that…

When your mind settles you see Madison in a different light, with a new lust and craving for her. You can remember the devotion you had to your wife, but that all seems like just a dream now. Every single time you’d turned down women’s advances before, now a steamy, secret affair.

Your interview with Madison?

You can still remember the moment you finished…

“You’re the best candidate so far!” You laugh, shivering euphorically as Madison undoes your zipper.

She just moans and exhales through her nostrils, blowing air on your crotch as you fall in love with the woman you just met. You look up at your office ceiling and relax, member throbbing in your pants when you feel Madison’s tongue gently lick you. A smile crawls across your face as she reaches into your pants, a sexy smile on her face as she fishes for your cock.

Her lips feel even better than they look, shaped perfectly to get the best suction around your shaft. They’re plump cushioney goodness massages your member as you stroke her hair, and promise her things that only millions of dollars can buy.

Remembering Madison between your legs arouses you to no end, and you’re unable to stop yourself from grabbing her plush breasts as you're brought back to reality. And why would you stop? They feel amazing!

You press your throbbing bulge into her ass, feeling it split her ass cheeks as she moans and melts like putty in your hands. She grinds her butt into you as you untuck her shirt, removing it from her skirt waistband as she caresses your face with her delicate manicured fingers.

You then peel off her shirt, mouth watering as you lift it over her bra and throw the red top to the side.

Madison moans approvingly as your rough hands grab her hips, rubbing her slender tummy before cupping both her breasts lovingly. You kiss her neck and lick her ear as her hands undo your pants, both of you moaning euphorically as you play with her soft boobs.

You move down and caress her lovingly as you fondle her hips, still fighting to not enjoy yourself as your hands slowly go back up and grab her chest.

She stares into your eyes intensely as you turn her around, one hand holding her steady as the other unhooks her bra. Your lips feel like magnets as Madison purses hers, inviting you in for a passionate kiss as you undress her.

The gravity defying globes feel even better in the flesh, plush and jiggling as you hold Madison’s torso and let her breast rest on your thumb. She pinches one of her nipples as your tongue leaves her mouth, and you bite on her lip as you get ready to satisfy the beautiful woman.

Your mouth goes down to her chest, and you suck blissfully on her erect nipple as she moans. She pushes the other one into your face and you happily accept, the sweet taste of her dribbling lactate like candy on your tongue.

Before you can remove her skirt or panties there’s a knock at the door, and you stammer for an extra minute as Madison dresses herself.

“Sir, your wife was expecting you home hours ago, what should I tell her?” An intern informs you shyly, blushing as he realizes he’d just walked in on something private.

“Tell her we’ll be home soon.” You reply confidently, kissing your Secretary in front of the intern before the kid runs back to the phone.

You walk Madison to your car and open the door for her, helping her into the passenger seat before getting into the driver’s. You pull out of the parking lot and head home, your mind a spiraling mush of assuaging thoughts to keep you calm. Something in your mind stops you from fighting the mind control as you drive, and Madison takes full advantage.

“You’re gonna be so cool and confident when you bring me inside, you won’t see any problem with our new relationship. And if your wife has any issues with us, you’ll refuse to understand…” Madison says in a soft tone, finalizing your changes as you pull into your driveway.  

Your wife hears the front door open and loudly calls out to you, “Weren’t you supposed to be home early today? I had dinner ready to go, but now it’s cold and- What the fuck??” She suddenly interrupts herself as you walk into the kitchen, arm around Madison’s waist as your wife fumes.

“Oh sorry honey, how rude of me! This is my new secretary, Madison. She’s doing such a good job at the office, I figured I would invite her for dinner!” You say with a smile, barely aware of your actions after what Madison did to you in the car.

“Get your hand off that woman, Jack! We’re married you can’t just-”

“Just what??” You rudely interrupt your wife, “Madison is my favorite employee right now, so I thought I would…”

Your wife stares in horror as you blush, looking like you have a crush on your secretary.

“Make your own dinner, douchebag!!” Your wife cries, throwing a full pot of meatballs on the floor before running to your bedroom.

Madison turns around and giggles, “Don’t worry kids, your mom’s just not appreciating my visit. She’ll be fine tomorrow!”

Madison then grabs your hand, and brings you to your bedroom. Your wife cries on the bed as you and Madison kiss, your conscious screaming from too deep within you to matter.

“Things are about to get a lot more fun…” Madison trails, pulling out some more herbs and a rolling paper.

You watch as she crushes the mind warping greens in her hand, then spills it all into the paper before rolling it into a cigarette. Your wife is too caught up in the emotions of betrayal to pay attention, but something inside you is able to try to stop someone from smoking in your bedroom.

“Madison, stop!!” You suddnely scream, “We’re not just gonna… Uhhh… Okay, do whatever, babe…” You trail off, instantly sedated when smoke from Madison’s cigarette hits your nostrils.

The smoke shakes your wife out of her hysteria, and she starts yelling something at Madison befire suddenly trailing off too.

“I thought you’d be a lot more pleasant, your husband deserves someone better.” Madison purrs, her words working on your mind too as you realize you do deserve someone better! “Sure you have an amazing ass and tits, but you would barely pass the second grade! I’ve never spoken to someone more interested in sex, and less interested in anything else!

You live to please men and look sexy, with no other motives in life. Jack doesn’t want any part of that, he’s a mature man in charge of a large company. He needs a woman like me, with the grace and poise of a supermodel!”

Both you and your wife hold year heads in your palms, minds being twisted inside out as the smoke from Madison’s cigarettes dims the light and fills your lungs. You squint as you try to fight the cascade of suggestions, all memories of your wife fading as she cries for help.

You’re finally able to open your eyes when your mind settles down, now thinking of Madison as your perfect soulmate. The woman on your bed writhes as her body slowly shrinks down, hips and chest becoming stout as her short stature widens lusciously.

She’s forced to kneel face down into the sheets, hips spreading fast as her ass inflates and rounds out. Her modest pants and shirt fringe and tear, slowly revealing a curvaceous body as it’s shaped into a sculptuous hourglass. A few remaining threads stitch together as the beautiful woman gets up, rolls of fat jiggling behind her as she gets off the bed.

She stands confused for a moment as her silky volumous hair grows, making her giggle as it tickles her bubble butt. You let out an involuntary moan as her ass faces you, like nothing you’d ever seen before…

“What’d you say?” She asks, turning around to see what you said.

You can see the fear in her eyes, and you definitely recognize that face…


She recognizes you too, gasping and running out of the room as memories rush back to her. You still struggle to remember why that random woman was just in your bedroom, and follow her as she calls out for your children.

“They’re all asleep, boo! And you don’t have any kids, you’re a carefree bimbo with no responsibilities! Live, laugh, love, but mostly fuck!” Madison giggles as she corners your wife, forcing her to hit the magical cigarette as the black lingerie unravels.

It wraps around her legs, constricting and lengthening them as she gains almost a foot in height. Her slender legs are then propped up by rising high heels as her underwear changes colors to white, and her breasts are left to jiggle freely as her bra turns into stretched garters.

Before her heels even fully form, the girl loses her balance and falls onto the couch. She demands to be told what’s going on, urgency fading as she’s forced to inhale more smoke.

“I’ll tell you exactly what’s going on.” Madison says as she kisses the moaning girl, “You have an insatiable lust for cock, sex, and any form of penetration. We’ve never met you before, but you asked us to use the bathroom and we let you in. Next thing we know, you’re in the basement jilling yourself and no matter what we do you’re too horny to stop!”

The memories flood into your head, cozily replacing any recollection of your wife as the bimbo you let into the house starts to squeal.

“Please don’t… Please don’t make me…

O fuck!” The woman whimpers, sensuously rubbing the thin lining of her panties.

Madison then turns to you as you smile and watch, “And you’re gonna be insatiably jealous of everything I just gave her, unable to think of anything else till she leaves. Then we’ll never see or think about her again!”

Your smile instantly disappears, and silence fills your ears as you watch Madison continue to change the young bimbo. She gives her a figure hugging dress, immaculate sexual abilities, Olympic flexibility, and makeup skills that could be used to get someone ready for the Oscar’s.

You just watch with desire as the girl’s butt is lifted by sky high heels, and seethe as she’s gifted a gait that would make any catwalk performer envious. Your eyes follow her every movement as Madison leads the luscious woman to a mirror, letting her do up her makeup before she gets going.

And all you feel is jealousy, wishing to feel the tightness of her dress, the smothering of makeup, a bulbous bouncing butt, high heels, you need it all…

Madison winks as she grabs the woman’s lavish ass, making you crave the same squeezing touch and sensitive roundness behind you. You feel your inner walls crumble as the girl reaches for her crotch and moans, the desire for a pussy between your legs- to ooze wetness when-

“Okay bye!” You suddenly hear Madison say, and you’re brought crashing back to reality.

You find yourself unable to ask about the smoke all over the house, and forgetting everything that happened since you left the office. You just know Madison is here to help with the kids after work, and maybe sneak into the bedroom after hours…

Link to the next part here! 😘