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Report 2022 10 Barony of Thescorre, AEthelmearc
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Thescorre Baronial Report

October 18, 2022 (7:45 via Zoom)

Senechal: Bronwyn nic Gregor

Officer Reports:

  1. Senechal (Term Jan. 1, even years), Bronwyn reporting (Nuzha, Deputy Seneschal):
  1. Reporting Dates: - February 15, - May 15, - August 15, - November 15
  1. Next Barony meeting scheduled for November 15, 2022
  2. Curia
  1. Curias: 3.7 Baronial Curia 3.7.1 The Baronial Curia will meet three times a year in February, June, and October. The Curia meeting in each month will be the third Tuesday of the month and will correspond with the Business meeting. Next curia  February meeting- Proposed changes need to be made 60 days in advance -Baronial Policy
  1. Proposed change to the advance notice for policy changes during Curia from 60 days to 30 days.  Because of the speed of dissemination of information via email a 30 notice is sufficient for dissemination, consideration, and commentary.  Proposed changes shall be communicated via email and posted on the barony website.  Communication via Social media sites or other communications is encouraged.
  1. Reports from Offices and Officers:  Even years, January 1: Chronicler, Captain of Archers, Pursuivant, Seneschal
  2. Senechal Reports to:
  1. Kingdom Senechal - Mistress Illadore de Bedegrayne - Seneschal
  2. Region 4 Deputy - Baroness Katryne of Bakestondon - ae.region4seneschal RGmail - [AE-Seneschals] Masks - yes for now 5 14 2021.pdfeporting Dates: Reporting Dates: February 15,  May 15,  August 15,  November 15

Baron Andriu & Baroness Nezha:

  1. Coronation at Harvest Raid- was awesome. We can’t wait to work with their Majesties.  
  2. Crown Tournament-there were 3 Thescorreans who all acquitted themselves well.  We have new heirs - Andreas and Callista
  3. We need new sites to hold events. One possibility is in Victor at a church ministered by Lady Arsalan. Oriana and Angus are investigating a couple of sites.  
  4. A&S this weekend
  5. Hael Investiture 12/17
  6. His Excellency is teaching virtually at Academy

Arts & Science (Term July 1, odd years) ; Orianna reporting:

Not a lot to report. I know folks are working on arts stuff.

Last weekend was the Known World Pan-Asian University which is a virtual event that focuses on topics related to China, Japan, Mongol, Korea, etc. There were a lot of interesting classes.

This weekend is the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Championship event in the Rhydderich Hael. Everyone is welcome to attend even if you aren't entering the championship.

Next weekend is the virtual Fiber, Fabric, and Fighting event. Class registration is open and a preliminary class list is available. You also can register to attend.

On November 12th is the in-person session of the Fall AEthelmearc AEcademy and War College in Abhain Caich Ghlais. On Sunday November 13th we will be running a virtual AEcademy. Teacher registration is open for both events. Preliminary class lists have been posted at various places, and will hopefully be updated weekly. Deadline for class registrations is November 5th.

Chatelaine (Term Jan. 1, odd years) Gwen reporting :

  1. Would we like to participate in the Rochester Makers Faire this year? The Faire would be Saturday, November 19 from 9-5. I'd need to put in the application by 10/31.  

Chatelaine Report Form ; Local Chatelain Reporting Dates: Feb., May, August, November.  Regional March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1.

Demo Report Form


Chronicler, Katja:


* Working on fall issue of Fewmet, hope to finish by next week

* Took over job last February, have published three issues, and submitted report to kingdom chronicler

* Have posted several items sporadically on the baronial blog, plan to do more regularly

Chronicler Report Form

Gold Key ; Katja

* Garb and/or feast gear loaned for Baronial Champs, Pax, and Seven Pearls, all returned successfully

* Garb donations from several Thescorreans, online inventory updated

Exchequer (Term July 1, odd years) ; Nikki reporting:

  1. We have money, it lives in the bank. Checking acct has $3088.26, savings acct has $4072.10.
  2. We still have not received SCARS payment from Pax.
  3. Third Quarter report is almost done and ready to be sent
  4. Bid for champs is due next month

Minister of Lists (Term Jan. 1, odd years) ; Vacant seeking applications

  1. Have not heard from AE minister
  2. Need to get together with Genevotte.

Pursuivant / Herald (Term, Jan. 1, even years) ; Kadlin:

  1. Quarterly Reports due: 2/15, 5/15, First Tuesday following Pennsic, 11/15
  2. Greetings from the Ravenstongue Pursuivant.
  3. The Baronial Heraldic library has been transferred from Master Fridrikr to myself.
  4. No submissions or new requests for assistance.
  5. As to Corbin's request for assistance with previous badge submission, I have consulted with other heralds about how to start looking, but have not had the opportunity to follow up on their suggestions.

Steward (Term July 1, even years):

  1. Nothing going on
  2. Inventory should happen soon

Webminister/Historian ; Nuzha reporting:

Westminster Reporting Dates: 1/15, 4/15, 7/15, 10/15

  1. Nothing much has happened other than trying to keep up with group meeting changes.
  2. Next month there will be a lot of updates to files and I have a request to add the lineage to the website, so I will do that.
  3. I will also be updating the OP, as many Thescorrians have received awards in the past couple months. If you have received an award and you don't see it on our OP, please let me know and I will add it.
  4. Did the quarterly report
  5. Historian - Tried to get some AEstels to the kingdom, but no one was at the event to take them, so I will try again.
  6. Social Media - have had some new people added to the group. YAY!


  1. All Marshall Reporting Dates: 2/15, 5/15, 8/15 (all marshals must report, including at-large marshals), 11/5

Archery (Term Jan. 1, even years) ; Gwen, Captain of Archery:

Archery - practice as weather and illness permit. As it's getting colder and the weather is becoming more and more gross, it's likely we will go on hiatus soon. (West side Thrown Weapons practice takes place at this practice)

Fencing / Rapier (Term July 1, even years) ; Eric reporting: 

  1. Currently on hiatus due to covid and person issues

Knight Marshall (Term Jan. 1, odd years) ; Angus Reporting:

  1. Redshield Hall Thursdays at 7:00

Thrown Weapons Marshall (Term July 1, even years) ; Sir Aquila d’ Athos, Marshall:

  1. West Side Practice with Torbjorn as marshall takes place Sunday 4-6  pm . - practice as weather and illness permit. As it's getting colder and weather is becoming more and more gross, it's likely we will go on hiatus soon
  2. East Side Practice is Sundays with Athos as TWM.  
  1. Thrown weapons practice continues to be held weekly on Sunday's from 2-4pm.
  2. Baronial Loaner equipment contains a variety of axes, knives and spears that are in fair to good condition.  Check the email for confirmation or cancellation on Friday or Saturday.
  3. The barony has 4 thrown weapons stands that are in good condition that can be used at practices and events.
  4. Have had 4-6 attendees with a variety of new and veteran fighters.

Youth Fighting (Term       ) Andrew reporting:

  1. Going on hiatus for the time being unless otherwise stated due to personal obligations of the youth martial
  2. teaching Youth Martialing at AEcademy 11/12 and 11//13


Chirurgeon, Nikki

  1. Nothing to report


Cooks Guild: Katja, reporting :

Cooks Guild

Drum and Dance: 

  1. No report


  1. Still working on  assignments

Threadworkers: Genevote

  1. No report

Old Business:

  1. C3R: virtual event.  Gwen and Torbjorn autocrats.  Updates.
  2. Date TBD
  3. we're thinking about themes and will get posts out soon (mid November, hopefully) searching for teachers.

New Business:        

  1. Barony Champs: Seeking bids for Champs at the November meeting (for May, 2023).  We will need a new site for Champs.
  2. Pax?

For Reference: 

Documents of Interest:

Event Bid Form Regalia Bid 

Adult Roster Waiver

Adult and Minor Waivers

SCA Insurance Information

Thescorre Baronial Forms: Officer Applications, event proposals, Tollner, Heraldry, etc.