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Week of February 2
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Week of February 2

Last week we continued working on persuasive writing with text evidence to support our ideas. We also looked at persuasive exemplars and co-created success criteria. We continued working on our Impact projects as we brainstormed ways we can make an impact in our school, nature or community. Students have great ideas for ways to make an impact. Our next steps will be to choose a project and start planning steps to lead to action.  

Charlie Cart - Fourth graders will be cooking in the learning kitchen again next week February 5, 7 and 8 Thank you so much to everyone who continues to volunteer for these experiences - they truly are not possible without you!

There is one or two spots left, if you are interested in helping out! Please use this link to sign up for the February Charlie Cart. 

Upcoming Reminders:

Spring Conferences: It's time for Spring conferences! We will be reviewing your child's middle-of-year data. All conferences will be in person, in the classroom. Please email me directly if you would like to meet virtually and I will send you a link. Time slots are only 15 minutes, so thank you for being on-time! We  look forward to chatting with you!

        Hayes Spring Conferences

        Odegaard Spring Conferences

Valentine’s Day: (From the parent handbook): Valentine's Day Exchanges are held on February 14, or the last day of school before a four-day weekend. These “exchanges” are very low key and typically students bring a bag/box to collect Valentines as well as a Valentine for each student in their classroom. Ultimately our focus is on giving students time to exchange and open Valentines, therefore we do not need parent volunteers, room decorations, and organized games. Teachers schedule the day as they wish to make it work with their particular schedule.

In fourth grade, we will have a normal day of school, with some time at the end of the day for students to have a popcorn snack and exchange valentines. 

Students will need:

-A box or bag large enough to collect valentines. Please send these to school on Tuesday, February 13th.

-A class set of valentines to pass out. Class lists are in the weekly update email.

No School - Friday, Feb. 16 - professional development day for teachers 

No School- Monday, Feb. 19 - President’s Day

CMAS testing - April 8 - 12: Please schedule appointments/vacations outside of these dates.