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SVCTE Student Handbook 2023-2024 v1
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Student Handbook



SVCTE’s Student Handbook is a living document.  

Please refer to the live online version of the document rather than downloading or referring to an old version, as some elements are occasionally updated.

 Table of Contents

Map of SVCTE Location        3

Standards for Career Ready Practice        3

Who we are        8

Staff Directory        12

Attendance and Schedules        15

Student Progress Monitoring        22

Academic Records        22

Campus Access & Use        29

Student Opportunities        31

Internships        31

Student Organizations        33

Professional Expectations        34

Information Systems        42

District Policies and Legal Notices        43

Map of SVCTE Location

Transit Routes serving SVCTE

Standards for Career Ready Practice

Standards for Career Ready Practice describe the fundamental knowledge and skills that students need to prepare for transition to post-secondary education, career training, or the workforce. These standards are not exclusive to a career pathway, a career technical education (CTE) program of study, a particular discipline, or level of education. Standards for Career Ready Practice are taught and reinforced in all career exploration and preparation programs or integrated into core curriculum, with increasingly higher levels of complexity and expectation as a student advances through a program of study. Standards for Career Ready Practice are a valuable resource for CTE and academic teachers in the design of curricula and lessons that teach and reinforce the career-ready aims of the CTE Model Curriculum Standards and the Common Core State Standards.

1. Apply appropriate technical skills and academic knowledge.

2. Communicate clearly, effectively, and with reason.

3. Develop an education and career plan aligned with personal goals.

4. Apply technology to enhance productivity.

5. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

6. Practice personal health and understand financial literacy.

7. Act as a responsible citizen in the workplace and the community.

8. Model integrity, ethical leadership, and effective management.

9. Work productively in teams while integrating cultural and global competence.

10. Demonstrate creativity and innovation.

11. Employ valid and reliable research strategies.

12. Understand the environmental, social, and economic impacts of decisions.

*Prepared by the California Department of Education. Adapted for California and based on the “Career Ready Practices”  adopted by the Common Career Technical Core (CCTC). The CCTC practices are posted at

Mission Statement

Silicon Valley Career Technical Education offers state-of-the art programs taught by industry professionals who engage students in rigorous, real-world academics and skills development designed to support their success through college and in their future careers

Accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)

WASC_Logo BW small

Student Learning Outcomes

Students will:

Silicon Valley Career Technical Education
760 Hillsdale Avenue San Jose, CA 95136 • 408-723-6401
Metropolitan Education District (MetroED)

“Meet your future, head on.”

Who we are

Silicon Valley Career Technical Education is the premier career technical education training center in Northern California and a program of MetroED, a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) of six school districts:

Campbell Union High School District

Boynton High School

Branham High School

Del Mar High School

Leigh High School

Prospect High School

Westmont High School

East Side Union High School District

Andrew Hill High School

Calero High School

Foothill High School

Evergreen Valley High School

James Lick High School

Independence High School

Oak Grove High School

Mt. Pleasant High School

Piedmont Hills High School

Santa Teresa High School

Silver Creek High School

W.C. Overfelt High School

Yerba Buena High School

Los Gatos-Saratoga Joint Union High School District

Los Gatos High School

Saratoga High School

Valor Program

Milpitas Unified School District

Milpitas High School

Calaveras Hills High School

San Jose Unified School District

Broadway High School

Gunderson High School

Leland High School

Liberty High School

Lincoln High School

Pioneer High School

San Jose High

Willow Glen High School

Santa Clara Unified School District

New Valley High School

Santa Clara High School

Wilcox High School

Wilson High School

Silicon Valley Career Technical Education

760 Hillsdale Ave, San Jose, CA 95136 • 408-723-6401

A Proven Pathway to Success

Career technical education (CTE) programs provide a sequence of courses that integrate career technical knowledge and skills with applied academic learning to prepare students to fulfill their career and college aspirations.

Did you know: CTE programs in California have a proven track record of helping students thrive and succeed in careers and post-secondary education.

Silicon Valley CTE has been preparing students for success in careers and post-secondary education for over a century, and we also have a proven track record of students going on to successful careers in many fields; numerous local luminaries claim us as among the influences that helped them reach the heights of success they have enjoyed. (Before it was SVCTE, this school was CCOC, San Jose Regional Vocational Center, and San Jose Tech High.)

Silicon Valley CTE courses are year-long, 15-hour weekly courses offering 30 high school credits, as well as these great opportunities:

  • Hands-on career skill building
  • Academic learning integrated with career technical learning
  • Interactions with industry professionals
  • UC a–g credits (in many courses)
  • The opportunity to earn community college credits
  • Community Service hours
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Student clubs and skills competition

What Students Can Expect from SVCTE

Students who successfully complete one of our courses can expect to gain:

Board Policy & Administrative Regulations

This handbook refers to MetroED Board Policy (BP) and Administrative Regulations (AR). Go to to read all the BP and AR.

Staff Directory

Student Absence Line        408-723-4260

Administrative & Student Services:

Main Office (room 802)        408-723-6401

Silicon Valley CTE fax        408-266-6531

Administrative Staff:

Principal                 408-723-4237
Jeff Arnett        

Assistant Principal                 408-723-6418
Nick Laskowski        

CTE Coordinator / Assistant Principal        408-723-1437

        Sara Mingione      

Post-Secondary Transition Specialist         408-723-4248

        Loretta Cota       

Program Representative                 408-723-4204

        Katherine Williams      


Counselors are available to help students with academic and personal issues. If your school district is not listed below, then Ms. Freitas or Ms. Cota are someone you can speak with, as well as your home high school counselor. Students may arrange an appointment by phone, email or coming to Student Services (room 803).

Counseling Program Coordinator              408-723-6415

        Patricia Freitas      

Silicon Valley CTE        Erica Morales                                   408-723-4209        
        room 801

Campbell Union High        Erin Reyes        408-723-4203
School District        room 801 

East Side Union High        Hope Nguyen-Brashear        408-723-6589
School District        room 801 

San Jose Unified        
School District        

San Jose Job Corps        Sam Yang        408-937-3245

Course Instructors

Animation        Eric Whitman        408-723-4241        room 106 

Auto Body Refinishing        Nathan Chukes        408-723-4239
        room 508/501 

Auto Body Repair        Terry McMahon        408-723-6563
room 507/501

Automotive Services        James Walker        408-723-4232
room 503/506 

        Albert Castaneda        408-723-4233
        room 503/506 

Construction Technology        Evan Clark         408-723-4231        room 301 

Culinary Arts        Danielle Clark        408-723-4205        room 806 

Dental Assisting        Gina Fleming        408-723-6478        room 207 

        Suzie Dault        408-723-6497
        room 208   

Electrical Maintenance        Antonio Gutierrez                             408-723-4222
        room 302/303 

Electrical Vehicle/Auto Services        Tom Nemeth                             408-723-4232
        room 605 

Fashion Design & Textile Art        Johnny Paul Vera        408-723-6490        room 101 

Film and Video Production        Jon Furtado        408-723-4206        room 104 

Fire Science/First Responder        Patricia Tapia        408-723-4276
        room 708  

Forensic Science        Ashley Auguste        408-723-4273        room 706 

Heating, Ventilation        Anthony Scalia        408-723-6420
& Air Conditioning (HVAC)         room 307 

Law Enforcement        Oscar Bazurto        408-723-4240        room 703 

Mechatronics Engineering         Jim Burnham        408-723-6477        room 709 

Medical Assisting        Luz Maria Gamboa        408-723-4274
        room 206

        Nadine Gonzales        408-723-6498        room 203 

Medical Science/Health Careers        Madeleine Dasalla        408-723-6494        room 108 

Metals Technology        Cassidy Cannizzaro        408-723-4238        room 702 

Mobile App Design        Jesus Correa        408-723-4262
& Computer Coding        
room 103 

Nursing Careers        Tamie Garcia        408-???
& Computer Coding        room 209 

Pharmacy Technician        Helena Polanco        408-723-4264        mbrautigam@metroed.netroom 211 

Sports Medicine & Kinesiology        Maggie Kasberger        408-723-4210        room 305  

Veterinary Science        Elizabeth Belaski        408-723-4247        room 210 

Attendance and Schedules

Calendar Events

Did you know: 93% of high school students in CTE programs graduate high school; that is more than 10% greater than the overall high school graduation rate. CTE high school students also have a greater rate of on-time graduation than non-CTE high school students. (U.S. Department of Education)

Bell Schedule







AM class (3 hours in person)







Clerical use (no time)



PM class (3 hours in person)







Clerical use (no time)


Clerical use (no time)

Class Schedules

Students may attend Silicon Valley CTE for either the morning (AM) or afternoon (PM) session. Bus times will vary, depending on the home high school; see website for specific bus routes and times. The schedule for a Silicon Valley CTE student, spending 15 hours per week on campus, may be as follows:

AM Session

6:45 –7:10 am        Students board the bus from home high school to Silicon Valley CTE (typical times)

7:30 –10:30 am        Silicon Valley CTE morning session

10:30 am        Students board bus to return to home high school, attend afternoon classes there

(Students attend afternoon classes at their home high school)

PM Session

(Students attend morning classes at their home high school)

12:00 pm –12:25 pm        After attending morning classes at home high school, students board bus to Silicon Valley CTE (typical times)

12:45 –3:45 pm        Silicon Valley CTE afternoon session

3:45 pm        Students board bus to return to home high school

Class Breaks

Student breaks are short instructional breaks, and students must remain under teacher supervision (line of sight) during all breaks. Student breaks occur at the teacher’s discretion.

Food or drinks may not be consumed in the classroom, except water.

Students may not receive personal delivery services while on campus (e.g. DoorDash, GrubHub, family/friends bringing a beverage) due to the disruption this causes. SVCTE administration will take possession of any delivered food items during the class period and hold these items  at the Student Services office until class dismissal for the student to pick up. Continued violations will result in progressive discipline.

The student store and the Hub may have food or drink available for purchase.  


Student Absence Line: 408-723-4260

Regular participation through attendance is an important part of “Career and College Ready Practices”.

In keeping with professional workplace/employment expectations, students should communicate with their teachers in advance whenever absences are expected.  Students must make up all work missed during absences.  

Students arriving late should walk by the Student Services to pick up a tardy pass which must be turned in to the teacher.


When an absence is planned or occurs, the student’s parent/guardian must inform the Student Services office to excuse the absence.  Absences can be reported in person, by calling the Student Absence Line: 408-723-4260, or by submitting an online form.  Note that while SVCTE will record the absence regardless of whether a student or parent/guardian reports it, some absences require verification by a parent/guardian to be counted as excused. (AR 5113)

When a student is absent:  

Chronic Absenteeism

Chronic absenteeism may result in withdrawal from SVCTE and loss of credits.

Chronic Absenteeism is missing 10 percent of school days in a school year for any reason, excused or unexcused (Education Code §60901). Silicon Valley Career Technical Education (SVCTE) students who have excess absences may be required to participate in an attendance contract, may be withdrawn from the SVCTE program, and may lose credits.  (BP/AR 5113.1)

Any student with 9 or more absences (10% of the semester’s days) who is not participating successfully with an attendance improvement contract prior to the Progress I (5- or 6-week) grade period in any semester may be ineligible to continue the SVCTE Program in that semester.  Adult students in this condition will be notified of the end of their enrollment and will receive no refund of tuition paid for that semester.  

Excusable Absences

MetroED Administrative Regulation 5113 and California Education Code 48205 allow absences for these causes to be recorded as excused:  

  1. Illness, including an absence for the benefit of the pupil’s mental or behavioral health (2 days in a row require no note; 3 or more days in a row requires a note from a physician’s office stating the student should not attend class for the affected dates.)
  2. Quarantine under the direction of a county or city health officer
  3. Medical, dental, optometrical, or chiropractic services (appointment documentation required)
  4. Funeral services of a member of the pupil’s immediate family - 1 day if the service is in California and up to 3 days if the service is outside California
  5. Jury duty
  6. Illness or medical appointment during school hours of a child of whom the pupil is the custodial parent, including absences to care for a sick child (no doctor’s note  required)
  7. Justifiable personal reasons, including, but not limited to, an appearance in court, attendance at a funeral service, observance of a holiday or ceremony of the pupil’s religion, attendance at a religious retreat, attendance at an employment conference, or attendance at an educational conference on the legislative or judicial process offered by a nonprofit organization, when the pupil’s absence is requested in writing by the parent or guardian and approved by the principal or a designated representative (only approved in advance; may not be requested retroactively)
  8. Serving as a member of a precinct board for an election pursuant to Section 12302 of the Elections Code
  9. Spending time with a member of the pupil’s immediate family who is an active duty member of the uniformed services, as defined in Section 49701, and has been called to duty for, is on leave from, or has immediately returned from, deployment to a combat zone or combat support position
  10. Student’s naturalization ceremony to become a United States citizen
  11. A cultural ceremony or event
  12. Authorized at the discretion of a school administrator, as described in subdivision (c) of Section 48260.
  13. Work in the entertainment or allied industry (Education Code 48225.5)
  14. Work for a student who holds a work permit authorizing such work in the entertainment or allied industries for a period of not more than five consecutive days. For this purpose, student absence shall be excused for a maximum of up to five absences per school year.  (Education Code 48225.5)
  15. Participation with a nonprofit performing arts organization in a performance for a public school audience (Education Code 48225.5) (up to 5 days per school year with written explanation from parent/guardian)

Internship attendance

Students participating in an internship, but not concurrently with their SVCTE class schedule will be expected to attend class on campus, and provided work space to continue their education.

Student Progress Monitoring

Through the year, SVCTE teachers and staff monitor student progress and share this data with home school staff.  In the first 5 weeks of each semester, student attendance is the primary indicator of student progress.  After Progress Grade I is reported, the student’s grade is the primary indicator of student progress.

Academic Records


Students will be graded in three knowledge and skills areas: Academic, Technical, and Career Readiness. The combination of these three areas is intended to prepare students for post-secondary education and employment. These areas will be evaluated using standards developed by industry and by the California Department of Education, which reflect workplace and academic expectations. Silicon Valley CTE teachers establish appropriate assessments to evaluate students. The accepted school-wide definitions are (CTE Standards are linked):

Academic: The academic knowledge gained through classroom presentations, demonstrations, lectures, textbooks, media and activities. Knowledge and skills are evaluated through a variety of assessments. Academic subjects (e.g. math, science, English, Social Studies) are integrated into career technical learning.

Technical: The application of skills and knowledge in the career field you are studying, to create something, to provide a service, and/or to perform a function. These skills are evaluated by demonstration, presentation, and traditional assessments.

Career Readiness: The essential “soft” skills, qualities and behaviors that are used daily to achieve success in the workplace in all fields, not specific to any one particular career.

These Academic, Technical and Career Readiness practices are assessed on a daily basis as students participate in classroom and lab/shop activities.

Late Work

Teachers at SVCTE may set specific late work policies for specific programs which are different from the default SVCTE late work policy.  The default SVCTE late work policy is that the final score on any work turned in after a published deadline, shall be reduced by 10% or one grade letter (A to B, etc.) up to four (4) weeks late.  After 4 weeks past a published deadline, late work is not typically accepted and the assignment will be marked with a failing score.  

Date turned in

Maximum score

On or before published deadline

100% or A

1 week after published deadline

90% or A

2 weeks after published deadline

80% or B

3 weeks after published deadline

70% or C

4 or more weeks after published deadline

Not accepted; Missing score or F

If a student’s absence was documented appropriately as an excused absence, any work deadlines affected by the absence will be extended by the same number of days of the absence, until the same number of days after the absence.  


If a student has an excused absence of 2 days, any missed assignments will be due on their 2nd day of class attendance.  Any assignments given in the first 2 days after the absence will be eligible for a 2-day extension.  After this time the late policy applies to all assignments.

Progress Reports

Progress Reports are issued every six weeks and are reported to the student, parent/guardian, school counselors and to their home high school as they serve to notify students who are in danger of failing (EC §49067a).  The end-of-semester grades are the official grade reports, recorded in students’ permanent transcript, and determine credits issued.

Progress report and semester final grade dates are:

Fall 2023 Semester

6-week Progress:        September 15

12-week Progress:        November 3

Semester 1 End:        December 22

Spring 2024 Semester

6-week Progress:        February 16

12-week Progress:        April 12

Semester 2 End:        May 24

Final Marks

SVCTE letter grades (final marks) indicate that a student has demonstrated:

A”        Advanced skill development and has demonstrated many of the key components to  meet workplace expectations.

B”         Proficient skill development and demonstrated some of the key components  to meet workplace expectations.

C”         Basic skill development and has demonstrated few key components to meet workplace expectations.  This grade is the minimum requirement for students to be eligible for any internship opportunities offered.  For Dental Assisting students, maintaining a ‘C’ grade or better through the fall semester is required for continued enrollment into the spring semester.

D”        Minimal  skill development and has not demonstrated potential to meet workplace expectations. ‘D’ grades at any grade progress report require an Improvement Plan.  Students with a ‘D’ at the end of the second semester are ineligible for a Certificate of Completion.  Also note for Dental Assisting students, a ‘D’ grade at the end of the fall semester will not be eligible for internship, and therefore not be eligible for enrollment in the spring semester.

F”        Insufficient skill development and has not demonstrated potential to meet workplace expectations.  ‘F’ grades at any grade progress report require an Improvement Plan.  Students with an ‘F’ at the end of the fall semester may not enroll in SVCTE for the spring semester.  Students with an ‘F’ at the end of the second semester are ineligible for a Certificate of Completion.

“I”        An interim mark of “Incomplete” may be given for the (6) six-week and (12) twelve-week grading periods for students with missing or incomplete work. Teachers issuing an “incomplete” will develop an improvement plan determining what the student must do to improve their grade. Students will have an agreed period of time to complete the needed work, not to exceed six weeks. After the agreed upon time, if the work is not completed, the grade will be converted to an “F”.  An “I” will not be given as a final semester grade.

Improvement Plans

An Improvement Plan is designed to identify what a student must do in order to succeed in the current class or for the following semester. The student, student’s parent/guardian, counselor and teacher must agree to and sign this plan. A student who fails to meet these expectations may be withdrawn from SVCTE or may receive a failing grade. The SVCTE teacher will monitor all improvement plans.

In the case of an Improvement Plan developed due to not attending school, a student that does not meet the Improvement plan will be disenrolled from SVCTE at the end of the semester, regardless of academic standing, and ineligible to re-enroll for the following semester.


A student who receives an “F” grade at the end of any semester will be withdrawn from any continuing classes.  


Schedule changes for high school students are initiated by the home high school counselor, as SVCTE does not determine student schedules. Students should contact home high school counselors, as only they can initiate schedule changes.

Certificates of Course Completion and Competency

Silicon Valley CTE awards a Certificate of Completion to students who successfully complete a full-year (2-semester) course. Also given is a Certificate of Competency, which documents the level of skills mastery gained. With a century of history in Santa Clara County, the Certificates from SVCTE are recognized by local businesses and employers as proof that you are well trained and ready to enter the workforce.

Students who earn a letter grade of A, B, and C will receive their Certificate of Course Completion and Certificate of Competency. Students with a grade of  D or lower, or who violate an Attendance Agreement, or who complete only a single semester, will not receive a LOC or Certificate of Completion.

Certificates of Course Completion will list the specific number of hours of the course completed by the student, calculated by subtracting all unknown or unexcused absences (including unexcused tardies or departures/cuts) from the total number of hours of the course. As attendance is recorded hourly, a typical unexcused tardy mark for a student arriving less than 60 minutes late will result in a one hour deduction from the total completed hours for the course.


Students who successfully complete the Silicon Valley CTE course in which they are enrolled will typically earn 15 SVCTE high school credits per semester (30 credits for the year).  Grades and credits are issued at the end of each semester.  

Graduation credits are granted as elective, or a blend of elective and academic based on UC a–g designation. Home high school districts issue official credits and transcripts: SVCTE only recommends credits based on course completion.  Individual schools or districts may choose to credit courses differently.  Please see your home school counselor for more information.

University of California (UC) “a–g” Course Credits

Nineteen courses here at Silicon Valley CTE are a–g approved courses; 10 of the 30 credits earned during the school year meet the UC/CSU college-prep high school graduation requirements. Two of our courses —Medical Science/Health Careers and Metals Technology— have (2) a–g approvals, and 20 of the 30 credits earned during the school year meet the UC/CSU requirements, depending on home district rules. The list of a–g-approved courses can be found below and online at under the “CTE Courses” menu.

The 18 courses listed below have been UC “a–g” approved. Of the 20 or 30 credits earned during the school year, 10 credits (5/semester, 10/year) may be reported on a student’s application for admission to any UC or CSU.

SVCTE Course Name

UC “a–g” Course Name

UC “a–g” Approval



“f” — Visual & Performing Arts

Construction Technology

Construction Technology

“c” — Mathematics  I



“g” - Elective - Math - Computer Science

Dental Assisting

Dental Assisting

“g”— Science – Integrated

Fashion Design and Textile Art

Fashion Design and Textile Art

“f” — Visual & Performing Arts 

SVCTE Course Name

UC “a–g” Course Name

UC “a–g” Approval

Film and Video Production

Film and Video Production

“f” — Visual & Performing Arts

Fire Science/First Responder

Fire Science I

“d” — Chemistry

Forensic Science

Forensic Sciences

“d”— Lab Science

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning  (HVAC)

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning  (HVAC)

“c” — Mathematics – Math I

Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement

“g” — Elective – History

Mechatronics Engineering

Mechatronics Engineering

“d” Physics

Medical Assisting

Medical Assistant - Clinical

“g” — Lab Science – Biology

Medical Science/Health Careers

Medical Science/Health Careers

“d” — Lab Science

“g”— Elective

Metals Technology

Metals Technology

“c” — Geometry

“g” — Elective

Mobile App Design & Computer Coding

Mobile Application Development

“g”  Elective

Nursing Careers

Nursing Careers

“d” - Lab Science - Biology

“g” - Elective

Pharmacy Technician

Pharmacy Technician

“g” — Elective

Sports Medicine & Kinesiology

Sports Medicine / Kinesiology

“d” — Lab Science – Biology

Veterinary Science

Integrated Animal Science

“d” — Lab Science

College Credit

Silicon Valley CTE Students earning a grade of “A” or “B” for two semesters have the potential to earn college credit through a variety of ways. Many classes at Silicon Valley CTE offer college dual and concurrent enrollment, as well as multiple articulation agreements.

Please consult with your instructor for the number of college credits available, what must be done to earn the credit, and in which colleges and programs credit is offered. The process for how to receive college credits is also at under the “Students” menu. Silicon Valley CTE has articulation agreements at the following California Community Colleges:

  • De Anza College
  • Evergreen Valley College
  • Foothill Community College
  • Mission College
  • San Jose City College
  • West Valley College
  • Cabrillo College
  • And several others

Scholarships and Award Recognition

Each year, Silicon Valley CTE recognizes students who have demonstrated excellence throughout the school year. The scholarships and awards are given in the form of tools, equipment, and/or cash, to assist students in entering their vocations or continuing their education. Students are recognized for their skills, citizenship, attendance, and overall accomplishments. Awards are given school-wide as well as through individual programs.

Campus Access & Use

Closed Campus

Silicon Valley CTE is a closed campus; all students (both adult and high school) are required to sign out at Student Services (room 803) when leaving campus before the scheduled end of the class session. High school students must have parent/guardian permission (even if they are 18 years old).

The entire MetroED campus is monitored by video camera surveillance.

Students may be required to submit a health screening before arriving on campus.  

Driving and Parking

Students being dropped off (whether by a family member, friend, or app-based ride share service), need to be dropped in the drop-off lane, next to the 100 building on the left side of the main entrance drive, from Gate 1.

Students who wish to drive to school must abide by the following policies:

Students failing to abide by these policies, or driving unsafely, may lose their driving and parking privileges.

Did you know: Following your interests and skills toward a career is likely to lead to a higher income than the average employer in that field. CTE helps students to develop their interests and skills.

Emergency Drills & Procedures

Safety drills will be conducted periodically throughout the school year. All students and visitors (minors and adults) are required to participate in these drills to ensure their safety in the event of an actual emergency.

In the event of an actual emergency situation, students may be required to stay on the Silicon Valley CTE campus longer than their scheduled class time. Students must be released by a staff member before they may leave the campus. Minors may only be released with parental permission.


Some classes may provide lockers for personal storage at no cost. These lockers are to be locked with Silicon Valley CTE-issued locks only. Personal locks will be removed. These lockers are the property of Silicon Valley CTE and are subject to search by school staff at any time.

Lost & Found

The Silicon Valley CTE “Lost and Found” is located in the Student Services Office which is located in room 803.  Items left for more than one semester will be donated to a local charity or discarded.  

Did you know: Over 1,300 of the nearly 1,800 students enrolled this year in CTE courses here at Silicon Valley CTE —that’s 75% of students here— are enrolled in UC a–g approved college-prep courses.

Student Opportunities

Job Listings

SVCTE is proud to receive job postings from many local businesses seeking the talent of our well-trained students; these are posted in Student Services, room 803, as well as on the SVCTE website when possible.

Accident Insurance

Accident insurance coverage can be purchased at a moderate price through an outside vendor. ( An insurance waiver form with a parent or guardian’s signature is required for those declining coverage.


Community Classroom (CC — unpaid)

Cooperative Vocational Education (CVE — paid)

Many classes include work-based learning experiences (WBL) in which students are matched to either paid or non-paid internship training sites in businesses and industries throughout the community. In order to be eligible, students must have their instructor’s recommendation and meet minimum grade, attendance and performance standards. Students must provide their own transportation to and from their internship site.

Depending on the program your student is participating in, an internship will have hourly commitments of participation each week, which they will be held accountable for to justify a final grade for the class and possibly qualify for certification.  Optimally, students will use the time they would normally be scheduled to attend class on site at SVCTE to fulfill their internship hours.  However, some students have communicated a need to schedule their internship outside of their current SVCTE class schedule time.  In the case of a student scheduled to be at SVCTE, but not reporting to an offsite internship assignment during that schedule time, that student will be expected to be on site at SVCTE in order to be marked as present in our attendance system for that day.

Did you know: 93% of high school CTE graduates have enrolled in college, are working, or have enlisted in the military within 6 months of graduation.
(U.S. Department of Education)

Student Organizations

There are several Career Technical Student Organizations active here at SVCTE:

Skills USA

SkillsUSA is a nationally affiliated club, a partnership of high school and college students, teachers and industry representatives working together to ensure that America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps prepare students for careers in technically skilled service occupations. SkillsUSA is a private entity that is separate and apart from MetroED. MetroED does not require any students in any of its Silicon Valley CTE classes to join SkillsUSA, nor does MetroED offer any kind of class credits or extra credit for students who may choose to participate in SkillsUSA. SkillsUSA offers its members the opportunity to compete in the SkillsUSA Championships. There are expenses incurred for students that voluntarily enter SkillsUSA competitions. Learn more at

Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)

HOSA is an international student organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Education (HSE) Division of the Association for Career Technical Education. Our Silicon Valley CTE Chapter is open to all students in the Health Sciences courses, and is coordinated by Sports Medicine & Kinesiology teacher Ms. Jennifer Rockett. Learn more at

Student Ambassador Program

Each class selects both morning and afternoon students to represent the class as Student ambassador. Student ambassador members will promote Silicon Valley CTE to our partnering high schools through student leadership. All Silicon Valley CTE students are encouraged to develop and participate in extracurricular functions throughout the school year.


MAPin provides students with resources to develop their academic and career pathways goals. MAPin offers services for students interested in a college degree, certificate or transferring to a four-year college and assists students with resume writing, preparing for interviews and job search.

MAPin (room 304)         723-4290

Professional Expectations

All Silicon Valley CTE courses are Capstone CTE courses, and challenge students to exhibit the highest levels of professionalism, including:

Specific classes may also have additional requirements for appropriate professional behavior and skills.

These very high expectations exceed what is expected in your home high school, and not all students have the maturity, motivation and self-discipline to meet these demanding expectations.

Electronic Devices

The use of personal electronic devices is not allowed in class without the permission of the instructor. (Education Code §51512) Students must turn off and put away personal cell/smart phones, tablets, electronic games or other similar equipment when in the classrooms and labs, unless otherwise directed. Electronic devices must be put away when students are in the Hub serving area (the food lines). Students may use their phones/electronic devices while on break and in the eating area of the Hub (tables) when allowed by their instructors. Students must be respectful when using their electronic devices and personal listening device (e.g. in-ear headphones, earbuds, etc.).

Electronic devices may be used in the ‘common areas’ before and after school and on break (as allowed by the instructor). Unsafe or unauthorized use of these devices may result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Student Behavior Policy and Disciplinary Action Chart. Repeated offenses may result in item(s) being confiscated and held for parent pick-up. The confiscated device will be returned only to a parent/guardian. Silicon Valley CTE is not responsible for lost or stolen devices.

Computer & Internet Use

All students are required to sign the Computer and Network Acceptable Use Agreement prior to any use of computers or the Internet on campus. This agreement states the rules and procedures that a student must follow in order to use a computer on campus and to access the Internet. The form can be found at Improper or inappropriate computer use will result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Student Behavior Policy and Disciplinary Action Chart.

Identification Badges

All students must wear identification at all times on the MetroED campus as well as while boarding or traveling on MetroED-provided transportation (school bus) to or from the MetroED campus.  SVCTE may provide an identification badge or a sticker to add to a student’s existing home high school identification badge. SVCTE will provide badge covers, clips, and lanyards as appropriate at no cost to students; replacement supplies may be charged a nominal fee.  

Uniforms and Professional Appearance

Many classes at Silicon Valley CTE require class uniforms; these uniforms are similar to what one would wear in a job and are worn daily to help establish a professional appearance and setting for students in these classes. Depending on the class, uniforms may include: pants, shirts, hats, jackets, shoes, and/or belts.  Teachers will define the required uniform or attire for each class.  

When arriving on campus for in-person instruction, students are required to arrive dressed in the appropriate uniform or attire for their program.  Access to restrooms or locker rooms will not be provided for the purpose of changing into or out of uniform.  

Students must wash their uniforms as needed to keep them clean.

Students are encouraged to purchase their own uniforms. Students who do not purchase their own uniform will be lent a uniform for the duration of the class; these may be previously used and will be professionally laundered before issue.

Along with a uniform, professional appearance includes grooming and hygiene, as well as standards for jewelry, nails, tattoos, hair, etc. Teachers will define specific requirements for each class.

Studentsuniform and appearance are a part of the Career Readiness grade.

Dress Code

Silicon Valley CTE is a technical career education and training facility; students display appropriate and professional dress. All clothes must conform to campus, classroom, and professional workplace standards.

The dress code will be enforced at all times when students are on Silicon Valley CTE campus, or involved in any school function — on or off campus.  Students engaged in Distance Learning synchronous video sessions should ensure that the portion of their appearance visible to a camera is professional and complies with the SVCTE Dress Code. 

  1. Clothes will be clean, hemmed and free of holes.
  2. A student may not wear clothing more than one size larger or smaller than the student’s size.
  3. All pants must be worn at the waist and provide full coverage of underwear (i.e. no sagging pants).
  4. Shorts and skirts must be no shorter than mid-thigh when standing. Slits in skirts must be no higher than the acceptable skirt/short length.
  5. All students must wear tops that conform to standards of employment for their instructional/industry area, as determined by the instructor. In addition, shoulder straps or sleeveless blouses must be no shorter than the edge of the shoulder and must provide full coverage of undergarments. Tank tops, halter tops, narrow straps, midriff tops and low cut tops are not permitted. Torsos will be covered at all times; see-through clothing or pajamas are not allowed.
  6. Any clothing that denotes gang affiliation colors or professional sport affiliation is not allowed.
  7. Graphics on clothing and accessories (hats, purses, bags, etc.) in the form of statements or pictures that are offensive in nature are not allowed. Statements or pictures referring to violence, drugs, alcohol, gang affiliation, sexual suggestions or that are racially demeaning are not allowed.
  8. Bare feet or house slippers are not allowed on campus. Sandals are acceptable only where the class area does not require other footwear for safety reasons.
  9. In accordance with public health orders, students may be required to wear a mask which consists of multiple layers of material without an exhalation vent and which covers the nostrils and mouth fully at all times on campus other than brief moments needed for eating or drinking as permitted.  
  10. For campus safety, hats, hoods, and other head coverings that conceal the face other than those listed for public health purposes may not be worn on campus, unless for religious reasons.  
  11. Teachers may have additional requirements for their specific class.

Non-compliance with dress code may require a student to call home for a parent/guardian to bring appropriate clothing to Silicon Valley CTE, or to pick up the student. The student may also be asked to put on a covering kept in the classroom for such purposes. The student may return to/remain in class only when appropriately dressed. Continued non-compliance may result in suspension or withdrawal from Silicon Valley CTE.(BP/AR 5132)

Did you know: 81% of high school dropouts reported that real-world relevant courses —such as CTE— would have helped them stay in high school to graduation. (Gates Foundation)

School Buses

Bus transportation to Silicon Valley CTE is available for all high school students to and from their home school. Riding the bus to Silicon Valley CTE is a privilege which may be rescinded if a student fails to meet professional expectations. 
(Ed Code
§41850, BP/AR 5131.1)

Bus Stops, Pick-Up and Drop-Off

Professional Expectations for Students Using Buses

  1. Treat driver courteously including obeying all instructions and showing proper identification when requested
  2. Follow all safety procedures, including use of proper exits
  3. Hold peaceful, friendly interactions with other passengers
  4. Protect bus from damage and keep the bus clean
  5. Keep arms and body inside windows
  6. Keep calm and courteous behavior
  7. Refrain from eating, drinking, or using any inhaling or vaping products
  8. Remain seated while bus is in motion

A student violating any of the expectations listed above may temporarily or permanently lose the privilege to ride the bus and may receive a school suspension or other school discipline.

Behavior Policy & Response

All behavior policies and consequences are set forth in California Education Code §48900 and §48915, and by Approved MetroED Board Policies (BP) and Administrative Regulations (AR).  SVCTE uses progressive discipline in the context of Restorative Justice.


  1. Causing, attempting to cause, or threatening to cause physical injury to another person. §48900 a
  2. Possessing, selling or furnishing any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object §48900 b
  3. Committing or attempting to commit or assisting in robbery or extortion (including theft of school property or personal property of others) §48900 e, g
  4. Destruction of school or private property (including school bus) §48900 f
  5. Arson of school or private property §48900 f
  6. Committing or attempting to commit sexual assault or sexual battery or any form of sexual misconduct or harassment §48900 n
  7. Selling any illegal drug or controlled substance §48915 c (3)


  • Police called upon to assist
  • Home high school administration contacted
  • Parent conference with Teacher and/or Administrator
  • Withdrawal from Silicon Valley CTE


  1. Possessing, using, or furnishing any illegal drug or drug paraphernalia, or being under the influence of any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage or other intoxicant §48900 c, d, j
  2. Inappropriate Internet access as explained in MetroED’s Acceptable Use Policy §48900
  3. Committing an obscene act or gesture or engaging in habitual profanity or vulgarity §48900i
  4. Bullying —including cyberbullying— of a sexual or non-sexual nature, of/by a student or staff, whether committed on or off campus. §48900 r
  5. Caused, attempted to cause, threatened to cause, or participated in an act of, hate violence.  BP/AR 5145.9
  6. Disrupting school activities or willfully defying school personnel engaged in the performance or their duties §48900 k
  7. Exhibiting disruptive behavior on a school bus §48900 s
  8. Engaging in any physical or verbal gang-related activity, including but not limited to graffiti/tagging, wearing gang “colors” or displaying gang signs, etc. BP/AR 5132


Depends on Severity (as determined by Silicon Valley CTE Administration)

  • Warning
  • Behavior contract
  • Restorative actions
  • Home High School Administrator Contact
  • Parent-Teacher and/or Administrator conference
  • 1-3 day Suspension
  • Possible loss of Silicon Valley CTE enrollment privilege for up to one full year
    (2 semesters)

Did you know: 80% of CTE high school students met rigorous college & career readiness goals, compared to 63% of non-CTE high school students that met these goals. (U.S. Department of Education)


  1. Engaging in harassment of another student or staff §48900 o
  2. Violating safety rules
  3. Forging notes/dishonesty
  4. Cutting class or leaving campus without permission
  5. Using tobacco or tobacco byproducts or substances on the school campus §48900 h, BP/AR 5131.62
  6. Unauthorized or inappropriate use of personal electronic devices (cellular phones, tablets, pagers, etc.)
  7. Failing to follow Silicon Valley CTE dress code
  8. Chronic tardiness or truancy
  9. Using skateboards, roller blades, scooters, or bicycles on campus
  10. Violation of Social Distancing Protocol or public health orders





Depends on Severity

(as determined by admin)

  • Teacher-Admin-Parent conference
  • Call for parent pick-up
  • Warning
  • Behavior contract
  • Restorative actions
  • Warning of possible removal from class
  • Home high school assistant principal contacted

Depends on Severity

(as determined by admin )

  • Teacher-Admin-Parent conference
  • Home high school assistant principal contact
  • Call for parent pick-up
  • 1-3 day suspension
  • Warning of possible removal from class
  • May be withdrawn from Silicon Valley CTE

Depends on Severity

(as determined by admin)

  • Home high school assistant principal contact
  • Call for parent pick-up
  • 1-3 day suspension
  • May be withdrawn from Silicon Valley CTE

In the event of an incident that requires investigation, any person’s personal belongings may be searched, including cell phones and other electronic devices. (Ed Code §38000, Board Policy 5145.12)

Information Systems

G Suite Accounts (

All SVCTE students use G Suite (Google) accounts which include access to MetroED-provided email at as well as Google Drive and other G Suite apps. accounts are used as a Single Sign-On service, allowing access to many other platforms through an “SSO” or “Sign in with Google” option.

Access information will be sent to the student’s secondary (personal) email address on file.  It is the responsibility of the student to maintain an accurate secondary email address in MetroED’s files as well as a current phone number which allows for both voice and text messages to allow for account access and recovery.  

Students must check their email account at least once during each school day and respond as necessary to messages from staff or teachers.  Students should use their account to message teachers and staff as needed and to access other SVCTE services.  As a general rule, students should not access any service or complete any task related to their work with SVCTE through a personal account which can be otherwise accomplished through their account. accounts are provided to students for the exclusive purpose of supporting their education and training through SVCTE programs and related internships.  Students should not use accounts to sign up for services of personal interest (e.g. gaming, entertainment media, social media) beyond their professional training. For further technical assistance, families may reach out to

Learning Management System (Canvas)

All SVCTE courses use Canvas ( as our assigned Learning Management System where teachers will post all assignments, modules of study, course outlines or syllabi, and announcements.

Student Information

All student records of attendance, final grade marks, and student & family contact information are stored in our student information system, Infinite Campus (IC).  Regular class assignments, due dates, scores, and running grade totals are stored in Canvas, not in IC. SVCTE Student Services is happy to share any student records needed (such as attendance records) to students or their parent/guardian.  

District Policies and Legal Notices

Nondiscrimination/Harassment Policies

MetroED does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, disability, age, or sexual orientation in any of its policies, procedures, or practices, and prohibits all forms of harassment including, but not limited to, harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, disability or sexual orientation. Students, parents, guardians, or any other individuals having questions or concerns regarding the District’s non-discrimination policy can contact the Director of Human Resources, 723-6435. Students with concerns related to any form of harassment on campus can speak with any staff person or contact an Assistant Principalor designee and/or counselors. (MetroED Board policies are online at BP 0410, BP/AR 5145.3

What is Sexual Harassment?  

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical contact, or other verbal or physical conduct or communication of sexual nature.  Grounds for disciplinary of legal action include but are not limited to: [1] comments, jokes, gestures, or looks of a sexual or lewd nature; [2] references to gender, or name calling, rumors, or requests for sexual favors; [3] unwelcome touching, grabbing, pinching, whistling; [4] being intentionally brushed up against or blocked from freely moving; having clothing pulled in a sexually suggestive way; [5] being forced to kiss someone or do something sexual other than kissing; [6] sexually offensive pictures, graffiti.

What is Harassment and Intimidation?  

Individuals who pick on, bully, harass, push around, threaten, laugh at or mock, or threaten another individual over any issue are engaged in harassing or intimidating behavior.  Disciplinary consequences include but are not limited to after school detention, community service hours, suspension, removal from the classroom, removal from the school, possible police citation, or conflict mediation, depending on the degree of the problem.

Read our Title IX policies at

Relevant Board Policies

Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities (BP 0410(a))

District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, ethnicity, age, religion, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.

 (cf. 4030 - Nondiscrimination in Employment)

(cf. 4032 - Reasonable Accommodation)

(cf. 4119.11/4219.11/4319.Il - Sexual Harassment)

(cf. 4161.8/4261.8/4361.8 - Family Care and Medical Leave)

(cf. 5131.2 - Bullying)

(cf 5145.3 - Nondiscrimination/Harassment)

(cf 5145.7 - Sexual Harassment)

(cf 6178 - Career Technical Education)

( cf 6200 - Adult Education)

Complaints Concerning District Employees (BP 1312.1, 1312.1(a))

The Superintendent or designee shall develop regulations which permit the public to submit complaints against MetroED (District) employees in an appropriate way. These regulations shall protect the rights of involved parties. The Board may serve as an appeals body if the complaint is not resolved. The Superintendent or designee shall determine whether a complaint should be considered a complaint against the MetroED (District) and/or an individual employee, and whether it should be resolved by the district's process for complaints concerning personnel and/or other District procedures.

(cf 1312.2 - Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials)

(cf 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures)

(cf 3515.2 - Disruptions)

(cf 4144/4244/4344 - Complaints)

Uniform Complaint Procedures (BP 1312.3)

The district shall investigate and seek to resolve any complaints alleging failure to comply with such laws and/or alleging unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying in accordance with the uniform complaint procedures. The district shall use the uniform complaint procedures to resolve any complaint alleging unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying in district programs and activities based on actual or perceived characteristics of race or ethnicity, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information, or any other characteristic identified in Education Code 200 or 220, Penal Code 422.55, or Government Code 11135, or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.

(cf 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)

(cf 4030 - Nondiscrimination in Employment)

(cf 4031 - Complaints Concerning Discrimination in Employment)

(cf 5131.2 - Bullying)

(cf 5145.3 - Nondiscrimination/Harassment)

(cf 5145.7 - Sexual Harassment)

Uniform Complaint Procedures

The District has the responsibility for ensuring compliance with state and federal laws and regulations governing educational programs, and follows uniform complaint procedures when addressing complaints alleging unlawful discrimination based on ethnic group identification, religion, age, gender, color, or physical or mental disability in any program or activity that receives or benefits from state financial assistance. Early informal resolution of complaints at the local level is encouraged whenever possible. SVCTE and MetroED have procedures for receiving complaints in accordance with law. Read UCP Board Policy here and Administrative Regulations here. The UCP form is available here or in the school office.

Extracurricular & Non-Academic Activities (BP 6145.1)

In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (“Section 504”) and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (“ADA”), the Metropolitan Education District (“MetroED”) provides equal access and services through reasonable accommodation(s) to qualified students with disabilities.  This includes equal access for MetroED-sponsored extracurricular and nonacademic activities.

(cf. 0410 – Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)

(cf. 5145.3 – Nondiscrimination/Harassment)

(cf. 6164.4 – Identification and Evaluation of Individuals for Special Education)

Specific to the Silicon Valley Career Technical Education Center (“SVCTE”), MetroED provides its offered non-academic and extracurricular services and activities in such manner as is necessary to afford qualified students with disabilities an equal opportunity for participation in such services and activities. (34 CFR 104.4, 104.37.)  As such, MetroED will provide reasonable accommodations in order for qualified students with disabilities to participate equally in MetroED-sponsored SVCTE program events that take place outside of the SVCTE classroom or internship site, for example, field trips and academic and career competitions.

(cf. 6145 – Extracurricular and Co-curricular Activities)

(cf. 6145.5 – Student Organizations and Equal Access)

Qualified SVCTE students with disabilities requesting reasonable accommodation(s) for an SVCTE program event should follow the procedures set forth below:

  1. Requests for accommodations must be presented in writing, as soon as the student or parent/legal guardian is aware of the need for an accommodation, to the SVCTE Counseling Program Coordinator.  MetroED requests 30 days of notice for any requested accommodation(s).  However, MetroED will consider requests made at any reasonable time prior to the SVCTE program event.
  2. Within ten (10) school days of receipt of the written request, the Counseling Program Coordinator will make reasonable efforts to schedule a meeting with the student, student’s parent or legal guardian, SVCTE Principal or designee, and a representative from the student’s home school district who is responsible for monitoring implementation of the student’s Individualized Education Program (“IEP”) or Section 504 plan, as applicable, to discuss the request and determine the accommodation(s), if any, to be provided.
  3. Within five (5) school days following the meeting referenced above, the SVCTE Counseling Program Coordinator will notify the student’s parent or legal guardian in writing of the accommodation(s) that will be provided during the SVCTE program event.
  4. MetroED is not required to provide an accommodation that fundamentally alters the nature of the program event, or results in undue administrative or financial burden to MetroED. (28 CFR 35.150.)  If MetroED believes that a requested accommodation will fundamentally alter the nature of the SVCTE program event or result in an undue administrative or financial burden to MetroED, MetroED will engage in an interactive process with the student and parent or legal guardian to identify whether an alternative accommodation may be provided.
  5. After the reasonable accommodation(s) is determined, the Counseling Program Coordinator will notify, in writing, the SVCTE Principal or designee, the student’s SVCTE teacher, and the SVCTE staff responsible for supervising and/or coordinating the program event, of the accommodation to be provided during the SVCTE program event.

For purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply:

Did you know: High school CTE graduates earn on average ~$4,000/year more than other high school graduates, in the first years after graduating high school — and $5,000/year more in Santa Clara County!


Dear Parent/Guardian:

Education Code 48980 (a) states that School Boards are required by law to notify parents of their rights to services and programs offered by their district school/schools. Parents/Guardians must sign a notification form and return it to their children’s schools acknowledging that they have been informed of their rights.

Please sign and return to your child’s school the below portion acknowledging receipt of the new Parent/Student Handbook.

Your signature does not constitute consent to take part in any particular program.



I acknowledge, with my signature below, the receipt of the required annual notification of parent/ student rights on behalf of my son/daughter.

Please PRINT the name, birth date and student ID number of your child.

_________________________________________________________________ Last Name                 Middle Initial                         First Name


Birthdate                                 ID#

_____________________________             _____________________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian                 Signature of Student (Grades 9-12)