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Weekly Assignment Sheet for the Week of: 10/30/2017

Teacher: Amanda Moore        Subject: Trigonometry period 2 

(Objective/Standard/Anchor)                (Description of Lesson)                (Assign./HW/Due Date)


Objectives: find values of trigonometric functions of general angles

White board practice - general angles


Objectives: find values of trigonometric functions of general angles

Unit circle test


Objectives: oblique triangles - find missing parts of triangles with laws of sines and cosines, determine areas of triangles, apply triangles to practical problems

Guided notes - law of sines


Objectives: oblique triangles - find missing parts of triangles with laws of sines and cosines, determine areas of triangles, apply triangles to practical problems

Guided notes - law of sines and area


Objectives: oblique triangles - find missing parts of triangles with laws of sines and cosines, determine areas of triangles, apply triangles to practical problems

Law of sines/area graded assignment

*Note: All homework is due the following day unless otherwise specified.