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"Spiral" (NSA HUMINT)
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"Spiral" (Law film, horror):

Masterminds Dispatched (Approached cop unions, of rights over civilians):

NSA Admin (Highschool training program, for prints): Lincoln Chaffey.


Lincoln Chaffey: The molestation of minors as sit for radio pranks, for NEC Comics; the Rhode Island PD's mechanism for refusing officers having matched a print villain, however "The Tick" is the writer's staff, a male pedophile in cause of found to have beaten his wife with physical knuckles of the rear of hand.

Targets Hunted: Daniel Rodrigues, Christopher Dumais, Carlin Sarkesian, Boris Yeltsin, Charlton Heston, Alan Laverdiere I, Elie Wiesel.

UMass-Amherst CI (Collegiate feminism program, to interdict enemy police): Scott Peterson.

"Batman Begins".

Scott Peterson: The attempt at fraud of United States election through MI-6 NSA HUMINT in refusal of potluck, police; the Irish Provisionals, the United States civil services. The found nominal as having promoted an Amish marriage, for transition of ICBM stocks, outside of MI-6 Gentile stock into American Judaism, to betray Britain for Canadian independence in Parliament and an end to the Orange Order of Zulus and their Friendkin.

Targets Hunted: John Gotti Jr., Matthew Lennox, Allison Haimes, Brian Monaghan, Ivan Tomasic, Justin Walsh, Lacy Jae Slaunwhite, Nicholas Maynard, Daniel Cheeseman, Joshua Moen, Ryan Cunningham, Jenna Williamson, Cassandra Strange.

Air National (Elite operations unit, to scramble USMC and MI-6): John McCain.

"Sons of Anarchy".

John McCain: The funding to the Church of Satan as an officially registered denomination of domination, mandatory for all Romalians to join, under auspice of leadership of Brian Warner, alias Marilyn Manson, and an end to the refusal of the gay precipice of claim, from that provoked of agency of Romalian.

Targets Hunted: Gwenn Pratt, John Washburne, Lopez, Shipman, Jimmy, Anne McMurray, Corrin, Amelia, Vampy, Stan Lee.

Homeland Security (Provisional unit, to deal with terror threats; Columbine, the new age of the internet): Queen Elizabeth II.


Queen Elizabeth II: The Boston terror bombings, to hide involvement of her grandson, Crown Prince William, prior the office held by Charles III, to prevent amnesty being removed for all Latinos, Africans, or Romalians; the turning of national benevolence, of Saudi Arabia, into ire, at the framing of Chechnyan national allies of Saudi Arabians into a pro-Israeli position unwanted and against Saudi-Jewish identity.

Michael Giroux, Jeffrey Lange, Curly, Vet, Joe Moore, Franklin Spencer, Stacey "Sahar", Gutter, Kit Kat, Martina, Kevin Smith, Christiano Marisco, Markie "Loser", Paris Hilton, Joe "Snake", Ben Kasich, William Morgan Sr., Mistress Lucinda, Empress M, Goddess J, Lucky Knight, Kevin Reese, Zach Klein, Ryan Gregson, Andrew Schuck, Luke Stetson, Richard Coughlin, Maury Tyne, Alexandra Rhzanova, Dean Philips, Liz Churchill, Amanda Lange, Daniel Craig, Beth Lennox, Amanda Lennox.

DC Comics (CIA unit clandestine, Boston Freemasonic Temple): Benjamin Netanyahu.


Benjamin Netanyahu: The doom of Jews to factory jobs and warehouse labor, at the hands of MENSA, the Mormon faith of found prostitutes having wed and in dismissal of drug and prostitution; unnecessary, already an American police position, however in refusal of African-Americans, essential parts of Washington, Madison, Johnson, Grant, Garfield, and Cleveland, as well as supported by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, as housing for Germans to merge with African lines, to forgive the Holocaust of the Irish.

Targets Hunted: Duane Chapman, Harvey Weinstein, George Soros, Barack Obama, Jair Bonosornos, Hillary Rodham.

Army Reserve (Army revenge unit, to engage past foes victorious): Donald J. Trump.

"Fool's Paradise".

Donald J. Trump: The sabotage of American markets to favor the Japanese intelligence services, to pay own daughter, Ivanka, for her police service, at having defaulted on loan to his very own name, due to service in the World Wrestling Federation; Vince McMahon's merger, with the World Wildlife Federation, to produce Atavan; the terrified cat's death, to produce adrenochrome, for management of grocer's unions outside of proper rearing of local town tradition, instead siding with large chains to produce law professors of improper ilk outside own honesty of origin logic. Using film, instead.

Targets Hunted: Michael Charlebois, Diane Charlebois, Steve Charlebois, Ellen Winston, Jack Winston, Charles Winston, Aubrey Bennett, Ben Doremus.

NSA HUMINT (Electronic forces, out of couriers of internship): Kim Jong-un.

"Assassin's Creed: Syndicate".

Kim Jong-un: A fitting challenge, from an old friend. Webb, would you take Angus, by pale deviled moonlight?

Targets Hunted: William Morgan Jr., John Remby, Dr. Joshua Golden, Michael Fargnoli, Jessica Bailey, Marisa Tomasic, Spaz Parziale, Lyndon Byers, Kara Williamson Daignault, Christophe Stevens, HJ Carver, Chuck Burrill, Scott Burrill, Elgin James, Marilyn Manson, Linda Gates, Sayed Adnan, Keanu Reeves, Andrew Wachowski, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugh Jackman, Heath Ledger, Kim Jong-nam.

Thesis (Major of application, academic):

Law, is impossible, without a psychotic break.

Justice, is impossible, in courts.

History (Early training phase, formative, age 14):

July 1999: Death of mother, by suicide in self-defense; fear of divorce, separation from monetary care at support of CIA assassin; experimental bio-exorcist, terror unit, "NASH".

August 1999: Three movies shown, by CIA overwatch command. "Pi", "The Jackal", "Andromeda Strain".

September 1999: Informed by Isaac's strain of bloodline, "Hitler's mother was killed by a Jewish doctor".

October 1999: "Eric Cartman Halloween Hitler" episode of South Park aired.

November 1999: Michael Myers is let out of prison in Russia, aliased, "B-Rock".