Interaction & Expression

Using the Pausch Bridge Lighting  Spring 2021

Carnegie Mellon College of Fine Arts and School of Computer Science, in collaboration with IDeATe

Course Number: CFA 62-661, CS 15-661                Course Credit: 4 units, pass/fail or graded

Course Meeting: Thurs 4:30-6:00pm, A4 mini


Cindy Limauro                                Garth Zeglin

Office: PCA 348                                Office: NSH 3215

E-mail:                E-mail:

Course Description:

Working in cross-disciplinary teams, students will explore light as art, interactive design and programming using a Pharos lighting control system.  Students will explore the use of light and interaction using the actual controls within the Randy Pausch Memorial Bridge.  Student teams will develop final projects that will be exhibited on the Randy Pausch Memorial Bridge.

Prerequisites: none

Open to undergraduate and graduate students.  Enrollment limited to 12 per number, 24 total.

Learning Objectives:

Build collaborative skills – In the spirit of the Pausch Bridge metaphor learn to successfully collaborate with classmates across disciplines

Develop knowledge of expressive tools – Learn new tools of interaction and expression such as the Pharos lighting control system and interaction design techniques and put them into practice

Expand creativity and wonderment – Surprise, exceed, transform, and go beyond what has been done before

Project Goals:

The goals of the course and project will help you develop and improve the following skills:

Light as narrative – Understand the process of designing time-based lighting visual narratives

Interpretation of light – Understand how to translate abstract concepts into specific images of light

Light as temporal medium – Understand how time and motion can influence the meaning of a visual message

Designing for improvisation and interaction – Understand how to design  interactive performance tools to support improvisatory composition


This is a mini studio course with time devoted to lecture, discussion, work sessions, and critique of student work.  This course will culminate with a showing and critique of group based lighting projects to be conceived, designed, and implemented on the Randy Pausch Memorial Bridge using the Pharos Lighting Controller.

Rules of engagement:

As a mini, it is critical that you be fully engaged with your project and group for the full duration of the mini.  As such we have the following course rules:

Be there!

Attendance of all classes is mandatory.  You are allowed one excused absence for the semester without penalty; thereafter, you will receive zero credit for the missed studio.  To receive an excused absence, you must ask in advance, and receive an acknowledgement from the instructor.  Excusable absences include family emergencies, job interviews, and presenting at a conference.  It does not include wanting to leave early for a long weekend or vacation.  To receive credit for attendance you must arrive on time.

Be active!

During the in-class critique everyone is expected to be engaged in the discussion.  Final project, timely attendance, and in-class and team participation are all critical parts of your grade.

Grading criteria:


Participation in class, during critiques, and within your group

Rigorous design explorations

Quality of craftsmanship and level of completion of final project

Final grade: You have the Option of Pass/Fail or Receiving a Grade

Schedule Spring 2021:

Th  3/25        Introduction to course and Project Handout

                Light as Art visual examples

                Interaction visual examples

Th 4/1                Light and Color Theory

                Lighting Control and Generative Art

                Introduction to the Pausch Bridge Lighting Network

Th  4/8                Groups present project design ideas and visual research


Th  4/15        No Classes – Spring Carnival        

Th  4/22        Programming Techniques and Project Questions        


Th  4/29        Prelim Design Presentations 2-4 minute video “Proof of Concept”

Th  5/6          Evening Final Live Presentation on the Pausch Bridge with Discussion

                (Exact format TBD pending pandemic restrictions.)