The December Bell


Dear People,


The Christmas message is a message to the world of 2000 years ago, and is a message to the world today.


Hymns like “Christ For The World We Sing,” “In Christ There Is No East or West,” and “Thou God of All” are three of dozens of hymns which speak of the world as God’s arena, and Christ its cornerstone.


The Church’s role is to speak and act correctly in our attempts to be where Jesus is in the world.  It will take a change of attitude for we Christians in the Church. There are still those who believe that Jesus Christ is wherever the church is, instead of believing the Church is wherever Jesus Christ is.


Jesus is not the personal or private possession of the church, as if we decide when to carry him into the world. Christ is already in the world, and our responsibility is to follow him there, to be where he is, and to become involved in the works of love and justice in that world.


One can only wonder what would happen if more churches followed Jesus into the world. Certainly, it would at least mean that as we experience the incredible euphoria of Christmas, we are awakened to the reality that the news of Jesus’ birth is for the sake of the world! That is where the news of his birth is most needed.


The angel said it best,

Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy

that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this                                                            

day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.


We dare not keep this to ourselves. We dare not think the intimacy and beauty of our Christmas worship is just for us. It is for the homeless man who, on Christmas Eve, might find a place to put his head near a heating vent behind a business somewhere in Marshfield; it is for a woman whose phone was just disconnected, whose job has informed her they are cutting back and no longer needs her; it is for the serviceman who is stationed 8,000 miles from his family on Christmas and his heart is broken; and, it is for the merchant who is thankful for the Christmas rush at his store; and the wealthy person who is going to end this year with more money than he expected or needs.


The good news is for all of them, and for us, who thank God, he was born, but know that he grew up and traveled, and still travels in the world, the news of great joy – “Emmanuel,” God is with us.


I hope you keep traveling to, in, and beyond Christmas.


With much love,




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Cancelations due to storms: Please watch FOX25 and Also you can listen on WATD radio.





(Barnabas is the disciple of good works. In honor of him, we want to thank those who went beyond the norm to bless the church with gifts of their time, talent and treasure.)

-thank you to Judy Johnson, Jayne Bowman, and Ivy McCallum for their historic tour of our church’s history on Sunday, November 2th.

-thank you to the painters again this past month who completed the painting project begun months ago – painting the foyer, stairwell, and downstairs hallway of the parish house. John Curley, Warren Goshine, and Rev. Tom.  You can join them! Wednesday nights from 7-8:15pm. They are moving on to the newest project – the creation of the Ginny Chandler nursery.

-thank you to Dave Riley and Richard Mack for preparing the tolling of the bell on Sunday, Nov 12th after church. The steeple bell tolled 26 times remembering the 26 church members murdered during their Sunday worship service.

-thank you, again, to Barb and Ron Stutzman whose generous donations outfitted the exterior lights of both the sanctuary and parish house with reproduction colonial lantern fixtures, and the beautiful chandelier just installed in the hallway of the parish house.

-thank you to all who participated in the Christmas Shoe Box effort, which helps provide small gifts to make a huge difference in children’s lives at Christmas

-Thank you to All who helped ready our grounds and buildings, at the fall clean up day!




On March 8, 1931, during a severe storm, the steeple of the church was blown down and completely demolished.  Through the generosity of members and friends, both in and out of the town, it was immediately rebuilt along the original lines..            

Roger J. Dashner, Historian FCCM




We are all excited about the upcoming holiday season.

For any caring ministry needs please let the minister or office know and we will provide assistance.


 The Diaconate church calendar – please mark your calendars.

Sunday, December 3, 2017 First Sunday in Advent


Sunday, December 24, 2017 Christmas  Services at 9:30AM and 5PM

This year there will be one Christmas Eve service at 5:00 pm including the lighting of the Christ candle,

 beautiful music, prophetic and Christmas readings, moments with children, and an uplifting message by Dr. Richard. Bring your families, invite your neighbors!

Saturday, January 6, 2018 Epiphany and Unhanging of the Greens


God’s blessing to you from your Deaconate Team.


For the month of December the 2018 envelopes will be available on a table in the upper hall.  Please be sure to stop and pick yours up. If you do not have envelopes and would like them, please see one of us.


Thank you

Rhonda Curley and Donna McCue







    1. Purchase and install new stove hood for kitchen

   2. Repair floor and paint, front right of sanctuary

   3. Restore bulkhead of sanctuary

   4. New kitchen sink/cabinet

   5. New kitchen counters

   6. Clean kitchen cabinets

These projects are to encourage people to choose one to complete, or contribute to them. Please speak with one of the Trustees if you have questions.                                                                                                                  

John Curley, Roger Dashner, Chris Prendergast, Nancy Berberick, Karyn Lux, Carl Titus 


If you have been out of town or unable to get to worship services, remember that you can obtain a printed copy of recent sermons on the shelf outside the church office, or you can receive a copy, by calling Dr. Richard




The Mission Committee thanks everyone who packed a shoebox, gave us items to put in  boxes, contributed postage money and supported our Samaritans’ Purse Christmas shoebox project.  We delivered 61 boxes to their local drop-off spot.  We are helping to make Christmas happier to children around the world.


This Christmas we will also have an alternative gift tree set up in the hall.  The tags on the tree can be used as a gift card to a family member or friend, when you contribute to a charity of their choice.  Catalogs from various worthwhile organizations will be available.


Food Pantry: The Mission Committee’s special collection for December will be pasta and sauce or macaroni and cheese.  We will deliver items to the Food Pantry the second and fourth Sundays each  month.  Thank you for the continued support.

Sowing Seeds: Sowing Seeds is in need of good winter clothing for adults. They also need men and woman’s tee shirts, underwear, socks, and pajamas.

Molly’s Collection - Toys for cats or dogs.

Good Neighbor Fund - Please continue to get your shopping and gift cards through the Good Neighbor Fund.  They are a worthwhile charity that helps many of our local neighbors.


In November, money was sent to the Boston Rescue Mission, to help supply Thanksgiving dinners to those in need.




Give 20 % of what you spent last year to the truly needy… Individuals or groups locally, nationally or



Give of yourself – a coupon book for future service (such as baby-sitting or an “Enchanted Evening”) or

something baked, sewn, handmade, composed, etc.


Give a gift of “time” – an hour each evening with a child/ parent who gets to chose what they would like to

do with you.

 Share a “security blanket” with a child in a shelter - buy or make a quilt


Donate baby toiletries or clothing to an agency for the benefit of single mothers.

(DCF can always use donations of diapers, stuffed animals)


Instead of buying gifts for friends, invite them to a potluck or a “Dutch” dinner at a restaurant.  Being together is more important than getting and giving more stuff.


Bake double - Give the extra batch to someone having a hard time – recently widowed, suddenly empty-nesting, out of work.


Buy an animal through Heifer Project - Give the  recipient a small stuffed animal to represent what you have bought. (


Buy Fair Trade food items -Equal Exchange.


Buy crafts and clothing from developing countries at alternative gift markets, not from commercial importers, so that the artisans receive a fair price for their work.



 An English custom calls for people to give boxes of food or gifts to the needy on December 26th – Boxing Day.



Contact Us: or P.O. Box 826 Marshfield, MA  02050

Purchase GL Scrip Gift Cards: or First Congregational Church, 1981 Ocean St Marshfield, MA  Sundays 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.

Donate On-line:



We welcome anyone who would like to help us on Friday, Dec. 1st to set up at 1pm for the Christmas Fair, which will be held on Saturday, Dec. 2, from 10am—2pm.“Come join us for lunch!”

December 5th, 11th and 26th are regular meetings, and Dec. 19th, is our coffee hour at 10am, Gentlemen are welcome!

Phyllis Willis



DATE                                                          ACTIVITY

  October 1st                  World Wide Communion Sunday

October 8th                                                    Regular Classes

October 15th                                              Regular Classes

October 22nd                                                 Regular Classes

October 29th                                                                                 Regular Classes


Service Projects:  The Sunday School Class will be hosting Fellowship/Coffee Hour on October 8th and 29th.  We look forward to serving you then!


Attendance has been excellent for our 3 Confirmation students and every student has completed all homework assignments to date. On October 22nd you saw Alyssa Titus, in the pulpit as liturgist and on Nov. 12th we had Russell McGrath.


 We have had our first two evening meetings.  Devotions on Psalm 23 continue, we saw the Ray Comfort documentary “God vs Evolution” and had discussions about creationism, Macro and Micro evolution.


As a class we put together 3 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. In Sunday classes we have examined what the bible says about Jesus and why we should believe these claims. The first of our 15 class questions has been answered and discussed “Are the 10 Commandments, the 10 worst sins?” Our Historic Tour of the Church was perfectly attended and very well received.  We visited the original site of the church, viewed the Webster, Seneca White graves and others. We learned about Edward Winslow and other Pilgrim forefathers and learned much more of our storied church history.


Many thanks to Judy Johnson, Jayne Bowman and Ivy MacCallum for guiding us in full Pilgrim regalia.  We had perfect church/Communion attendance for Oct and Nov and noted the reverence of our small class.


To God be the Glory,


Michael Rydberg



Meet with others Monday evenings at 6:00-7pm in our church library – no experience necessary!  Can’t participate at church? Then pray where you are during that hour.   We pray for everything. If you would like prayers for yourself, or someone else, fill out a prayer request form (located throughout the church and Fellowship Hall) or share it with one of our Prayer Pals, to pray for on Monday nights. If you have any questions, contact one of our Pals: Dave Riley, Georgia Chrisman, Judy Johnson, Nancy Berberick, Kathy Doherty. Lisa Brown or Liz Vaillancourt.  Rides to church can be arranged; contact the church office. James 5:16:  "Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working."



Thanksgiving/Joy: Christ’s faithfulness to FCC Marshfield for 385 years,

Healing: Elizabeth Gledhill, her daughter’s Linda & Susan, Warren K. Baker, Jr, Cameron Cassidy, Ellen Bergan Sylvester, Paul Padula, Audrey Taylor, Mary Judkins, Raymond Berberick, Margret Pappas, Paul Gomes’- Sorares, Brad Willis, Joe Strazdes

Comfort: Edna Robie, people of Texas, who mourn the shooting at Baptist Church, Family of Matthew


Homebound Church Family: Sophie Ellingson, Velna Roberts, Roz Novinsky, Ginny Chandler, Marie King, Alberta Bezanson, Aldo Mineo, Betty Dubois

Traveling Mercies: family members traveling for the holiday’s

Guidance & Protection: Men and Women in the military, Our Church Family, Linda Woodman, Stephanie Goodspeed, Lorraine





“The Christmas Angel Project”

  By: Melody Carlson

A short novel packed with the true meaning of Christmas -- Five women, become close through their book club. Devastated by the unexpected passing of their leader (Abby) on the cusp of Christmas, the book club members disband. Abby was the glue that held them together. Little did they know that Abby would leave them a gift that would change their lives. We all possess a God given gift; it’s how we choose to use it, though, that is life’s challenge. A touching Christmas story sure to grip readers' hearts and perhaps inspire them to become Christmas Angels.  This book is for readers who are looking for a heartwarming and hopeful Christmas story.  The perfect read to direct your focus to what really matters this special season.


Discussion for December’s book is Friday night12/29 (Friday after Christmas) at the Chrisman’s, 13 Mountain Ash (Kingston).  Call 781-361-1290 with questions or directions. Book may be purchased on Amazon or  Georgia has a few for sale for a bargain $5.


Looking for Couch Potato Bookworms!

You, too, could be a Couch Potato Bookworm!  Simply read our books while on your couch and stay home on discussion nights!  If you don’t want to stay on the schedule we are, check the church library’s large assortment of past Bookworm selections.   We invite you to share your opinions/comments with any Bookworm, including the Chrisman’s, Liz V., the Barrich’s, Jean Hight, Nancy Berberick, the Prendergast’s, Audrey Taylor, Joan Morrison and others, who will share them at our monthly gathering. Questions?

Georgia 781-361-1290.


We’ll be discussing the letter of James during December. The letter addresses the question of how to respond when you are under pressure. The Sunday morning discussions are in the parish hall at 11:00 am. The Wednesday discussions are at the community room, of the Winslow Village I Apt in the basement of bldg. #2 on Rt. 139



At the special congregational meeting on November 19th the congregation voted to allow the trustees, to use up to $100,000 of available funds to replace the shingles, on both the sanctuary and parish house roofs.


At a special meeting of the board of trustees, on Nov. 15th the following new officers were elected: John Curley - chairperson, Nancy Berberick and Karyn Lux - vice chairpersons, Christine Prendergast – secretary. The board will be meeting several times in December, to keep abreast of the projects that are pending and ways to fund them.

The nominating is presenting the following names for immediate appointment to the Board of Christian Education – Lorissa Ely and  Audrey Titus. These people will join Scott Rogers, Christine Murphy, Elizabeth Drouin on the board. Their eras of responsibility include oversight of adult ed., Church School, youth ministry, and confirmation.

Dozens of our members and youth signed the prayer greeting that we sent to the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas. (The picture of the oversized cards is elsewhere in this issue of the Bell.


On November 25th Rev. Robie officiated at a private memorial service for Matthew Buddenbohm, son of Thomas Buddebohm. Matt was confirmed at FCC.

The Flower Committee will be procuring and placing 6.5” pots of poinsettias in the sanctuary for the Christmas services. Please complete the form below if you would like to dedicate a plant, or plants, in honor or in memory of a loved one. The cost of the plants is $10 each. Please make reservations by December 10.