Dalton Intermediate School Student Handbook
Student Records Policy, Student Code of Conduct, & Other Information
Revised August, 2024
Dalton Intermediate School provides differentiated and appropriate learning opportunities for all students. In addition to the regular curriculum, principles and practices of good citizenship are taught and demonstrated, including the appreciation of the rights of others. This can be systematically accomplished if students are explicitly taught the expected rules and procedures and are provided with on-going guidance to follow both school and classroom rules and expectations, which have been made for the benefit of all students.
Dalton Intermediate School offers its students many privileges, but it also requires the acceptance of individual responsibilities; for while individuality and diversity are encouraged, there must also be an orderly and manageable framework in which to operate. Dalton Intermediate School is concerned about the rights of each of the individual students and feels that the best method to protect these rights is by uniform enforcement of all school regulations.
Bobcat Bridge - RCPS’ alternative instructional program and alternative learning environment for students who are not able to function successfully in a traditional school setting. Successful response to intervention strategies help dictate students’ transfer back into the regular school program.
Bobcat Connections - After school program that serves as an opportunity for students to receive small group tutoring in any subject area in which they are struggling. This program also serves as a restorative practice for students to struggle to adhere to school expectations.
Bobcat Reset - In-school supervision program designed to solve root problems of student behavior by developing reflection, and problem-solving skills. Bobcat Reset is designed to encourage positive student behaviors while discouraging repeated offense.
Community Service - Voluntary work intended to improve our school community. Community service to our school community is an expectation of all athletic and academic teams on campus.
Community School - A Radford High School initiative where families within our community will be invited to have community-building conversations regarding school-wide topics with school staff and other community members.
Expulsion - Permanent removal of a student from the school division as a result of disciplinary action. Recommendations for expulsion can be made by building principals, but only the School Board has the authority to expel a student.
Lunch Detention - A disciplinary response assigned by administration for students who have failed to meet such expectations as tardiness, minor classroom disruptions, etc. Students will get their lunch and report to the Bobcat Reset room where they will eat, and have an opportunity to work on assignments silently.
Night School - Night School is designed as a collaborative effort to maintain student achievement during Out-of-School suspension, which provides students with an opportunity to complete classwork missed due to suspension. Night School offers students an opportunity to work with a licensed teacher outside of normal school hours. When completed as assigned, Night School also fulfills students’ attendance requirements.
Restorative Actions - Alternatives to traditional disciplinary actions that center on punishment for misbehavior or violations of school expectations. Restorative actions resolving the underlying conflict while also repairing damage done, and healing relationships of those affected by inappropriate actions.
RCPS School Board Policy Manual - A copy of the Radford City Public Schools School Board Policy Manual can be found on the RCPS website. The policy manual documents the school division’s official policies and regulations.
School Counseling - School counselors are trained professionals who work to help students by removing barriers to academic achievement, supporting social/emotional development of students, and guiding college and career readiness.
Social Probation - Social Probation indicates that a student may not attend or participate in any school-sponsored activities (extracurricular activities including sports, academic teams, band, theater, clubs, etc.). Students may be placed on Social Probation for behavior issues, attendance concerns, or at the discretion of building administrators. In the case of Social Probation for attendance concerns, students may be able to earn their social privileges back by attending and participating in the Bobcat Connections program.
Suspension - Suspension indicates that a student has been temporarily prohibited from attending regular school or regular classes. Suspended students may be required to serve a period of time in Bobcat Reset (in-school), Bobcat Bridge (alternative learning environment), or in some cases at home (out of school). While a student is suspended, they are not allowed on school property or at school functions unless otherwise approved.
Truancy - Unexcused or excessive absences from school. Defined in the RCPS School Board Policy Manual as missing 10 or more school days, per school year; or as having 7 or more unexcused absences.
DIS Equal Educational Opportunities/Non-Discrimination
- Equal educational opportunities are available for all students, without regard to sex, sexual orientation, race, creed, color, national origin, gender identity, ethnicity, religion, disability, ancestry, marital or parental status or any other unlawful basis. Educational programs are designed to meet the varying needs of all students.
- Any student who believes he or she has been a victim of prohibited discrimination should report the alleged discrimination as soon as possible to one of the Compliance Officers designated in this policy or to any other school personnel. The alleged discrimination should be reported as soon as possible, and the report generally should be made within fifteen (15) school days of the occurrence. Further, any student who has knowledge of conduct which may constitute prohibited discrimination shall immediately report such conduct to one of the Compliance Officers designated in this policy.
- The reporting party should use the form, Report of Discrimination, JB-F, to make complaints of discrimination. HOwever, oral reports and other written reports shall also be accepted. The complaint should be filed with either the building principal or one of the Compliance Officers designated in this policy. The principal immediately forward any report of alleged prohibited discrimination to the Compliance Officer. Any complaint that involves the Compliance Officer shall be reported to the superintendent.
- The complaint, and identity of the complainant and of the person or persons allegedly responsible for the discrimination, will not be disclosed except as required by law or policy, as necessary to fully investigate the complaint or as authorized by the complainant. A complainant who wishes to remain anonymous will be advised that such confidentiality may limit the school division’s ability to fully respond to the complaint.
- Upon receipt of a report of alleged prohibited discrimination, the Compliance Officer shall immediately authorize or undertake an investigation. The investigation may be conducted by school personnel or a third party designated by the school division. The investigation shall be completed as soon as practicable. which should generally be not later than 14 school days after receipt of the report by the Compliance Officer. Upon receiving the complaint, the Compliance Officer shall acknowledge receipt of the complaint, by giving written notice that the complainant has been received, to both the person complaining of discrimination and the person or persons allegedly responsible for the discrimination. Also upon receiving the complaint, the Compliance Officer shall determine whether interim measures should be taken pending the outcome of the investigation. If the Compliance Officer determines that more than 14 school days will be required to investigate the complaint, the complainant and the person or persons allegedly responsible for the discrimination will be notified of the reason for the extended investigation and of the date by which the investigation will be concluded.
- The investigation may consist of personal interviews with the complainant, the person or persons allegedly responsible for the discrimination, and any others who may have knowledge of the alleged discrimination or the circumstances giving rise to the complaint. The investigation will consider witnesses and evidence from both the complainant and the person or persons responsible for the alleged discrimination. The investigation may also include the inspection of any documents or information deemed relevant by the investigator. The school division shall take necessary steps to protect the complainant and others pending the completion of the investigation.
- Whether a particular action or incident constitutes a violation of the policy requires case by case determination based on all of the facts and circumstances revealed by a complete and thorough investigation.
- The Compliance Officer shall issue a written report to the superintendent upon completion of the investigation. If the complaint involves the superintendent, then the report shall be sent to the School BOard. The report shall include a determination of whether the allegations are substantiated, whether this policy was violated and recommendations for corrective action, if any.
- All employees shall cooperate with any investigation of alleged discrimination conducted under this policy or by an appropriate state or federal agency.
- Within 5 school days of receiving the Compliance Officer’s report, the superintendent or designee shall issue a decision regarding (1) whether this policy was violated and (2) what action, if any, should be taken. This decision must be provided in writing to the complainant. If the superintendent or designee determines that prohibited discrimination occurred, the Radford City Public School Division shall take prompt, appropriate action to address and remedy the violation as well as prevent any recurrence. Such action may include discipline up to and including expulsion or discharge.
- If the superintendent or design determines that n prohibited discrimination occurred, the student who was allegedly subjected to discrimination may appeal this finding to the School Board within 5 school days of receiving the decision. Notice of appeal must be filed with the superintendent who shall forward the record to the School Board. The School Board shall make a decision within 30 calendar days of receiving the record. The School Board may ask for oral or written argument from the aggrieved party and the superintendent and any other individual the School Board deems relevant. Written notice of the School Board's decision will be given to both the complainant and the person or persons responsible for the allied discrimination.
- Compliance Officer and Alternate Compliance Officer
- The School Board designates a Compliance Officer responsible for identifying, preventing and remedying discrimination as well as receiving complaints under this Policy. The name and contact information for the Compliance Officer is posted on the Division’s website at all times. The Compliance Officer is posted on the Division’s website at all times. The Compliance Officer may be contacted at compliance@rcps.org. Complaints of discrimination may also be made to the Alternate Compliance Officer at compliance@rcps.org.
- receives reports or complaints of discrimination;
- conducts or oversees the investigation of any alleged discrimination;
- assesses the training needs of the school division in connection with this policy;
- arranges necessary training to achieve compliance with this policy; and
- ensures that any discrimination investigation is conducted by an impartial investigator who is trained in the requirements of equal education opportunity and has the authority to protect the alleged victim and others during the investigation.
- Retaliation against students or school personnel who report discrimination or participate in the related proceedings is prohibited. The school division shall take appropriate action against any student or employee who retaliates against another student or employee who reports alleged discrimination or participates in related proceedings. The Compliance Officer will inform persons who make complaints, who are the subject of complaints, and who participate in investigations of how to report any subsequent problems.
- Right to Alternative Complaint Procedure
- Nothing in this policy denies the right of any individual to pursue other avenues of recourse to address concerns relating to prohibited discrimination including initiating civil action, filing a complaint with outside agencies or seeking redress under state or federal law.
- Prevention and Notice of Policy
- Training to prevent discrimination should be included in employee and student orientations as well as employee in-services training.
- This policy shall be (1) displayed in prominent areas of each division building in a location accessible to students, parents and school personnel, (2) included in the student and employee handbooks; and (3) sent to parents of all students within 30 calendar days of the start of school. All students and their parents/guardians shall be notified annually of the names and contact information of the Compliance Officers.
- Students or school personnel who knowingly make false charges of discrimination shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Radford High School & Dalton Intermediate School
Core Values and Behavior Expectations 8/22
MISSION: The mission of Radford City Schools is to foster and promote a safe and positive school environment that enhances student learning through teaching and enacting positive behavior.
| School-wide Expectations |
Respectful | - Have pride in yourself and your school
- Be on time and be prepared
- Use positive and appropriate language and volume
- Polite and positive interactions with others
- Treat all school property with care
Safe | - Walk and move calmly throughout building
- Treat everyone with kindness and compassion
- Maintain personal space
- Help and assist others
- Express concerns to staff
- Make healthy decisions
- Use internet and technology for appropriate educational use
Peaceful | - Use positive and appropriate language and volume
- Respect individuality
- Show empathy
- Be friendly and inclusive
Connected | - Smile and greet others
- Be friendly and inclusive
- Seek new connections with others
- Introduce yourself and participate in conversations
- Work as a team helping and assisting others
- Engage in community service
- Get involved in school activities, clubs, extra-curriculars
- Support other students by attending academic, athletic, and fine artsi events
Radford High School & Dalton Intermediate School
Progressive Discipline Process 8/22
RCPS has created a progressive discipline process to identify the most documented challenging behaviors and possible consequences to be assigned, if needed. However, the process including behaviors and consequences, are an example or guide to be referred to. RCPS recognizes that not all situations can be predicted. Therefore, the administration/staff has the autonomy to make decisions based on the specifics of each situation. Decisions will be made in the best interest of students, teachers, administrators and the school community in general and may not always align with the process below.
Classroom Managed | Office Managed |
Level 1 - Inappropriate language
- Teasing
- Refusal to work
- Lying, dishonesty, cheating
- Minor disruption
- Minor aggression - passing hits/shoving
- Unsafe or rough play
- Disrespect
- Actions
- Speech
- Tone
- Attitude
- Body Language
- Inappropriate use of materials
- Inappropriate use of technology
- RCPS devices
- Personal devices
- Cell phones, Smartwatches, tablets, etc.
| Level 2 - Property destruction
- Physically aggressive
- Pattern of aggressive/profane language
- Harassment of student/teachers
- Major/chronic disruptions
- Major/chronic refusal to follow school rules
- Major dishonesty
- Cheating on major assessments
- Bullying
- Direct or Indirect &/or Social media
- Skipping/leaving class without permission
Level 3 - Fighting
- Repeated classroom disruptions
- Weapons
- Drugs (Vaping, THC, edibles, etc.) & Alcohol
- Leaving campus
- Credible threats
- Major Theft
- Vandalism/Severe Property Destruction
Disciplinary Action Levels |
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Minor issues should be addressed 3 times by the teacher prior to an office referral. Office referrals should have evidence of verbal parent contact by the referring teacher.
- Teacher reminds student of expectations
- Teacher conferences with student
- Teacher contacts parents
- Teacher submits discipline referral to office
- Meet with Administration and Parent Contact
- Bobcat Reset (less than ½ day)
| Meeting with Parent and Student with potential Response to Intervention (RTI) meeting
- *Bobcat Connections
- Community Service
- *Bobcat Reset - ISS(more than ½ day)
- Social Probation
- *Lunch detention
- NRVCS referral
- *Bobcat Bridge
| Meeting with Parent and Student - Potential Response to Intervention (RTI) meeting
- *Bobcat Reset (ISS)
- Community Service
- *Bobcat Bridge
- Police referral
- NRVCS referral
- Expulsion Recommendation
* Students will be expected to turn over their cell phones (or other electronic devices) at request of Administration or Supervisor. |
Mission Statement – Dalton Intermediate School
The mission statement for Dalton Intermediate School compliments and builds upon Radford City School’s mission statement.
Dalton Intermediate School will provide a learning environment that will afford students opportunities to become independent thinkers and problem solvers in an ever-changing and complex world. A desire for lifelong learning will be encouraged and students will be challenged to accept their roles as informed, productive, responsible citizens.
Radford City Schools Policy Manual
All parents/guardians and students of Radford City Schools need to review the Radford City Schools Policy Manual to familiarize themselves with division – wide policies and procedures.
Student Responsibilities
The following is expected out of each student:
- It is the student’s responsibility to read and follow all policies, rules, and requirements of the Students Records Policy – Student Code of Conduct – Other Information – as provided by Radford City Schools and online through the RCPS website.
- To obey the rules of Dalton Intermediate School and / or any other Radford City School building or facility, when visiting or placed at for educational purposes. (This includes sports activities and practices).
- To work hard on the selected course of study, to be prompt and regular in attendance, to complete assignments on time, to pay attention to teachers, to be willing to work at self-improvement, and to learn to accept criticism and to criticize fairly.
- To respect the authority of all administrators, teachers, and staff.
- To respect, value, and protect school property.
- To follow the school-wide rules and expectations in school, on school grounds, on buses, and at all school-sponsored functions including those activities or classes which are off-campus.
- To refrain from disruption, demonstrations, violence, and other forms of incitement.
Student Conduct
A printed copy of Students Records Policy – Student Code of Conduct – Other Information – can be provided by Radford City Schools upon request, and can be accessed at the Dalton Intermediate School web page. It is imperative that each student read the Code of Conduct carefully in order to understand the rules and regulations that govern student life at Dalton Intermediate School and Radford City Schools. Any questions should be directed to an administrator.
- If a student is suspended out of school they will have to complete all work assigned during their suspension.
- Students may be offered Night School to complete classwork missed during their suspension.
- Students may be required to attend the Bobcat Bridge as part of their suspension, which will also provide them with academic support so as not to regress in their learning and performance.
- See Radford City Schools Policy Manual for additional information.
Student Dress – (Specific Building Regulations for Dalton Intermediate School)
- Apparel Not Allowed for Students
- Students will be dressed appropriately for school. Any student who is wearing clothing or accessories that is deemed to be inappropriate by staff will be referred to the office.
- Hats and toboggans are NOT allowed, and no hoods or any hat/headgear that covers the ears are permitted. No ski masks or face covering masks for non medical reasons.
- Clothing will not show an excessive amount of skin. Shorts and skirts must be in the mid-thigh area.
- No undergarments, cleavage, backless articles, or midriffs may be exposed.
- Any garment with inappropriate or hateful images or words (drugs, sex, weapons).
- No see through garments.
- Grossly oversized clothing. (Pants, Skirts, Shorts, and Clothing in general must be worn at the waist – NO SAGGING – or showing off undergarments).
- A hole, rip, or tear in the garment shall not be revealing.
- Flags, of any kind, may not be worn as capes or belts.
- Heavy or long winter coats / trench coats, or blankets may not be worn in school.
- Blankets (or unnecessarily oversized garments) may not be worn or carried.
- Earphones and Earbuds – not allowed with the exception of lunch or for instructional purposes.
- Accessories Not Allowed for Students
- Any accessories or clothing with spikes (jewelry, belts, coats, jackets, shirts, pants, etc.)
- Dog chains or collars
- Blankets (or unnecessarily oversized garments) may not be worn or carried
- Sunglasses inside school building
- Clothing or accessories may not bear messages or pictures that are profane, obscene, offensive to others, or promote gangs, violence, drugs, or alcohol.
- Flags worn as capes or otherwise.
- Building administration has the authority to interpret these regulations in cases where judgment is called for and to enforce compliance with them in accordance with applicable Dalton Intermediate School – Code of Conduct.
Note: The class time missed due to a violation of the Student Dress Code will be unexcused. Anytime a student is found in violation of the dress code, the student will meet with an administrator or counselor to discuss the offense and attempt to correct the violation.
Attendance, Unexcused Absences, Absences, Tardiness, and Skipping Class
- See Radford City Schools Policy Manual JED for additional information pertaining to this section.
- RCPS Attendance Procedures (Revised 2023)
- There is a strong and positive correlation between attendance and academic progress. Therefore, students are to be in attendance unless an emergency situation arises. Parents/legal guardians are responsible for contacting their child’s school as soon as possible any morning that their student will be absent.
- Radford City Public Schools will accept ten (10) days of absences from school, per school year, as excused (verified) with a parent/legal guardian’s note or call-in to the school. Absences beyond the ten (10) accepted parent notes or calls, will be unexcused (unverified), and subject to truancy regulations except in the following circumstances:
- Presentation of doctor’s note, dentist note, or other medical documentation;
- Student’s court or probation appointment with appropriate documentation;
- Serious illness or death in the immediate family (sibling, parent, grandparent);
- Observation of religious holy days;
- Parent or sibling departure or return to active military duty;
- School related activity;
- Natural disaster;
- Extended documented medical condition;
- Extenuating circumstances recognized by the principal.
Unverified Absences:
- Five (5) Absences - If a student accrues five (5) absences in which there is no indication that the student’s parent is aware of and supports the absence (unverified), or five (5) unexcused (unverified) absences, the principal/designee shall make a reasonable effort to ensure that direct contact is made with the parent/legal guardian, either in-person (attendance meeting), or through a telephone conversation, to obtain an explanation for the student’s absence and to explain to the parent/legal guardian the consequences of continued nonattendance. The school’s attendance officer, the student, and the student’s parent/legal guardian shall jointly develop a plan to resolve the student’s nonattendance. Such a plan shall include documentation of the reasons for the student’s nonattendance.
- Six (6) Absences - If the student is absent an additional day (6th unverified or unexcused absence) after direct contact with the student’s parent/legal guardian and the school attendance office has received no indication that the student’s parent/legal guardian is aware of and supports the student’s absence, or is beyond the allowable 10 verified absences, the truancy officer shall schedule a conference. At this conference (Radford City Truancy Team Meeting), the student, his/her parent/legal guardian, and school personnel, along with representatives from Social Services, New River Community Services, and the Department of Juvenile Justice, shall meet to resolve issues related to the student’s nonattendance.
- Seven (7) Absences - Upon the occasion of the 7th unverified absence, the school's administrator and/or attendance office will refer the student and his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) to Court Services to evaluate appropriate legal action. According to the Code of Virginia, in cases where noncompliance continues without apparent extenuating circumstances, appropriate legal action will be initiated by either or both of the following: (1) filing a complaint with the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court alleging the child is a child in need of supervision as defined in §16.1- 228 or (2) instituting proceedings against the parent pursuant to §18.2-371 or §22.1-262. In a complaint against the student, the attendance office shall provide written documentation of the efforts already undertaken to resolve the student’s absences.
- Suspensions, Bobcat Reset, Night School, and Bobcat Bridge - Suspended days are deemed as verified absences from school. RCPS students may be suspended out of school if administration deems it appropriate. Suspended students may be placed in Bobcat Reset at Dalton Intermediate School for the remainder of the day or full days. Suspended students may be placed at Bobcat Bridge for an alternative learning environment when they are suspended. Suspended students may be offered Night School as an alternative to Out-of-School (OSS) suspension. Attendance at Bobcat Reset or Bobcat Bridge will count towards the daily attendance and being counted as present for the day.
Verified absences – Parent call in.
- Ten (10) Absences - Students with ten (10) or more full day verified (Parent Note or Call-In) absences will have their attendance record reviewed by the principal/designee. Parent Note and/or Call-In absences beyond 10 will be unexcused and subject to truancy regulations. In addition, students with any combination of checkouts, tardies, and full day absences which total ten (10) or more will have their attendance record reviewed by the principal/designee. If the attendance record review indicates a pattern of truancy, the parents or guardians will be notified either by telephone, or in writing by school personnel and will be provided the opportunity to discuss attendance concerns. A plan to resolve attendance issues will be developed. Failure to comply with the plan will result in a referral to the Radford City Truancy Team and/or a referral to the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court.
- Parental Cooperation in Remedying Excessive Absences - It is expected that parents/legal guardians will cooperate with the division attendance officers and other school personnel to remedy the student’s attendance problem. If direct contact with a parent cannot be made, despite reasonable efforts, or where parents otherwise fail to cooperate in remedying the student’s attendance problem, the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee may seek immediate compliance with the compulsory school attendance laws. The school attendance officer, with the knowledge and approval of the Superintendent, shall institute proceedings against any parent who fails to comply with the requirements of the compulsory attendance laws. Where the complaint arises out of the parent’s failure to comply with the requirements of §22.1-258, the school attendance officer shall document the school division’s compliance with this Code section. Nothing in this policy shall be construed to limit in any way the authority of any attendance officer or the division superintendent to seek immediate compliance with the compulsory school attendance Laws.
- Participation in Extracurricular Activities:
In order to be eligible for participation in any extracurricular activity, a student must be in attendance for the entire school day. If a student is not in school for the entirety of the day, he/she will be deemed ineligible for extracurricular activities including, but not limited to, sports games or practices, clubs, academic competitions or practices, drama, band, chorus performances, etc. A student may participate under the following exceptions:
- Presentation of doctor’s note, dentist note, or other medical documentation;
- court or probation appointment with appropriate documentation;
- Serious illness or death in the immediate family (sibling, parent, grandparent);
- Observation of religious holy days;
- Parent or sibling departure or return to active military duty;
- School related activity;
- Natural disaster;
- Extended documented medical condition;
- Extenuating circumstances recognized by the principal.
- For truancy purposes, attendance will be calculated by the student’s daily attendance. Daily attendance is taken at the start of the school day during a student’s first class period. In addition, teachers will take class attendance each period for other school related matters.
- Students (7-8) are not allowed to have more than 10 absences from a class. Once a student exceeds the number of allowable absences from a class, the student will be brought to either an RTI meeting or a meeting will be called with the family/guardian to discuss options.
- Students will be required to follow all attendance regulations as set forth by Radford City Schools until the last day of the school year.
- Students are expected to arrive on time to school every day.
- If a student is late to school, they need to sign in at the front office.
- A parent or guardian must call the main office to report a student’s absence on the day of the absence. An attendance officer or automated system will call to check on any student absent without a call-in. If a parent does not call in to verify the absence, then it will be recorded as an unexcused absence.
- A note from the parent may substitute for a call when the note is sent on the day the student returns. If a note is not submitted on the day the student returns then the absence will be recorded as an unexcused absence without parental notification.
- A note must contain the current date, the date of the absence, the reason for the absence, the parent or guardian’s signature, and a phone number where the parent can be reached to verify the note.
- If the absence was due to illness and a doctor saw the student, a doctor’s note must be included or sent to the school in addition to a phone call / note.
- Students are allowed only 10 call-in absences for the school year without medical documentation or proper documentation. Any call-in absence beyond 10 will be considered unexcused and will be subject to truancy regulations. Excused absences may include:
- Presentation of doctor’s note, dentist note, or other medical documentation;
- Student’s court or probation appointment with appropriate documentation;
- Serious illness or death in the immediate family (sibling, parent, grandparent);
- Observation of religious holy days;
- Parent or sibling departure or return to active military duty;
- School related activity;
- Natural disaster;
- Extended documented medical condition;
- Extenuating circumstances recognized by the principal.
- A student must be present all day in order to be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities unless they present a doctor’s/dentist note, medical documentation, court documentation, or have other extenuating circumstances recognized by the principal.
- Parents need to make all student appointments after school hours and to refrain from checking students out of school during the school day for any reason that can be avoided.
- Students are considered to be skipping class or school if the teacher or administration does not have knowledge of the student’s whereabouts or the student does not have permission to be out of class. If the student leaves class or school without permission, they are also considered to be skipping class. Once a student boards a school bus or arrives on school grounds, the student is considered to be at school.
- Students who are 18 years of age or older are not allowed to check themselves in or out. They must have permission from a parent or guardian.
- Administration reserves the right to deal with attendance issues not addressed in this, or any other document that may arise.
- First offense- Teacher warning.
- Second & Third offense- Teacher warning and teacher calls or contacts the family/guardian.
- Fourth & Fifth offense- Teacher refers student to administration for Lunch Detention in the Bobcat Reset Room and/or Social Probation.
- Consequences – Skipping Class
- First offense- Teacher contacts Administration. Student and Administration calls family/guardian.
- Second offense – Teacher refers student to administration for Lunch Detention in the Bobcat Reset Room and/or Social Probation.
- Third offense - Student/family/guardian is scheduled for an RTI meeting to discuss consequences and review issues related to learning and behavior. Lunch Detention and/or Social Probation will be assigned.
Excessive Absences
- Consequences – Multiple absences exceeding 10
- Students will be placed on Social Probation. Social Probation means that the student will not be allowed to participate in ANY extracurricular activities. This includes, but is not limited to participation on sports teams, attending games or concerts, participation in clubs, participation on academic teams, attending dances, Class Picnic, field trips or other activities.
- A student may earn back class time for absences by attending Bobcat Connections, our after-school tutoring program that runs from 3:00-5:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday. For each class missed over the limit, the student must attend 1 hour of Bobcat Connections. Once Social Probation is complete the student will be allowed to return to all extra-curricular activities.
Participation in Extracurricular Activities:
In order to be eligible for participation in any extracurricular activity, a student must be in attendance for the entire school day. If a student is not in school for the entirety of the day, he/she will be deemed ineligible for extracurricular activities including, but not limited to, sports games or practices, clubs, academic competitions or practices, drama, band, chorus performances, etc. A student may participate under the following exceptions:
● Presentation of doctor’s note, dentist note, or other medical documentation;
● Student’s court or probation appointment with appropriate documentation;
● Serious illness or death in the immediate family (sibling, parent, grandparent);
● Observation of religious holy days;
● Parent or sibling departure or return to active military duty;
● School related activity;
● Extended documented medical condition;
● Extenuating circumstances recognized by the principal.
- All schools will follow School Board Policy JED Student Absences/Excuses/Dismissals in reference to Compulsory Attendance Procedures. In addition to SBP JED-RCPS, Radford City Schools will implement the following:
- If a student fails to report to school for a total of ten scheduled school days for the school year, with or without notification, then the principal or his/her designee can recommend the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) to the RCPS Attendance Improvement Team to resolve issues related to the pupil’s nonattendance.
- A student with 10 absences from a class will be placed on Social Probation and be required to attend a RTI meeting with their family/guardian (please see above Section 2.2)
- Students (grades 7-8) who have been absent for acceptable reasons will be permitted to make up work missed.
- Students who have been absent for unacceptable reasons will be required to make up missed work.
- Students absent due to suspension from school or truancy will be required to make up work missed.
- Students who return to school from out-of-school suspension or truancy will report to the Bobcat Bridge to make-up work. Students with absences will be expected to make up all work missed immediately, within 5 days after returning to school. All work not made up within the time limit will be graded as an F. Extenuating circumstances, however, may be considered by the principal or his/her designee in extending the time limit for make-up, and extensions shall be liberally granted in order to ensure that a student with a valid excuse is allowed to make up missed work.
- Students who are out of class for partial or full-days of school while participating in Partnership Programs approved by the school principal will not be counted as absent for the purpose of calculating average daily membership. Students must make-up any missed work from regular classes as determined by the school’s missed work procedure.
Disruptive Conduct
Disruptive Conduct (Disorderly Conduct) of the learning atmosphere and / or normal school day is not allowed, since it interferes with the rights of the administrators, teachers, staff, and other students. Disturbances of extracurricular activities are also prohibited and are subject to discipline consequences.
Disruptive Conduct (Disorderly Conduct) consists of, but is not limited to, the following:
Shouting, hollering, mischief, back-talking, creating a disturbance that causes a teacher to stop instruction in a classroom, cafeteria / lunch disruptions, bullies, threatens, or intimidates others, picks fights, being willfully disobedient, openly and persistently defiant, interfering with the school’s ability to provide educational opportunities to and a safe environment for other students, behavior on school property, school bus or any other contracted or uncontracted school transportation, or at a school sponsored event that is detrimental to the welfare or safety of other students or of school personnel, including behavior that creates a threat of physical harm to administrators, teachers, students, and the general public.
- Offenders will receive discipline consequences, or be required to participate in community service if sent to the office for class disruption or disturbances of any extracurricular activity.
- Depending on the severity and number of occurrences, a student will receive consequences by the administrative team which may include Lunch Detention, time in the Bobcat Reset classroom, counseling, or other consequences such as loss of privileges or suspension.
- If the behavior is not corrected by the above measures and continues to occur, a recommendation will be made for removal of the student from the school. The administration will recommend expulsion to the school board.
Profane, Obscene or Abusive Language
Profane, Obscene or Abusive Language consists of but is not limited to the following:
Intimidations, threats, profanity, offensive and/or derogatory remarks, sexual remarks, other blatant ridicule, directed and / or non-directed comments, or responses intended for administrators, teachers, staff, students, and the general public any place on the school campus (hallways, classrooms, gym, auditorium, parking lots, cafeteria, etc.) or at a school related activity. This includes verbal, non-verbal, or by electronic means (including social media).
- Students will receive discipline consequences if sent to the office for profane, obscene, or abusive language.
- If a student uses or directs profane, obscene or abusive language toward an administrator, teacher, or staff member on the school campus or a school sponsored activity, it will result in disciplinary actions and possibly out-of-school suspension and may require a meeting to determine the prevalence and severity of the behavior.
- Harsher corrective action(s) may be imposed if the situation warrants per the Students Records Policy – Student Code of Conduct – Other Information, such as out-of-school suspension or a change in placement to an alternative setting.
Threats or Intimidation
- Please see the Radford City School Board Policy Manual – section JFC for the definition of Threats or Intimidation.
- Students are prohibited from making any verbal, written or physical threat of bodily injury to another person.
- Suspension of up to ten (10) school days and possible restriction from attendance at, and participation in, extracurricular activities for thirty (30) calendar days. Depending on the intensity of the misbehavior and its potential harm to fellow students, the school administration reserves the right to levy a more appropriate punishment, including recommendation for expulsion.
- This policy also pertains to any function including activities in which the school or representatives of the school are involved at home or away.
- Referral to appropriate law enforcement agencies may be made in cases involving threats or intimidation.
Assault and Battery (Fighting)
- Please see the Radford City School Board Policy Manual – section JFC for the definition of Assault and Battery.
- A student shall not assault or commit battery upon another person on school property, on school buses or during school activities on or off school property.
- An assault is a threat of bodily injury.
- Battery is any bodily hurt, however slight, done to another in an angry, rude or vengeful manner.
- Depending on the intensity of the misbehavior and its potential harm to fellow students, the school administration may determine suspension of up to ten (10) school days and possible restriction from attendance at and participation in extracurricular activities for thirty (30) calendar days.
- If an aggressor can be determined and the other student acted in self-defense, only the aggressor will be punished.
- This also pertains to any function including activities in which the school or representatives of the school are involved at home or away.
- Referral to appropriate law enforcement agencies may be made. In a case involving aggression against a school employee, a maximum suspension and recommendation for expulsion will be considered.
- Please see the Radford City School Board Policy Manual – section JFC for more information.
- Bullying is prohibited. "Bullying" means any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and victim; and is repeated over time or causes severe emotional trauma. "Bullying" includes cyber bullying. "Bullying" does not include ordinary teasing, horseplay, argument or peer conflict.
- Bullying shall include but is not limited to, bullying via any social media outlets/apps and instant messaging, phone, written, or any other electronic device / means.
- First offense- Administrator, Teacher, or Staff refers students to administration and administration assigns time with a school counselor. A meeting with the student and family/guardian will be held. Parents of all parties involved will be notified within 24 hours.
- Second offense- Administrator, Teacher, or Staff refers students to administration and administration assigns out-of-school suspension and/or time at the Bobcat Bridge, Bobcat Reset, and/or Loss of Lunch (LOL). A meeting with the student and parent will be held. Parents of all parties involved will be notified within 24 hours.
- Third offense and beyond- A meeting with the student and parent will be held and a determination will be made if additional action is warranted. The bullying situation will also be referred to the School Resource Officer / Radford City Police. Parents of all parties involved will be notified within 24 hours.
Students shall not possess on school grounds or school sponsored activities the following items that include but are not limited to:
- Playing cards, dice, games that promote gambling, electronic devices (PSP, phones, etc.) and / or any means that allow a student to gamble or enter into any games of chance via electronic device / means.
- Students shall not use school property with which to gamble such as computers, Internet, etc.
Students shall be subject to discipline consequences ranging from time with a counselor, 1-10 days out-of-school suspension. If the situation warrants such per the Students Records Policy – Student Code of Conduct – Other Information.
Use and / or Possession of Alcohol, Tobacco, Electronic Cigarettes or Similar Products, Anabolic Steroids and Other Drugs
- Please see the Radford City School Board Policy Manual – section JFC for the definition of Use and/or Possession of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs.
- A student shall not possess, use, or distribute any of the restricted substances listed below on school property, on school buses or during school activities, on or off school property.
- A student shall not attempt to possess, use, consume, procure and/or purchase, any of the restricted substances listed below or what is represented by or to the student to be any of the restricted substances listed below or what the student believes is any of the restricted substances listed below.
- A student shall not be under the influence of any of the restricted substances listed below, regardless of whether the student’s condition amounts to legal intoxication.
- Restricted substances include but are not limited to alcohol, tobacco products as defined in Policy JFCH Tobacco Products and Nicotine Vapor Products, nicotine vapor products as defined in Policy JFCH Tobacco Products and Nicotine Vapor Products, inhalant products, and other controlled substances defined in the Drug Control Act, Chapter 15.1 of Title 54 of the Code of Virginia, such as anabolic steroids, stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, marijuana, imitation and look-alike drugs, drug paraphernalia and any prescription or non-prescription drug possessed in violation of School Board policy.
- The School Board may require any student who has been found in possession of, or under the influence of, drugs or alcohol in violation of School Board policy to undergo evaluation for drug or alcohol abuse, or both, and, if recommended by the evaluator and with the consent of the student's parent, to participate in a treatment program.
- In addition to any other consequences which may result, a student who is a member of a school athletic team will be ineligible for two school years to compete in interscholastic athletic competition if the school principal and the division superintendent determine that the student used anabolic steroids during the training period immediately preceding or during the sport season of the athletic team, unless such steroid was prescribed by a licensed physician for a medical condition.
- Consequences – Drugs in Schools
- As per the Students Records Policy – Student Code of Conduct – Other Information – Radford City Schools Policy Manual.
- Consequences – Tobacco, Electronic Cigarettes or Similar Products
Possession and/or participation in using tobacco, electronic cigarettes or similar products is a Level 3 offense (see pg. 4). Consequences will be as follows, as determined by the administrator:
- Meeting with Parent and Student
- Potential Response to Intervention (RTI) meeting
- Bobcat Reset (ISS)
- Community Service
- Bobcat Bridge
- Police referral
- NRVCS referral
- Expulsion
- Consequences – Alcohol and Other Drugs (as defined per Radford City Schools policy manual). Possession and/or participation in using alcohol and other drugs is a Level 3 offense (see pg. 4). Consequences will be as follows, as determined by the administrator:
- Meeting with Parent and Student
- Potential Response to Intervention (RTI) meeting
- Bobcat Reset (ISS)
- Community Service
- Bobcat Bridge
- Police referral
- NRVCS referral
- Expulsion
Distribution or Sale of illegal Drugs or Possession or Distribution with Intent to Sell
- Please see Radford City School Board Policy Manual – section JFC for the definition of Distribution or Sale of illegal Drugs or Possession or Distribution with Intent to Sell.
- As per the Students Records Policy – Student Code of Conduct – Other Information – Radford City Schools Policy Manual.
- Please see the Students Records Policy – Student Code of Conduct – Other Information – and Radford City School Policy manual for additional information.
Vandalism is a Level 3 offense (see pg. 4). Besides paying restitution, additional consequences will be as follows, as determined by the administrator:
- Meeting with Parent and Student
- Potential Response to Intervention (RTI) meeting
- Bobcat Reset (ISS)
- Community Service
- Bobcat Bridge
- Police referral
- NRVCS referral
- Expulsion
Defiance of the Authority of School Personnel
Abiding by the authority of School Personnel is an expectation of our students. Defiance consists of, but is not limited to, the following acts: Continued disregard or disobeying of school rules, ignoring requests and/or directions from administrators, teachers, or staff, and failure to obey classroom rules and expectations.
Depending on the defiance, students will have a consequence based on the Progressive Discipline Process (see pg. 4).
Possession or Use of Weapons or Other Dangerous Articles
- Please see the Radford City School Board Policy Manual – section JFC
- As per Radford City Schools Policy a minimum suspension from school for 3 days and a maximum of 10 days of suspension with referral to the School Board for expulsion.
- Please see the Radford City School Board Policy Manual – section JFC for the definition of Theft.
Theft and/or stealing of any property is a Level 3 offense (see pg. 4). In addition to paying restitution, additional consequences will be as follows, as determined by the administrator:
- Meeting with Parent and Student
- Potential Response to Intervention (RTI) meeting
- Bobcat Reset (ISS)
- Community Service
- Bobcat Bridge
- Police referral
- NRVCS referral
- Expulsion
Theft cont. - Cheating and/or Plagiarism (Intellectual Theft)
- Students shall not engage in any form of cheating, using, or claiming another’s work as their own and submitting it for a grade. This includes, but is not limited to: parts, portions or whole documents, tests, quizzes, homework, online assessments, online quizzes, online tests, Stride-K12 course work, Stride-K12 quizzes, Stride-K12 tests, Stride-K12 exams, Virtual VA course work, Virtual VA quizzes, Virtual VA tests, or Virtual VA exams. Plagiarism is not allowed. Using electronic search engines via electronic means during a quiz, test, or exam (written or electronic) are also prohibited.
If a student is unclear on any assignment, quiz, test, or exam concerning what is allowed, or not allowed it is the student’s responsibility to ask the Dalton Intermediate School teacher or facilitator for clarification prior to submitting the work for review or grade. If a student fails to do this prior to turning in the assignment, quiz, test, or exam, he/she is subject to the consequences below.
If an assessment (quiz, test, exam, etc.) is being given, students will be required to either leave their cell phones, and other smart devices in backpacks or turn them in to the classroom teacher at the beginning of the class. The devices will be given back to the students at the end of the class period. If a student is caught using or in possession of smart technology during an assessment, the student will receive no credit (a zero) on the assessment.
- First Offense: A conference will be held between the administration and student; a letter will be sent to the family/guardian and the incident entered into the student’s online file. The student will receive a grade of 0 on the assignment, quiz, test, or exam. Teacher will contact the parent and inform them of the infraction.
- Second Offense: A conference will be held between the administration, student, and family/guardian. The student will meet with a school counselor on the issues related to cheating/plagiarizing. The student will receive a grade of 0 on the assignment, quiz, test, or exam.
- Third Offense: A conference will be held with the administration, student, and family/guardian. In addition, the student may be referred to the Bobcat Bridge program to research the issues related to cheating/plagiarizing for current and future environments. The student will receive a grade of 0 on the assignment, quiz, test, or exam.
- Please see the Radford City School Board Policy Manual – section JFC for additional information.
- As per Radford City Schools policy
- The administration will review the matter with the SRO / Radford City Police and if warranted referred to Radford City Police.
- Possible Out-of-School Suspension ranging from 1 day to 10 days at the discretion of the administration depending on the nature of the trespass. This will be up to the discretion of the administration if out of school suspension is warranted.
Gang Activity
- Please see the Radford City School Board Policy Manual – section JFC for additional information.
- First Offense: Students will be suspended out-of-school for 1-3 days.
- Second Offense: Student will be suspended out-of-school for 3-10 days
- Third Offense and each occurrence thereafter: Students will be suspended out-of-school 5-10 days and may be recommended for expulsion.
- Harsher consequences may be administered depending on the level of gang activity and the judgment of the administration and SRO.
- Please see the Radford City School Board Policy Manual – section JFC for additional information.
- As per Radford City Schools policy
Possession of Electronic Devices (Miscellaneous Electronic Items)
- Please see the Radford City School Board Policy Manual – section JFC for the definition of Possession of Electronic Devices.
- The Radford High School and Dalton Intermediate School administrative teams recognize that cell phones, smart watches, wireless headphones, and other personal electronic devices are inherent aspects of teenage culture, and represent important communication tools for families in our school community. With that in mind, we also recognize the distraction that these personal electronic devices can pose to our learning environment when not used responsibly.
- As an aspect of our research-based positive behaviors initiative, we intend to educate our students on the respectful, safe, and peaceful use of these electronic devices within our educational context with the use of school-wide, universal expectations for appropriate use.
- As we teach our students on the expectations and appropriate procedures with electronic devices, they will likely become a more visible aspect of our learning environment.
- Until those expectations are realized, Radford High and Dalton Intermediate cell phone expectations are that students secure cell phones or other personal electronic devices from the time they arrive on campus, until 2:35 p.m. dismissal.
- As we develop expectations, these devices can be used as an incentive for positive behaviors from students.
- The only exception to our current stance regarding personal electronic devices is at the explicit discretion of the classroom teacher, or as required for documented medical reasons.
- Teachers have the right to ask for a student's personal electronic device, if expectations are not followed, or if the device becomes a distraction.
- If referred to administration, the electronic device (i.e. cell phone) will be confiscated prior to placing a student in Bobcat Reset.
- At no time may a student record teachers or other students without their knowledge and consent while on school grounds.
- Instructional Time as referenced in Students Records Policy – Student Code of Conduct – Other Information – shall be defined as the time between the tardy bell and the end of class. This includes but is not limited to physical education classes, plays, concerts, assemblies, in the library or computer labs, common areas, classroom, field trips, and outdoor classroom instruction.
- A student’s ability to possess a phone on school grounds is a privilege. A student can lose that privilege at any point during the school year at the discretion of the administration.
- In addition to the definition of Possession of Electronic Devices as per Students Records Policy – Student Code of Conduct – Other Information – additional prohibited items are listed below.
The following are prohibited and include but are not limited to: video game players, video games, electronic games, wireless devices, Bluetooth devices, headphones, earbuds, and any other device that the administration deems inappropriate.
- First offense- Electronic Device / Miscellaneous Electronic Device is turned in to administration and returned to the student at the end of the school day.
- Second offense- Electronic Device / Miscellaneous Electronic Device is turned in to administration and a family member/guardian must pick up the phone / device. A parent or guardian must pick up the phone / device and the student must complete a module about the importance of appropriate electronic use. In addition, the student may be required to complete a module about appropriate internet use.
- Third offense and beyond- Electronic Device / Miscellaneous Electronic Device is turned in to administration and family member/guardian must pick up the phone / device. The student is restricted from maintaining the device at school and may be required to check it into the office each day for a specified period of time. The student may lose their privileges of having a phone or electronic device at school. In School Suspension will be assigned.
- Dalton Intermediate School assumes no responsibility for confiscated, lost, or stolen items.
Reports of Conviction or Adjudication of Delinquency
- Please see the Radford City School Board Policy Manual – section JFC.
Laser Pointers
- Please see the Radford City School Board Policy Manual – section JFC for additional information.
- The laser pointer will be confiscated. The family member/guardian will have to retrieve the item at school. The Administration will consult with the SRO / Radford City Police and possibly refer the matter to them for additional review if warranted.
Acceptable Use of the Internet
- Please see the Radford City School Board Policy Manual – section JFC for additional information.
- First Offense: A conference will be held with the administration and student, contact will be made with the family/guardian, and the incident entered into the student’s online file. In addition, the student may be required to complete a module about appropriate internet use.
- Second Offense: A conference will be held with the administration, student, and family/guardian. In addition, the student will be required to complete a module about appropriate internet use.
- A conference will be held with the administration, student, and family member/ guardian. In addition, the student may be referred to the Bobcat Bridge program.
- Harsher consequences may be imposed depending on the content being viewed and the judgment of the administration and/or SRO.
Felony Charges
- Please see the Radford City School Board Policy Manual – section JFC for additional information.
- As per Radford City Schools policy
Bomb Threats (Setting off Fire Alarms)
- Please see the Radford City School Board Policy Manual – section JFC for additional information on Bomb Threats.
- Students shall not pull and / or engage any of the fire pull stations located on the school campus to create a false alarm.
- First Offense: Students will be suspended for 1 to 3 days.
- Second Offense and each occurrence thereafter: Students will be suspended for 5-10 days and a recommendation for expulsion shall be made to the School Board.
- The Administration will consult with the SRO / Radford City Police with possible refer the matter to them for additional review if warranted.
- Please see the Radford City School Board Policy Manual – section JFC additional information.
- As per Radford City Schools policy.
Out of Area
- Students are to be in assigned areas at all times. Failure to be in assigned areas will result in a student being deemed “Out of Area”
- During classes, all students who are out of class MUST have a hall pass signed by a teacher with date, time, and destination. Students without a hall pass will be deemed “Out of Area”
- During lunch, students may only be in the cafeteria, or other designated areas. These areas include the following, if students have a signed note from a supervising teacher: classrooms with supervision, picnic areas, cafeteria, and the library.
- First Offense: Verbal warning issued by administration and documented in PowerSchool
- Second Offense: Student meets with school counselor.
- 3rd and 4th Offense: Student assigned a Bobcat Reset and/or restorative action for 1-3 days.
- Continued Offense of subsequent infractions: Student assigned 1-3 days suspension.
Displays of Affection
- The only display of affection that is accepted at school is holding hands or hugging.
- All other forms of displaying affection, such as kissing, placing hands on other parts of the body, or excessive physical contact are prohibited.
- First offense- Verbal warning.
- Second offense- Student meets with school counselor and Lunch detention/ISS..
- Third offense and beyond- Student is assigned to meet with administrator and family/guardian to discuss the actions and additional consequences.
Locker Inspection
- The administration of Dalton Intermediate School reserves the right to inspect the interior of any locker at any time without notice.
2.28. Sexual Harassment / Title IX complaints
- Title IX Information for RCPS can be found at Radford City Public Schools and Title IX or through contact with RCPS's Title IX Coordinator, Ellen Denny. The coordinator is located at the RCPS School Board Office (1612 Wadsworth Street, Radford, Virginia 24141) and can be reached by phone at 540-731-3647, ext. 3220 or by email at edenny@rcps.org.
2.29. Equal Educational Opportunities/Non-Discrimination
- Equal educational opportunities are available for all students, without regard to sex, sexual orientation, race, creed, color, national origin, gender identity, ethnicity, religion, disability, ancestry, marital or parental status or any other unlawful basis. Educational programs are designed to meet the varying needs of all students.
- Any student who believes he or she has been a victim of prohibited discrimination should report the alleged discrimination as soon as possible to one of the Compliance Officers designated in this policy or to any other school personnel. The alleged discrimination should be reported as soon as possible, and the report generally should be made within fifteen (15) school days of the occurrence. Further, any student who has knowledge of conduct which may constitute prohibited discrimination shall immediately report such conduct to one of the Compliance Officers designated in this policy.
- The reporting party should use the form, Report of Discrimination, JB-F, to make complaints of discrimination. HOwever, oral reports and other written reports shall also be accepted. The complaint should be filed with either the building principal or one of the Compliance Officers designated in this policy. The principal immediately forward any report of alleged prohibited discrimination to the Compliance Officer. Any complaint that involves the Compliance Officer shall be reported to the superintendent.
- The complaint, and identity of the complainant and of the person or persons allegedly responsible for the discrimination, will not be disclosed except as required by law or policy, as necessary to fully investigate the complaint or as authorized by the complainant. A complainant who wishes to remain anonymous will be advised that such confidentiality may limit the school division’s ability to fully respond to the complaint.
- Upon receipt of a report of alleged prohibited discrimination, the Compliance Officer shall immediately authorize or undertake an investigation. The investigation may be conducted by school personnel or a third party designated by the school division. The investigation shall be completed as soon as practicable. which should generally be not later than 14 school days after receipt of the report by the Compliance Officer. Upon receiving the complaint, the Compliance Officer shall acknowledge receipt of the complaint, by giving written notice that the complainant has been received, to both the person complaining of discrimination and the person or persons allegedly responsible for the discrimination. Also upon receiving the complaint, the Compliance Officer shall determine whether interim measures should be taken pending the outcome of the investigation. If the Compliance Officer determines that more than 14 school days will be required to investigate the complaint, the complainant and the person or persons allegedly responsible for the discrimination will be notified of the reason for the extended investigation and of the date by which the investigation will be concluded.
- The investigation may consist of personal interviews with the complainant, the person or persons allegedly responsible for the discrimination, and any others who may have knowledge of the alleged discrimination or the circumstances giving rise to the complaint. The investigation will consider witnesses and evidence from both the complainant and the person or persons responsible for the alleged discrimination. The investigation may also include the inspection of any documents or information deemed relevant by the investigator. The school division shall take necessary steps to protect the complainant and others pending the completion of the investigation.
- Whether a particular action or incident constitutes a violation of the policy requires case by case determination based on all of the facts and circumstances revealed by a complete and thorough investigation.
- The Compliance Officer shall issue a written report to the superintendent upon completion of the investigation. If the complaint involves the superintendent, then the report shall be sent to the School BOard. The report shall include a determination of whether the allegations are substantiated, whether this policy was violated and recommendations for corrective action, if any.
- All employees shall cooperate with any investigation of alleged discrimination conducted under this policy or by an appropriate state or federal agency.
- Within 5 school days of receiving the Compliance Officer’s report, the superintendent or designee shall issue a decision regarding (1) whether this policy was violated and (2) what action, if any, should be taken. This decision must be provided in writing to the complainant. If the superintendent or designee determines that prohibited discrimination occurred, the Radford City Public School Division shall take prompt, appropriate action to address and remedy the violation as well as prevent any recurrence. Such action may include discipline up to and including expulsion or discharge.
- If the superintendent or design determines that n prohibited discrimination occurred, the student who was allegedly subjected to discrimination may appeal this finding to the School Board within 5 school days of receiving the decision. Notice of appeal must be filed with the superintendent who shall forward the record to the School Board. The School Board shall make a decision within 30 calendar days of receiving the record. The School Board may ask for oral or written argument from the aggrieved party and the superintendent and any other individual the School Board deems relevant. Written notice of the School Board's decision will be given to both the complainant and the person or persons responsible for the allied discrimination.
- Compliance Officer and Alternate Compliance Officer
- The School Board designates a Compliance Officer responsible for identifying, preventing and remedying discrimination as well as receiving complaints under this Policy. The name and contact information for the Compliance Officer is posted on the Division’s website at all times. The Compliance Officer is posted on the Division’s website at all times. The Compliance Officer may be contacted at compliance@rcps.org. Complaints of discrimination may also be made to the Alternate Compliance Officer at compliance@rcps.org.
- receives reports or complaints of discrimination;
- conducts or oversees the investigation of any alleged discrimination;
- assesses the training needs of the school division in connection with this policy;
- arranges necessary training to achieve compliance with this policy; and
- ensures that any discrimination investigation is conducted by an impartial investigator who is trained in the requirements of equal education opportunity and has the authority to protect the alleged victim and others during the investigation.
- Retaliation against students or school personnel who report discrimination or participate in the related proceedings is prohibited. The school division shall take appropriate action against any student or employee who retaliates against another student or employee who reports alleged discrimination or participates in related proceedings. The Compliance Officer will inform persons who make complaints, who are the subject of complaints, and who participate in investigations of how to report any subsequent problems.
- Right to Alternative Complaint Procedure
- Nothing in this policy denies the right of any individual to pursue other avenues of recourse to address concerns relating to prohibited discrimination including initiating civil action, filing a complaint with outside agencies or seeking redress under state or federal law.
- Prevention and Notice of Policy
- Training to prevent discrimination should be included in employee and student orientations as well as employee in-services training.
- This policy shall be (1) displayed in prominent areas of each division building in a location accessible to students, parents and school personnel, (2) included in the student and employee handbooks; and (3) sent to parents of all students within 30 calendar days of the start of school. All students and their parents/guardians shall be notified annually of the names and contact information of the Compliance Officers.
- Students or school personnel who knowingly make false charges of discrimination shall be subject to disciplinary action.
3.0. The Standard Response Protocol
- Radford City Schools have adopted the “I Love U Guys” Foundation’s Standard Response Protocol (SRP). Students and staff will be training, practicing, and drill the protocol.
- The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) is based on an all hazards approach as opposed to individual scenarios. Like the INcident Command System (ICS), SRP utilizes clear common language while allowing for flexibility in protocol. The premise is simple - there are five specific actions that can be performed during an incident. When communicating these, the action is labeled with a “Term of Art” and is then followed by a “Directive.” Execution of the action is performed by active participants, including students, staff, teachers and first responders. The SRP is based on the following actions: Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, and Shelter.
Notice to Parent / Guardian
Dalton Intermediate School has a School Resource Officer who is a sworn Radford City Police Officer who is stationed at Dalton Intermediate School. This is to let you know that your son and / or daughter are bound by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia as prescribed in the Code of Virginia and any additional laws of the City of Radford while on school campus and the jurisdiction of Radford City. If you or your son and/or daughter violate any of these laws while on the school campus or its jurisdiction, you are subject to criminal charges being filed against the violating person(s).
If your son and/or daughter violate any law(s) while on a school sponsored activity, they are subject to the laws of that jurisdiction.
Also, see Radford City Schools - Standards of Conduct Policy - Extra and Co-Curricular Activities for Students, Parents, and Coaches for additional information not covered in this document.
If a situation occurs that is not covered in this document or in the Students Records Policy – Student Code of Conduct – Other Information or the Radford City School Board Policy Manual that causes a disruption of the educational environment or campus, students shall be subject to discipline measures as deemed appropriate by the administration of Dalton Intermediate School.
By signing the Parental Statement of Receipt of Notice of Requirements of Virginia Code § 22.1-279.3 and School Board’s Standards of Student Conduct both (Parent / Guardian, Student) are acknowledging that you have read and understand the Dalton Intermediate School Student Code of Conduct – Supplemental Insert for Students Records Policy, Student Code of Conduct, Other Information and the Radford City School Board Policy Manual.
Effective 01/09/24 Page
Version 22.1