Why I should be a digi leader


Did you know that many people from kereru don’t finish their work because of cybersmart? If I was a digi leader, I would help people to finish their cybersmart work faster, so they could finish other things (Reading, Writing, Maybe Maths, Art, Inquiry).

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Firstly, if I was a digi leader, I would help people around me. If I helped everyone around me then they (people around me) would get their work finished faster. Digi leaders mostly help everyone that needs help, like I would do if I was a digi leader. When it’s Friday, those people I helped would finish everything before the day ends.

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Secondly, I would teach the year 3’s about the apps they're going to learn next year. If they don’t know any of the apps (Pixton, Files, Animaker, Canva, etc) then I would explain what they do/mean. The year 3’s could ask me any/as many questions. If they (year 3’s) get confused about the meaning of the app then I will tell what abilities it has/hasn’t.

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Thirdly, if all the digi leaders and teachers were busy you can get help from me. If we are doing cybersmart and you're stuck on something then you could ask me for help or I can explain what the task is about. If we learn something new and you're confused or unsure you can ask me.


In conclusion, I should be a digi leader. If I was a digi leader then I could help with digital stuff (Apps, Technology, Subjects). For example: If you were working alone and you don’t know what to do then you could ask me. That’s why I should be a digi leader.