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Monitoring Teaching and Learning
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The Academy Selsey

Monitoring students engagement, teaching and Learning

We will be asking parents to support the Academy by

Quality Assurance of teaching

The Academy has published a bespoke Monitoring Cycle to support the quality assurance of remote education. This is based around drop ins, work sampling and parent/ student feedback and is overseen by Miss G Hinton (Assistant Headteacher Teaching and Learning)

Data and information collected from all aspects will be analysed and shared with Departments, Leadership and Governors as appropriate. Feedback will allow us to review and adjust the remote offer if necessary.

Quality Assurance of Engagement and Learning

Live lessons

To increase ‘face to face’ contact, virtual live lessons take place, as part of the remote learning plan. This interaction is tracked through submission of remote learning registers. These are submitted to the attendance officer indicating whether the student has attended or not. We also account for students that are ill/medical or ‘other authorised circumstances’ such as bereavement or house move, which might prevent engagement. This provided valid, robust data for live engagement.

Google Assignments

Each lesson has an assignment to support learning and gauge understanding. Whilst teaching staff grade the quality of response, weekly. The completion of assignments is monitored through a google work tracking app.

These 2 data sets can be triangulated with quality of response. This is shared with the pastoral team to work on strategies, with the family, to improve engagement.

Students excelling in all 3 areas will be recognised for their efforts through the TAS stars and house points system. This will be updated weekly and supported through weduc and the period 5 google classroom.

We will regularly report to parents/carers using our ‘keeping in touch procedures’, if you have any concerns about your child’s engagement please do not hesitate to contact us.

We may need to consider bringing students into school for face to face provision where there is evidence of zero engagement in remote learning after additional support and encouragement. These students could therefore be deemed ‘vulnerable’. This is overseen by Mr N. Brown (Deputy Headteacher)

Feedback and assessment by teachers

It is very important that students receive regular feedback on their learning. This may happen in a number of forms to support the task, subject and student.

Below is a overview of the main approaches the Academy will use

These assessments will form the part of Academy progress checks, which will be regularly reviewed and monitored by Head of Department/subject leader, Line managers, Year Leaders and SLT.


During this period of remote learning we will continue to positively recognise students' achievements. Their attendance, engagement and work will be recognised through House points / stars and ‘congratulations’ emails from the Headteacher.