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2022 12 Days of Xmas🎄
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

12 Days of Christmas 2022

Plate* of

Cookies for Santa

1 - Run (approx 100m) w/ Plate

2 - Rolling Pistol Squat w/ Plate (Deck Squat w/ plate or w/o)

3 - Alt. Step Ups w/ Plate (Lft=1, Rt=2, etc)

4 - Russian Twist w/ Plate

5 - Burpees to Plate**

6 - Weighted Push Ups w/ Plate /or/ Alt. Plate Push Up

7 - Thrusters w/ Plate

8 - OH Plate Lunge Steps

9 - Turkish Sit Ups

10 - Pull Ups w/ Plate (can put in backpack, belt or shorts)

11 - Plate Swings

12 - (Wo)Manmakers** (w/ DB’s)

*Plates (bumper or steel) = 25# for guys / 10# for girls ~ Plate stays with you entire time!

**Only time plate can be on ground…