Hi, my name is 👉 Martin, the cofounder of TwoPoints.Net. 👀 I analyze, develop and teach flexible systems for visual identities. ❤️💚💙
I just published a book about systems at Slanted and am working on a platform to push with you the limits of system design. More soon at flexiblevisualsystems.info
Get in contact if you are interested in a lecture or workshop, explaining my theory.
🔥 |  NEWS 👉 New Publication : “Flexible Visual Systems” sums up 10 years of research at the University of Barcelona, 20 years of developing systems at TwoPoints.Net and 18 years of teaching systems at over 10 design universities throughout Europe on 320 pages. “Flexible Visual Systems” is the design manual for contemporary visual identities. It teaches you a variety of approaches on how to design flexible systems, adjustable to any aesthetic or project in need of an identifiable visual language. Get your copy at Slanted before it is sold out! 👉 New Publication :  It took us almost two years, but now it is finally out! Our new book about variable typography: On the Road to Variable — The Flexible Future of Typography 👉 AIGA — Eye on Design : We’re longtime fans of Hamburg-based studio TwoPoints.Net. In fact, at the beginning of this year we used its typographic homage to the 2018 Winter Olympics as one of the exemplary projects that predicted the design trends for 2019. That project was created for ESPN’s The Magazine, for which the studio has created fonts to use in the NFL and NBA issues. As co-founder Martin Lorenz explained to us last year, the designers make test layouts for each issue. “You need to know how the font is going to be applied when you design a font,” he says. That was exactly how the studio came about creating Next, a duo of two monospaced fonts with two different widths. “It gives the design team at ESPN more flexibility to play with the typography,” says Lorenz. The font was completed in April, and the magazine featuring the typeface was published this summer. |  NEWS 👉 It’s Nice That — Bookshelf : “We are in love with a lot of children’s books, simply because our kids loved them,” Martin tells us warmly. “Reading books with them was magical. We did not read the books presented in this article with our kids however, but we hope they will give you, the It’s Nice That reader, as much joy as they gave us.” And what more could we ask for? Here’s Martin and Lupi on five influential titles from their bookshelf. New Portfolio PDF : I compiled a couple of new and old fonts I designed for visual identities, campaigns and publications. Download here. It’s Nice That : In our experience writing about creative projects, a number of our favourite collaborations are from brands and studios with an ongoing relationship. Considering the trust that begins to develop, it’s a process which makes way for heightened exploration – and often experimentation – allowing exciting projects to come into fruition. One partnership we particularly love is between ESPN and Barcelona-based studio TwoPoints.Net, which can often be found translating sports stories into typography. |
🧳 | TOUR DATES 13./20./27.11.2021 Flexible Visual Systems / Workshop You can still sign up for this workshop by writing to info(at)twopoints(dot)net. 29.11.-2.12.2021 Typographic Systems / Workshop Graphic Design Master Degree at Elisava, Barcelona 09.12.2021 Flexible Visual Systems / Lecture The Typographic Circle, London | |
🍰 | ABOUT Martin Lorenz (1977, Hanover, Germany) graduated in 2001 from the Graphic Design department at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) of The Hague, Netherlands, after having previously studied communication design at the University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt, Germany. In January 2016 he successfully defended his PhD dissertation about flexible visual systems in communication design at the University of Barcelona, Spain. He is cofounder of the graphic design studio, TwoPoints.Net and co-author of On the Road to Variable, I Love Helvetica, I Love Times, I Love Franklin Gothic, I Love Gill Sans, I Love Bodoni, I Love DIN, I Love Avant Garde, and I Love Futura, published by Viction:ary, Hong Kong, Left, Right, Up, Down, latino—grafico, Pretty Ugly, and Type Navigator, published by Gestalten, Berlin, Neuland and The One Weekend Book Series, published by Actar, Barcelona. He currently teaches at the Bachelor and Masters Degree of Graphic Design of Elisava, Barcelona and the Graphic Design Department of the Royal Academy of Arts (KABK), The Hague. | CONTACT If you want to invite Martin for a lecture, workshop or course contact him at: https://www.instagram.com/martinlorenz https://de.linkedin.com/in/martinattwopointsnet https://www.instagram.com/twopointsnet https://www.behance.net/TwoPointsNet https://www.twitter.com/twopointsnet https://www.facebook.com/TwoPointsNet
https://vetteletters.nl/bentobox/ 2019, TpMFD 2018, TpCC 2018, TpRawkost 2018, TpOlympics 2017, TpNBA/TpLuna 2017, TpNFL/TpMarte 2016, TpVerano 2015, TpLeap 2013, TpFuturo 2013, TpChaChaCha 2012, TpBarPaco 2010, TpDuro 2010, TpKurierCalligraphic 2008, TpLlum 2006, TpKurierSans 2006, TpKurierSerif 2006, TpHola 2006, TpMartini 2006, TpStulle 2002, TpStretch |
🎉 | PUBLICATIONS Books 2021 Flexible Visual Systems, Slanted, Karlsruhe, Available at Slanted 2019, On the Road to Variable, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Available at Victionary 2015, I Love Type — Collectors Box, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Sold out 2013, I Love Times, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Available at Victionary 2013, I Love Helvetica, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Available at Victionary 2012, Monograph — Barcelona: A Guide, Creative Review, London, UK — Sold out 2012, I Love Franklin Gothic, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Available at Victionary 2012, I Love Gill Sans, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Available at Victionary 2012, Pretty Ugly, Visual Rebellion in Design, Gestalten, Berlin, Germany — Available at Gestalten 2011, Type Navigator, Gestalten, Berlin, Germany — Available at Gestalten 2011, I Love DIN, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Available at Gestalten 2011, I Love Bodoni, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Available at Victionary 2010, Spanish Advertising Annual, Club de Creativos, Madrid, Spain 2010, I Love Avant Garde, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Available at Victionary 2010, I Love Futura, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Available at Victionary 2010, Left, Right, Up, Down: New Directions in Signage and Wayfinding, Gestalten, Berlin, Germany — Available at Gestalten 2010, latino—grafico, Gestalten, Berlin, Germany — Available at Gestalten 2009, Neuland – The Future of German Graphic Design, Actar D, Barcelona, Spain — Available at Amazon 2006, The One Weekend Book Series – Graphic Tourism Since Two Thousand And Three – The Collection of Volumes One Through Five, Actar D, Barcelona, Spain — Available at Amazon | PUBLICATIONS Articles and Interviews 2017, Design Made in Germany In dieser vierteiligen Artikelserie behandelt Martin Lorenz die Fragen: Was ist eine visuelle Identität? Wodurch zeichnet sich eine zeitgenössische visuelle Identität aus? Ist ein Logo eine visuelle Identität? Wodurch gewannen die flexiblen visuellen Identitäten an Popularität? Sind flexible visuelle Identitäten wirklich neu? Wie könnten flexible visuelle Systeme typologisiert werden? German: https://www.designmadeingermany.de/2017/140638/ 2017, Graphisme en France The 23rd issue of Graphisme en France addresses logotypes and visual identities for the first time — a subject central to the work of graphic designers. This vast subject is looked at from a number of angles, providing a broad understanding of its origins and practices rather than an exhaustive study. Roger R. Remington, historian and director of the Vignelli Center for Design Studies, surveys the origins and evolution of visual identities in the USA, while a text by the immensely influential American designer Paul Rand, dating from 1991, provides insight into his standpoint, about which he wrote extensively. Vivien Philizot, himself a designer and researcher within the field of visual studies, provides an overview of the history of logos, deciphering their impact and meaning within our visual environment. Ruedi Baur, designer and creator of numerous visual identities for companies in France and abroad, shares his recommendations in the light of his experience. And lastly, the designer Martin Lorenz, discusses his work on flexible visual identities as a result of the spread of digitalisation. French: http://www.cnap.graphismeenfrance.fr/livre/graphisme-france-ndeg23 English: http://www.cnap.graphismeenfrance.fr/article/graphisme-france-2017 2016, Grafik Martin Lorenz of studio Two Points has spent several years researching flexible visual identities for the University of Barcelona. Here, he reveals his findings about the nuances of this ever-shifting field of design... |
🎓 | EDUCATION 2009—2016        Degree: Doctor (PhD) Program: PhD Program Design Research School: Art Faculty, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain 2005—2001 Degree: Doctorado: DEA Diploma Estudios Avanzados (Equivalent to a Master Degree with 60 ECTS Program:PhD Program Design Research School: Art Faculty, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain 1998—2001 Degree: Bachelor Program: Graphic and Typographic Design School: KABK (Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten), Den Haag, The Netherlands 1998—1999 Scholarship: Erasmus Exchange Student School: KABK (Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten), Den Haag, The Netherlands 1996—1998        Degree: Intermediate Diploma Program: Visual Communication School: Design Faculty, Fachhochschule (University of Applied Sciences) Darmstadt, Germany | |
🤖 | WORK 2007—Now Position: Founder, Owner and Creative Director Studio: TwoPoints.Net — Hamburg, Barcelona         2010—2012 Position: Director School: Postgrado de TipografĂa Aplicada de Elisava“ (Postgraduate Degree in Applied Typography), Elisava, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain 2001—2005 Position: Creative Director Studio: HORT, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 1998—1999 Position: Art Director Studio: C&M Design, Neu–Isenburg, Germany | |
✏️ | TEACHING 2020-Now Position: Lecturer Subject: Typographic Systems School: Bachelor Degree in Graphic Design, KABK Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, The Netherlands 2020-Now Position: Lecturer Subject: Typographic Systems School: Master Degree in Graphic Design, Elisava, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain 2020-Now Position: Lecturer Subject: Visual Systems for Flexible Identities School: Bachelor Degree in Graphic Design, Elisava, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain 2021 Position: Lecturer Subject: Type in Motion School: HMKW, Hochschule fĂĽr Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft (University for Media, Communication and Business), Berlin, Germany 2020 Position: Lecturer Subject: Kinetic Poster Design School: HAW, Hochschule fĂĽr Angewandte Wissenschaften (University of Applied Science) Hamburg, Germany 2020 Position:        Lecturer Fach: Poster Design School: HMKW, Hochschule fĂĽr Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft (University for Media, Communication and Business), Frankfurt am Main, Germany 2020 Position:        Lecturer Subject: Flexible Systems for Visual Identities School: HMKW, Hochschule fĂĽr Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft (University for Media, Communication and Business), Frankfurt am Main, Germany 2015—2020 Position: Lecturer Subject: Editorial Design Schule: Kunstschule (Art School) Wandsbek, Hamburg, Germany 2015—2020 Position: Lecturer Subject: Editorial Design School: Kunstschule (Art School) Wandsbek, Hamburg, Germany 2015—2018 Position: Lecturer Subject: Principles of Form and Design, Visual Communication School: Kunstschule (Art School)  Wandsbek, Hamburg 2010—2012 Position: Director, Lecturer Subject: Visual Systems for Flexible Identities, Microtypography, Organisations & Orientations Systems in Editorial Design, Design School: Postgrado de TipografĂa Aplicada de Elisava (Postgraduate in Typography), Elisava, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain 2006—2009 Position: Lecturer Subject: Visual Systems for Flexible Identities, Design, Final Project Schule: Master de Diseño Gráfico de Elisava (Master Degree in Graphic Design), Elisava School, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain 2009—2011 Position: Lecturer Subject: Visual Systems for Flexible Identities School: Master de Branding (Master Degree in Branding) Elisava, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain 2010—2010        Position: Lecturer Subject: Visual Systems for Flexible Identities School: Master de Identidad Visual (Master Degree in Identity), Instituto Europeo di Design, Barcelona, Spain 2009—2012 Position: Member of the examination board “Master” School: Master de Branding (Master Degree in Branding) Blanquerna, Barcelona, Spain 2009—2012 Position: Member of the examination board “Master” School: Master de Branding (Master Degree in Branding), Abat Oliba CEU University, Barcelona, Spain 2009—2012 Position: Lecturer Subject: Branding School: Master de Cool Hunting (Master Degree in Cool Hunting), Blanquerna, Barcelona, Spain 2006—2007 Position: Lecturer Subject: Poster Design School: IDEP Institut Superior de Disseny, Abat Oliba University, Barcelona, Spain 2006—2007 Position: Lecturer Subject: Visual Communication School: IDEP Institut Superior de Disseny, Abat Oliba University, Barcelona, Spain | |
🎤 | LECTURES (incomplete) 2021 “Flexible Visual Systems” TRCC Processing Community, Germany 2021 “Flexible Visual Systems” University of Portsmouth, UK 2020 TwoPoints.Net’s Latest Projects Selected Bilbao 2020 “Designing the Process” University of Portsmouth, UK 2020 “Type Design” HSD Faculty of Design DĂĽsseldorf, Germany 2020 “Flexible Visuelle Identitäten” Detmolder Schule fĂĽr Architektur und Innenarchitektur, Detmold, Germany 2020 “Flexible Visuelle Systeme” Xing Headquarters, Hamburg, Germany 2020 “Type Design” Instituto Europeo di Design (IED), Barcelona, Spain 2020 “On the Road to Variable” Filmakademie Baden-WĂĽrttemberg, Ludwigsburg, Germany 2020 “On the Road to Variable” Hochschule fĂĽr KĂĽnste (HfK), Bremen, Germany 2019 “Flexible Visuelle Systeme” HAW University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule fĂĽr Angewandte Wissenschaften), Hamburg, Germany 2019 “Flexible Visuelle Systeme” Typographische Gesellschaft MĂĽnchen (TGM), Munich, Germany 2018 “El proceso del diseño” Instituto Europeo di Design (IED), Madrid, Spain 2017 „Flexible Visuelle Identitäten“ Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Kiel, Germany 2016 „The Inner Game of Julien Martin“ The Inner Game of Design, Hamburg, Germany 2016 „The Inner Game of Tortilla“ The Inner Game of Design, Hamburg, Germany 2016 „Flexible Visual Identities“ FH Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany 2016 „Flexible Visual Identities“ Hochschule fĂĽr Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung (HTWG), Konstanz, Germany 2015 „Design Systems, not Logos!“ Werkschau, Wien, Austria 2014 „Inspiration“ Creativity Day, Inside Training, Mailand, Italy 2014        Masterclass „Flexible Visuelle Systeme im Grafik-Design“ Festival Blanc, Vilanova, Spain 2014 „Flexible Visuelle Systeme“ BCNMCR, Manchester, UK 2014 „Brand ≠Logo“ Poke, London, UK 2013 Lecture and Workshop Creative Region, Linz, Austria 2013 „Flexible Visuelle Systeme“ Serifalaris, Getxo, Spain 2013 „Flexible Visuelle Systeme“ Grafill, Stavanger, Norway 2013 „Visuelle Identität Helsinki Design Lab“ Helsinki Design Lab, Helsinki, Finland 2012        “The One Weekend Book Series“ The Office for Culture and Design, Manila, Philippines 2012 „Flexible Visuelle Systeme“ Offf Festival, Barcelona, Spain 2012        Moderator of a round table discussion with Albert-Jan Pool about DIN and constructed fonts TypoBerlin, Berlin, Germany 2012 „Flexible Visuelle Systeme“ TypoBerlin, Berlin, Germany 2012 „Flexible Visuelle Systeme“ TypoStammtisch, Hamburg, Germany 2012 „Flexible Visuelle Systeme“ Vienna Design Week, Vienna, Austria 2012 „Flexible Visuelle Systeme“ GetSetFestival, Porto, Portugal 2012 „Flexible Visuelle Systeme“ ChillLaus, Barcelona, Spain 2012 „Flexible Visuelle Systeme“ Blanc Festival, Vilanova, Spain 2011        „Dialog der Schrift“ Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Kiel, Germany 2011 „Flexible Visuelle Systeme“ We Love Graphic Design, Kopenhagen, Denmark 2011        „Type Navigator“ Gestalten Space, Berlin, Germany 2009        Moderator of a round table discussion on visual identities at the congress „CongrĂ©s GrĂ fic“ Barcelona, Spain 2007        „Historia de los sistemas reticulares en tipografĂa“ Idep, Instituto Superior de Diseño, Abat Oliba University, Barcelona, Spain 2007 „TipografĂa en Identidad Visual Corporativa“ Escola Municipal D'Art de Terrassa, Spain 2007 „Projekte von TwoPoints.Net“ Escola d’Art i Disseny de Tarragona, Spain 2006        „Visual Communication“ mit Lupi Asensio Elisava, Escola Superior de Disseny, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain 2006        „TwoPoints.Net“ Escola Municipal D'Art de Terrassa, Spain 2006 „TwoPoints.Net“ Avant-Laus (ADG-FAD), Barcelona, Spain 2006        „TipografĂa en Identidad Visual Corporativa“ Escola Municipal D'Art de Terrassa, Spain 2005        „Visuelle Identitäten“ Hochschule fĂĽr Gestaltung Offenbach am Main, Germany 2005        „Projekte von TwoPoints.Net“ Escola Superior de Relacions PĂşbliques de Barcelona, Spain 2005        „TwoPoints.Net“ Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Barcelona para el Departamento de Diseño (Ă€mbit de Disseny i Imatge), Barcelona, Spain 2005        „Visuelle Kommunikation“ mit Eike König ADG-FAD, Barcelona, Spain 2005        „How to stay creative“ Zefir 7, Theater Zeebelt, Den Haag, Netherlands | WORKSHOPS (incomplete) 2020 Subject: Modular Type Design Organizer: Tipos en su tinta, Canary Islands 2020 Subject: Type Design School: Instituto Europeo di Design (IED), Barcelona, Spain 2019        Subject: Flexible Visual Systems School: HAW, Hochschule fĂĽr Angewandte Wissenschaften (University of Applied Sciences) Hamburg, Germany 2019 Subject: Flexible Visual Systems School: Typographische Gesellschaft MĂĽnchen, Germany 2018 Subject: Typo–graphic Posters School: Instituto Europeo di Design (IED), Madrid, Spain 2017 Subject: Flexible Visual Systems School: Muthesius Kunsthochschule (Art School), Kiel, Germany 2016 Subject: Flexible Visual Systems School: HTWG Hochschule (University of Applied Sciences) Konstanz, Germany 2013 Lecture and Workshop Creative Region, Linz, Austria 2012        “The One Weekend Book Series“ The Office for Culture and Design, Manila, Philippines 2008 Subject: Design School: Hochschule fĂĽr KĂĽnste (University of Art), Bremen, Germany 2007 Subject: Design School: Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2005        „Visuelle Kommunikation“ mit Eike König ADG-FAD, Barcelona, Spain 2004 Subject: Visual Communication School: Fachhochschule (University of Applied Sciences) MĂĽnster, Germany 2003 Subject: Visual Communication Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Frankfurt, Germany 2003 Subject: Visual Communication Agency: Jung von Matt, Hamburg, Germany |