
Sanja Jagnjić and Maja Penava Aleksić


Lesson No.:

Date: 13th February 2018

Unit topic:


Prepositions (presentation)

Learning outcomes:

Educational (knowledge)

Student will be able to:

– revise vocabulary related to animals and things (a bat, a cat, a rat, rocks, a box, a fox)

– learn prepositions (above, below, in front of, behind, inside, outside, beside, between);

Functional (skills)

Student will be able to:

- describe the position of things

- sing a song in English

- draw a picture;

Educational (attitudes):

– encourage learning a foreign language by singing and drawing and dancing

Teaching methods:

drawing-guessing game, describing, listening, reading, singing, drawing, writing

Class organisation:

Frontal, demonstration, individual work, whole-class work

Teaching materials:

realia, video, hand-outs, notebook, slips of paper

Teaching aids:

bord, chalk, computer, projector, You Tube


Music, Art

Lesson articulation:


(5 min)

  • Teachers introduce themselves  to the students.
  • Teacher draws on the board and students guess vocabulary (a bat, a cat, a rat, rocks, a box, a fox).


(30 min)

  • Teacher shows her pencil-case, asks students what it is:
  • *What is this? (A pencil case.)
  • Teacher takes a pen, asks students what it is:
  • *What is this? (A pen.)

  •  Teacher demonstrates the meaning of different prepositions (above, below, in front of, behind, inside, outside, beside, between). Students repeat chorally.

*The pen is inside the pencil-case.

*The pen outside the pencil-case.

*The pen is below the pencil-case.

*The pen is above the pencil-case.

*The pen is behind the pencil-case.

*The pen is in front of the pencil-case.

*The pen is beside the pencil-case.

*The pen is between the pencil-case and the desk.

  • Teacher puts up word cards with the target vocabulary (prepositions) on the board showing position of objects drawn on the board. Volunteers describe the position of objects on the board.

*The cat is above the bat.

*The bat is below the cat. (etc.)

  • Teacher explains that the students will learn a song about different animals and things and where they are.
  • Teacher plays a You Tube video.
  • Teacher gives students hand-outs with the lyrics of the song.
  • Students watch the video again while reading the lyrics and singing.
  • Students watch the video again, sing and dance.


(10 min)

  • Teacher gives students slips of paper with lines from the song which students copy and draw illustrations in their notebooks.
  • Students read their sentences and show their illustrations to the class.


  • Learn the song by heart.

Board organisation:

                                         Schoolwork                                          13th February 2018


Slikovni rezultat za illustration a cat                             BETWEEN                               Slikovni rezultat za illustration a rat     

         a cat                                                                                                          a rat

   Povezana slika                                            Slikovni rezultat za illustration rocks

               a bat                                                                    rocks



                                           Slikovni rezultat za fox drawing      BESIDE

                                                       a fox

Slikovni rezultat za illustration a box





Modifications: In some classes, the hand-outs can be given to pairs of students, or smaller groups, with gap filling activity where students have to write the target vocabulary (prepositions) in the gaps.