Athens vs Sparta Activity

Athen and Sparta were two of the most influential city-states of Ancient Greece, but there were many political, philosophical, and economic differences between them. This activity will help you understand the differences.

Directions: Use the numbers and facts from the word bank as best as you can.




Estimated Number of Male Citizens

40,000 people

25,000-30,000 people

Estimated Population of Enslaved People

75,000 people

200,000 to 250,000 people

Type of Government



Military Strength

Strongest navy in Ancient Greece

Strongest army in Ancient Greece

Traded Goods

Olive oil, wine, and pottery.

Did not trade because foreign trade was discouraged.

Education (for boys)

Physical training and a heavy focus on academics, including reading, writing, speaking in public and playing instruments.

Predominantly physical training, often with limited food and supplies to build strength.

Woman’s Right

No rights.

Could not participate in government, but received physical training and could own property.


Word bank: