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Metro IFO FA unit Nov Minutes.docx
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Metropolitan State University

LIBRARY IFO Faculty Association (FA) Meeting MINUTES

Meeting Date: Fri., Nov. 4, 2022        Time:  10am-noon        Location:  Zoom

Convener: Christine Larson

Recorder:   Christine Larson

Present:  Alec Sonsteby, Michelle Filkins, Ruth Zietlow, Christine Larson, Jennifer DeJonghe

To aid in council packet formation, please indicate when a topic was discussed and no motion was made so that we can differentiate these from topics which were not discussed (or not discussed adequately) due to lack of time.




Call to order. Agenda check.


III. Meet and Confer notes  

A. Pres states no plans for retrench or reorg at this time

B. List of Q’s that faculty offered BESI might consider


V. Action items

A. Seniority roster

Check the link in the pack; submit correction to HR before Nov. 21


B. Call for Volunteers (see packet for committee roster links)

1. Art Exhibition Committee opening

2. Statewide IFO appointment process

3. MinnState textbook affordability

4. Metro EOD seeking faculty to help evaluate funding proposals for equity-related events


C. Office space survey preliminary results

Regarding satisfaction with office space, and openness to sharing or hoteling


D. Bookings

1. See response from Provost to previous motion that Bookings use be option.

  • Request for faculty representation in IT’s Bookings implementation group. Volunteers?
  • Admin believes they can require use of Bookings. We are asked to provide our reasons for and against.
  • Note about 10 office hrs per week.

2. Provost response to FA motion about labels for IFO advisors.


E. Liberalizing 19B use for technology: response

  • Would require an MOA.
  • Fac are encouraged to work with OED and CAR for low-tech solutions to accessibility challenges.


F. Policies and Procedures Review

Each presented with clean (revised) copy, and marked-up former version.

1. Policy 1000 (about policies)

2. Procedure 100 (about policies)

3. Policy 2600 (Academic Forgiveness)

4. Procedure 260 (Academic Forgiveness)

5. A new Policy and Procedure Review Council guidebook


G. Student Success Council requests feedback on Student Orientation

  • Send comments on requirement for in-person orientation as directed in packet.
  • Inventory of current dept orientation practices

Library comments: requiring in-person orientation seems impractical and inaccessible for some students.

H. Rally for Gov Walz, Fri Nov 4 at 8:15am

VI. Carryover motions

A. Travel policy

Cindy drafted new motion meant to reflect and consolidate concerns of the motions from LIB, CIS, and CNHS. Approval or amendments requested.

Draft Summary Motion: We ask administration to create a more streamlined process for travel which does not necessitate each faculty member to have and reconcile their own P-card. Ideally this form would also allow for faculty to indicate if they are using 19B funds for travel so that paperwork is not unnecessarily duplicated.

Question: wondering what the purpose of the new process is; why was old one changed?

Library faculty support a streamlined process, not necessarily having office managers do the work for us.

MOTION: Library supports draft summary motion.

VII. New Business

VII. A. Constitution and Operating Procedures

1. Amendment on Meet and Confer team

The Constitution and Operating Procedures Committee submits the following amendment to Chapter XV, Sec. D, Subd. 4 of the FA Operating Procedures for a first reading:


Composition. The Meet and Confer team shall be the FA Executive Committee and one representative from and as selected by each equity caucus. Equity caucus representatives must be members of the IFO.


Rationale: The Meet and Confer (t)eam represents the union at meet and confer. To represent the union, one must be a member.


Note: Alec Sonsteby, convener of the committee, checked in with Pat Arseneault, attorney with the statewide IFO, who confirmed that IFO membership is a requirement for serving on a body (like the Meet and Confer team) that represents the union to administration.

2. Strike “full share” reference

Motion: To waive the first reading and immediately amend Chapter IX (“Committees of the Faculty Council”), Sec C., Subd. 1b to strike the phrase “full share”:

Only IFO full share faculty members may serve on standing committees.

Rationale: In the post-Janus landscape, there is no distinction between “full share” members and other types of members; one is either a member of the union or not. There is no longer a “fair share” option.

3. Academic unit or caucus ad hoc subcommittee membership.

First reading: To amend Chapter X (“Academic Unit Meetings and the Community Faculty Caucus”), Sec. A, Subd. 5 to insert the phrase “such as college curriculum committees”:

 An academic unit or the community faculty caucus may choose to establish ad hoc subcommittees, such as college curriculum committees, from among its membership, as needed, to conduct its work.

Rationale: Some confusion has been reported about whether IFO membership is required for college curriculum committee membership. The answer is “yes.” Curriculum is a Meet and Confer topic listed within Article 6 of the IFO contract, and as such, the IFO “shall appoint the faculty” to any committees involving curricular matters—this includes college curriculum committees.  

The insertion of this languages clarifies the location of curriculum committees as within respective academic units (informally known as “colleges”). As the FA Constitution indicates, only IFO members can vote within academic units. Certainly, a college curriculum committee may invite nonmembers (including administrators) as nonvoting guests, pursuant to Chapter X of the FA Operating Procedures.

MOTION: Waive first reading and approve #1 on M&C team.

MOTION: Library supports #2 striking “full share” reference.

B. Academic Affairs

1. New from existing Nursing Major

Pre-licensure BNA major to replace the dissolute MANE program.

2. Certificate in Digital Marketing

MOTION: Approve new Nursing Major.

MOTION: Approve Certificate in Digital Marketing.

VIII. Updates from Admin and Administrative Reports

A.1. Action items from Provost

Survey results from Shared Governance Task Force on effectiveness of University councils and committees

See links to intro from Provost, and results on Councils, and Committees.


B. Information items

B.1. University Council updates


B.2. Academic Affairs / Provost

a. Provost’s updates on PAR, assessment, and study abroad. Packet includes links to supporting docs.

b. PDG and 10J funding summary

c. Grants report. Info in response to FA request.


B.3. Technology Update

Updates on WorkDay (the ISRS replacement) and CRM


B.4. H.R. Update

  • HR plan to transition from “compliance-driven organization” to “strategic personal service delivery organization”
  • Overview of “Adaptive Resolution” approach to improving workplace environment


B.5. Strategic Enrollment and Marketing

Vision statement (draft), charter/plan, and strategic commitments and guiding themes chart


B.6. Finance and budget

“Strategic resource utilization”


B.7.Equity and Inclusion

Update (includes note of a university-wide EIAR plan coming in Nov.), implementation of Equity by Design (note use of “individual faculty and department level gap data”).


IX. Responses from Admin

IX.A. DLIP motion on syllabus use

Updated syllabus use memo from Provost


IX.B. FDIS compensation is being increased

(Response to Jan ’22 motion)


IX.C. Private rooms for check-out on St. Paul campus. List and ways of checking out; includes note about library refresh.


IX.D. Gender-neutral bathrooms on campus. Maps for St. Paul and Mpls campuses provided.


IX.E. E&I response to FA motion about process for events needing to go through governance.


IX.F. Library Security / Dean role

Library faculty support the Library Dean’s role, as described in the position description, in managing “the physical space of the library, working collaboratively other campus leader and security, to ensure a welcoming and supportive learning environment for students and employees.”

MOTION: We request clarity on the relative roles, responsibilities, and authority of the library Dean and the Director of Security in managing the Library and Learning Center space and setting policies. PASSED.

Rationale: It is unclear who has the authority and involvement in setting policies for the library building and its resident units. Recent closure of library to the public did not reflect consultation with library faculty and dean.

IX.G. Student support staff

  • Counseling: MAPE (management) or IFO
  • Coordinator for Women and LGBTQ+ Retention Services position has been posted.


XI. Information Items

XI.A. CF VP resignation

Statement from CF caucus


XI.B. Summer session assignment procedure


XI.C. T&P workshop Nov. 18


XI.D. Supporting undocumented students

Red cards available

Recording of training available


XI.E. Faculty Personnel Matters doc

Instructions for finding in My.Metro.


XI.F. Equity Scorecard available


XI.G. New Journal: “Int’l Journal of Equity and Social Justice in Higher Ed.” submissions invited.


XI.H.  Community Faculty resource guide.


XII. IFO FA Announcements

XII.A. Notes from Statewide

1. Budget request to legislature. Requesting big increase.

2. Salary Equity.

3. Climate surveys.


XII.B. Open enrollment, ends Nov. 16


XII.C. IFO membership report


XII.D. There was party.


MOTION: We request a rationale and reconsideration from Admin for refusing to create an additional position for a library faculty on the Public Safety and Security Committee, given that the library building and library services are heavily impacted by campus safety and security actions. PASSED.

Rationale: Admin response to the previous motion included a suggestion that we ask other elected IFO reps to step down for a library replacement; we do not find that an acceptable solution aligned with union governance processes. It also does not address library faculty need for full involvement in discussions of policies impacting library services.

MOTION: Since University Councils and Committees are open for any faculty to attend, chairs/admin should provide Zoom link to campus community in advance of meetings. PASSED.



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