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English translation: "ASL - Please clap 3.0."
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Do you remember 2016 Republican Presidential candidate Jeb Bush?  One time, Jeb was speaking at an event, when he paused.  The audience was silent.  Jeb said, “Please clap.”

In 2021, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi was speaking at an event, when she paused.  The audience was silent.  Congresswoman Pelosi said, “That’s an applause line.”

Recently, something similar happened to VP Harris.  VP Harris planned to give a presentation.  Normally, when an important person is going to speak, he/she walks onto the stage, and the audience applauds.  This time, though, when VP Harris walked out onto the stage, most people in the audience remained silent.  A few people shouted, but most were silent.  VP Harris said, “You can clap.  It’s OK,” and the crowd applauded.  

VP Harris is so unpopular that when she walks onto a stage, she has to beg the audience to clap.