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Castle Rock SSSPSS 1/28/21.docx
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Del Norte County Office of Education – Castle Rock Charter School

Purpose of this Document

The purpose of this document is to provide Castle Rock Charter School with clear guidance for reopening in a manner that provides a safer and cleaner environment for students, school staff and visitors. This COVID-19 School Site-Specific Protection Plan (SSPP) is based on the template Site-Specific Protection Plan provided by Del Norte County Unified School District and Del Norte County Public Health. They are also informed by the American Academy of Pediatrics “COVID-19 Planning Considerations: Guidance for School Re-entry.” It incorporates past and current Del Norte County Public Health Orders and requirements, in addition to updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, the California Department of Public Health and the California Department of Education. It has been modified to meet specific guidance and requirements for schools and school offices and is intended to ensure schools and school/district offices have well developed and thorough plans in place and remain in compliance.

Description of a COVID-19 School Site-Specific Protection Plan (SSPP)

The (SSPP) template below combines state-level guidance published in the California State Resilience Road map and local Del Norte County public health policies. The State of California requires all schools to:


1.         Perform a detailed risk assessment (school site walkthrough) and implement a school site-specific protection plan (SSPP)

2.         Train employees on how to limit the spread of COVID-19, including how to screen themselves for symptoms and stay home if they have them

3.         Implement individual control measures and screenings

4.         Implement disinfecting protocols

5.         Implement physical distancing guidelines


Additionally, this SSPP should be incorporated into the Comprehensive School Safety Plan.

As the COVID-19 public health crisis continues to evolve and new Public Health Orders are issued both at the State and local levels, amendments to individual schools’ SSPPs may be needed in order to incorporate new requirements. The DNUSD website will post and disseminate updated information and tools for you to use in developing any needed amendments. 


Guidance for Developing Your School’s COVID-19 School Site-Specific Protection Plan (SSPP)

1. Perform a risk assessment and school site walkthrough of your campus and office spaces and use the protocols, guidance and best practices detailed in the Public Health Guided Return to Site-Based Classroom Instruction as a guide for conducting your assessment. 

2. Use the template below to create your own SSPP by filling in the required details, based on your individual school site/school or district office, to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19, along with the accompanying guidance from Del Norte County Public Health.

3.  To assist you in your process, Del Norte County Public Health will provide a nurse liaison to area schools for technical assistance should questions emerge as school plans are developed. You should post the plan on your web site and/or at your school or office at a visible location, near the entrance where students, staff and visitors can easily review it without touching the document. 

4. Signage also needs to be posted at each public entrance of each site to inform all students, staff and visitors that they should:


 Templates for signs can be downloaded for use from CDC


Tools for Developing Your School Site-Specific Protection Plan

1.  COVID-19 School Site-Specific Protection Plan (SSPP) Template

The Del Norte County Unified School District is providing this template that can be used by any school in Del Norte County Unified School District to create their own School Site-Specific Protection Plan (SSPP). It contains all of the standard content already written for you to reopen your school or school office and prompts you to “fill in the blank” where unique information is required in order to complete your SSPP. The template has been reviewed and is supported by Humboldt County’s Public Health Officer.


2. School Specific Best Practices

Del Norte County Unified School District is monitoring updated guidance from the Center for Disease Control, the California Department of Public Health, the California Department of Education, and Del Norte County Public Health to support and promote emerging best practices to share with the school community in Del Norte County. These best practices are based on alignment with local, State and federal guidelines in coordination with the county’s Public Health Officer. There is a section in the Template document that instructs you to cut/paste best practices right into your SSPP.


School or District Site Name

 Castle Rock Charter School

Facility Address

 1260 Glenn Street

This COVID-19 School Site-Specific Protection Plan (SSPP) was most recently updated on:


The person(s) responsible for implementation of this Plan is:

Name: Jeff Slayton

Title: Principal

I, certify that all staff and parents have been provided a copy of this SSPP and that staff have received training as required and described in this SSPP.


Date: 1-28-21

Specific Control Measures and Screenings

☐1.  All activities are consistent with and will adjust to changing applicable state and local Public Health orders.


☐2.  Health and safety practices and protocols are in place, including hand washing, appropriate face coverings, and access to essential protective equipment.  Describe below:  All PPE has been dispersed to faculty and staff.





☐3.  Training is provided to all staff and students reinforcing the importance of health and safety practices and protocols.

Describe below:  Staff have been trained with Keanan training videos.  Parents, students, and staff will be trained on proper protocol when entering and exiting campus. This is an ongoing training and will revisit for any updates.





☐4.  A single point of contact will be established and identified at each school site to direct questions or concerns around practices, protocols, or potential exposure. This person will also serve as a liaison to Public Health and participate in the school’s COVID-19 Task Force. The name of this person is:  Jeff Slayton and Jennifer Larson (Castle Rock Administrators)


☐5.  Plans are implemented for intensified cleaning and disinfecting, including training for staff and access to cleaning supplies and essential protective equipment, and regular disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces. Schools are directed to use EPA-approved disinfectants for COVID-19.



☐6.  Health screening for each student is conducted daily prior to leaving home and includes symptoms and, history of exposure and temperature screening.  In the classroom, teachers are vigilant for signs of illness in students and follow school protocols when a child becomes ill. Describe process below:Parents will complete a health wellness check of their child prior to leaving home for school.  This check includes taking the child’s temperature and assessing general health and wellness to attend school.  Staff will contact administration when it appears student is exhibiting signs of illness.



 7. Staff and students who are sick are expected to stay home.


☐8.  Schools and districts will cooperate with Public Health to support testing strategies to mitigate transmission of COVID-19, including surveillance testing for staff on an agreed upon schedule throughout  the school year. This may include testing of students with appropriate parental permissions obtained in advance.


☐9.  Protocols, actions and template communications are in place for the following COVID-19 related scenarios 

  1. A student or staff member exhibits COVID-19 symptoms or has a temperature of 100.4. No letter needs to be sent for this scenario.
  2. A family member or someone in close contact with a student or staff member test positive for COVID-19.
  3. A student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19.
  4. A student or staff member tests negative for COVID-19 after any of the reasons in scenarios b, c or d.

Describe below:

 Parents of affected classrooms for scenarios b, c, or d, will be notified in writing by use of district communication templates.



☐10. Distance staff desks at least 6 feet from student desks. Where practicable, physical distancing of six feet is maintained between students within a classroom or instructional area (distance of 4-6 feet is acceptable if other safety precautions are in place as specified in this document).  Maximize distancing between desks to the extent possible by redesigning classroom space and removing non-essential furnishings. Facial coverings and other measures are intended to support the effectiveness of all levels of distancing.


☐11. For elementary students, stable classroom groups (up to standard class size at each respective grade level) are maintained throughout each school day, and through each quarter or semester, with an assigned primary group teacher, and systems are in place to prevent the mixing of classroom groups. Prioritize stability of classroom groups over strict physical distancing.


☐12. For middle and high schools, single classroom groups are used as practicable but larger groups made up of students from more than one classroom may be arranged as long as accurate attendance data for students and adults is maintained on a daily basis while avoiding school-wide mixing of students and staff. Space students at least six feet apart, if possible in existing facilities.  Distancing of 4-6 feet is acceptable in classrooms if all other safety measures are in place as specified in this document. Strict social distancing is prioritized in older children and when grouping cannot be implemented Describe below:  Whenever possible, 6ft will be the guiding distance to separate students from other students and teachers.




☐13. Where practicable, desks are arranged facing forward to minimize face to face proximity between students.


☐14. School staff are permitted to visit and instruct more than one classroom group, strictly following physical distancing and face covering protocols, and must document/record visits to classrooms that are not identified as their primary classroom groupDescribe below: Currently N/A




☐15. Routes for entry and exit to the campus will be designated for each classroom group, using as many entrances/exits as feasible.  Describe below: All access to classrooms is outside.  We are an independent study program, so any of our entrances or exits may be used.





☐16. Schedules for arrivals, recess and lunch will be strategically coordinated to prevent mixing of classroom groups.

Describe below:  N/A


☐17. Congregate movement through hallways will be minimized as much as practicable.  Describe below:  Outside hallways will be used.  No congregation of any kind.





☐18. Large gatherings (i.e., school assemblies) are currently prohibited.


☐19. The use of outdoor space for instructional purposes is maximized, shared, and coordinated to ensure students remain in their groupDescribe below:  Any use of outside space will be coordinated.


☐20. Use of shared playground equipment will be limited in favor of physical activities that require less contact with surfaces, and shared equipment will be cleaned between uses.


☐21. Use of non-classroom space for instruction such as gymnasiums and multi-use rooms should be considered to support physical distancing with cleaning between uses. N/A


☐22. Meals will be served in classrooms or outside instead of cafeterias or dining rooms with individually plated or bagged meals as much as practicable.


☐23. Routines and schedules will be developed to enable students and staff to regularly wash their hands at staggered intervals.  Describe below:  Students and staff will wash or sanitize hands before and after each session with a student.





☐24. Face coverings must be used in accordance with CDPH guidelines (link to document). 


☐25. Ongoing training will be provided for staff and students on proper use of face coverings which will include instruction to minimize touching of face coverings.


☐26.   Sharing of supplies, manipulatives, toys, sports equipment, and other learning and recreational materials will be limited and each student will have separate individually labeled boxes or cubbies.


27.   Sharing of electronic devices, clothing, books and other games or learning aides will be avoided as much as practicable.


☐28.   Use of privacy boards or clear screens will be considered as much as practicable.


☐29.   Non-essential visitors, including parent volunteers will be limited and essential workers will be required to adhere to all health and safety guidelines.



☐30.   This School Site-Specific Protection Plan outlining the above measures is completed, posted and shared with all stakeholders and updated as state and local Public Health guidance dictates.  


Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocols



Thorough cleaning in high traffic areas is performed regularly. Commonly used surfaces are frequently disinfected.

Sanitizing supplies are provided to promote employees’ personal hygiene. This may include tissues, no-touch trash cans, hand soap, adequate time for hand- washing, alcohol-based hand sanitizers, disinfectants, and disposable towels.

All shared equipment and touchable surfaces are cleaned and sanitized between each use.

Cleaning products are used that meet the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s- approved for use against COVID-19 list.

All entrances and exits are equipped with proper sanitation products, including hand sanitizer and/or sanitizing wipes.

School hours and/or other procedures have been modified to provide adequate time for regular, thorough cleaning, product stocking, or other measures.

Hand washing facilities will be made available and will stay operational and stocked at all times and additional soap, paper towels, and hand sanitizer are supplied when needed. Antimicrobial soaps are not required or recommended.  Sanitizers containing methanol may not be used.

Hands-free devices have been installed, if possible, including motion sensor lights and hand sanitizer stations.

Hand sanitizer will be provided where indoor plumbing is not readily available.


Staff is provided adequate time to implement cleaning practices before and after shifts.




Schedule for Cleaning and Disinfecting high traffic areas and commonly used surfaces.

Fill in the fields below with the schedule for how often each area is disinfected.

Mark N/A for all that do not apply to your specific worksite and add any that are missing to “Other”



 Custodians are responsible for daily

disinfection of frequently touched

surfaces, door handles, light switches,

sink handles, tables, student desks,

chairs, etc.

 Custodians will provide daily disinfection of

frequently touched surfaces, door handles, light

switches, sink handles, tables, student desks,

chairs, etc.



 Custodians are responsible for frequent disinfection of restrooms daily.

 Staff/custodial services are responsible for disinfecting phones daily.  

Handrails / door handles / shelving:

Handwashing facilities:

 Custodians are responsible for disinfecting handrails, door handles, shelving in common areas daily.

 Custodians are responsible for disinfecting hand washing facilities day.

Copy Machines / Scanners / Faxes:

Common Areas:

 Staff are responsible for disinfecting copiers, scanners and faxes prior and after use.

 Custodians are responsible for disinfecting common areas daily.  

Playground Structures:

Outdoor Common Areas:



Indoor Common Areas:


 Custodians are responsible for disinfecting indoor common areas daily.  Staff is responsible for disinfecting areas before and after use.








Physical Distancing Guidelines

Staff breaks and break rooms are managed to allow employees to eat on premises in designated areas where they can remain 6 feet apart.

Tape or other markings have been placed at least six feet apart on sidewalks or other walkways near public entrances with signs directing students to use the markings to maintain distance.

Staff desks are 6 feet from students. Where practicable, physical distancing of six feet is maintained to the greatest extent possible within a classroom or instructional area.  Three to six feet is acceptable where requirements herein are in practice;

All desks or individual workstations within office settings are separated by at least six feet or employees otherwise maintain six feet if workspace is limited.

Meals will be served in classrooms or outside instead of cafeterias or dining rooms with individually plated or bagged meals as much as practicable;

The use of outdoor space for instructional purposes is maximized.


Notification of COVID-19 Positive Case at School or Office Site

County of Del Norte Public Health is notified of all positive COVID-19 cases.

Employers and employees are aware that they can call Del Norte County Health Department if a suspected exposure has occurred at707-464-3191.

If a student or staff member is diagnosed with COVID-19, Humboldt County Public Health may ask for assistance in the assessment of potential worksite exposures, and will

advise on any recommended testing, quarantine, or isolation instructions.

Protocols, actions and template communications are in place for COVID-19 related scenarios: 




Staff have been or will be trained on the following topics:

Information from the California Department of Public Health on COVID-19, how to prevent it from spreading, and which underlying health conditions may make individuals more susceptible to contracting the virus.

Manufacturer’s directions and Cal/OSHA requirements for safe use of personal hygiene and cleaning products.

Self-screening at home, including temperature and/or symptom checks using CDPH guidelines.

The importance of physical distancing, both at work and off work time (see Physical Distancing section above).

The importance of not coming to work if employees have a frequent cough, fever, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, recent loss of taste or smell, or if they or someone they live with have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

Proper use of face coverings, including: masks, gaiters, face shields

The importance of seeking medical attention if an employees’ symptoms become severe, including persistent pain or pressure in the chest, confusion, or bluish lips or face. Updates and further details are available on CDC’s webpage.

Face coverings do not protect the wearer but protect others and help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Compliance and Documentation

This school site / office is/will be regularly inspected for compliance with this School Site-Specific Protection Plan (SSPP) and any deficiencies are documented and corrected.

All school sites and offices operations will continue to be accessible to students and staff with disabilities, complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Title III which covers private business entities.

This school site has created a Task Force to support SSPP activities. This group meets regularly.




Resource Documents: