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DAC October 2023 Notes.docx
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DAC October 2023 Notes

Submitted by Queen Booker, Convenor based on feedback from caucus members

5. Volunteer Opportunities

Included in Section:

Action Items



AI Task Force (new):  Need Volunteers (1 per College) and review of the charter


Develop policies, procedures, guidance and best practices for the university about using artificial intelligence technology as a tool for teaching (pedagogy, assessment), student learning, faculty and student scholarship and research, and in carrying out the work of the university. Assess how the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language models impacts our understanding of and policies related to academic integrity, accessibility and student conduct.  Particular attention will be given to understanding the impact of AI technologies on equity, inclusion and anti-racism efforts.



The Internship and Apprenticeship Coordinator requests IFO approval on an updated Academic Internship Agreement form (AIA) to replace the current AIA. This form is used to register students for an independent internship with the course code of 350I. The current iteration of this form can be located here. The updates were made to increase accessibility and usability of the form.



Charter of BOT nomination committee for first reading. Here is the proposed charter: Charter for BOT group



FA Budget for 2023-2024: $ 27,207.78 with $7000 for Equity Caucus meetings



Proposed changes to the chapter XVI of the FA operating procedures (first reading) for reimbursements: See the proposed changes here.

-Requires hard copy or electronic receipts for all expenses

-Requires that all expenses be related to a meeting, and should include meeting minutes.

-Requires that unit meeting expenses be copied to the Treasurer And the unit convener

-Treasurer has to do a quarterly report out of budget and expenses.



Second reading security committee charge and composition. Composition updated to allow one member from each equity caucus if interested.


  1. Carry Over Motions

Included in Section:




  1. CFC Motion: To authorize and direct the Executive Committee to conduct a vote of FA membership to amend the Metro State University Faculty Association constitution as follows (inserting the highlighted underlined text):


Section 1. Officers: The officers of this organization shall be the president, the vice presidents (resident faculty and two (2) co-community faculty vice presidents), the secretary, and the treasurer. 



The officers of the FA shall be elected at-large by a secret ballot of the membership during April of even-numbered years. Both resident and community faculty members vote for officers. Resident faculty will vote for resident faculty vice president and community faculty will vote for community faculty vice president(s). The officers shall serve a term beginning in July of even-numbered years and continuing two full years and until elected successors take office. There is no limit on the number of terms any member may serve as an officer.


Rationale: The Community Faculty Caucus’s rationale for this proposed amendment is located in the September packet.


Note: According to Article XIV of the FA constitution, the constitution can be amended “by a two-thirds majority vote of FA members in good standing who vote.”


  1. New Business-Motions from Unit Meetings and Committees/Councils

Included in Section:




CLA Motion: Metro FA Membership reminds FA exec that individual members can submit motions and other items for the packet, so long as they meet the packet submission deadlines. Motions do not need to come through units, caucuses, or committees to be included in the packet. If passed, the following language shall be added to the IFO operating procedures, in the section about the packet: "IFO members may submit motions and other items for the packet, for consideration in unit meetings. Motions and other items for the packet must be submitted before the monthly packet deadline for inclusion." Seconded, motion passes. 

Rationale: For decades, Metro FA members have been able to submit motions and other informational items for the packet. Our most recent exec team has interpreted the rules in our operating procedures that apply to moving motions to FA Council (Operating Procedures C.4, "The Council receives reports and motions from FA committees and academic units, and formulates the official faculty policies and positions”) to apply to the packet more broadly, such that individual members must submit motions to their units, caucuses, or committees first before inclusion in the packet. This is a break from decades of precedent that allowed individual members to submit to the packet (as nothing in the operating procedures expressly requires motions to come through units, caucuses, and committees). Additionally, it causes significant delays in moving issues through the governance cycle, adding an additional, unnecessary time to solving urgent issues. This recent reinterpretation of the operating procedures makes our union less responsive to the needs of our members.



CLA Motion: Administration should clearly communicate who is responsible for ensuring that classrooms are fully prepared for teaching each week (including contact information and a process for requesting materials or repairs). Seconded, motion passes.

Rationale: While it is generally understood that IT is responsible for any technology in the classrooms, it is not clear who is responsible for maintaining other aspects of the classroom. For example, who ensures that every classroom has a stock of whiteboard markers? Who ensures that every chair and table are in good, working condition? Too often, faculty have to go to other nearby classrooms to try to get the most basic materials needed to teach a course.



CLA Motion: CLA IFO expresses sincere appreciation to the faculty association for their overwhelming support as we navigated administrative issues in Spring 2023. Seconded, motion passes.

Rationale: FA support for the CLA vote of no confidence of the former CLA dean and the support of FA members during our meeting with President Arthur in Spring 2023 were deeply appreciated and played an important role in the administrative changes in CLA.



CLA Motion: When there is a failure to pay a faculty member, administration automatically ensures an off-cycle check within 5 days, without burdening the affected faculty member. Seconded, motion passes

Rationale: A group of faculty have been notified that they will not be paid on the September 8 pay date as scheduled due to administrative error. There is a history of this happening. Skipping a paycheck when it is expected can pose a significant financial burden on faculty. 

President’s note: When we discussed this issue at meet and confer with Minnstate they gave rationale of why they discourage off-cycle checks-- this is because benefits are such are not taken out of off-cycle checks which may cause issues later on. However, we did note that off-cycle checks are of particular need as an option for contingent faculty. They stated that they would let local universities know that off-cycle checks are an option but to let the faculty know the considerations.



CLA Motion: When financial management is understaffed in providing faculty support for P-cards, administration needs to provide processes that ensure faculty travel planning and financial reimbursement are completed in a timely manner; and financial management should extend timelines for reconciliation in place of last-minute demands. Seconded, motion passes.

Rationale: Faculty have reported recent concerns with the efficiency and availability of financial management. Pcard reconciliation deadlines are strict, but it is difficult to reach someone/receive responses to questions to facilitate meeting the deadlines. Concerns are also raised about the efficiency of processing travel authorizations and travel reimbursements. Administration needs to ensure that financial management inquiries and paperwork routed through financial management are addressed in a timely manner. 

President’s note: When this is discussed in your unit please collect information about specific issues and experiences as that information will aid us in discussion of this issue should it move forward. 



CLA Motion: Administration should fully staff financial management in order to address the requirements of a well-functioning, financially stable university, and stop pushing financial management responsibilities onto faculty.  Seconded, motion passes.

Rationale: Staffing is insufficient in critical offices on campus. The understaffing contributes to significant delays and failures of processes. A well-functioning financial management office is critical to effective university functioning and ensuring faculty can perform their contractual duties. Additionally, more and more financial management responsibilities have transferred to the faculty (e.g., cost centers and coding transactions) who have insufficient knowledge and training, and whose time would be spent on non-administrative duties.


President’s note: When this is discussed in your unit please collect information about specific issues and experiences as that information will aid us in discussion of this issue should it move forward.



Resolution: CF need to have the same access to essential administrative and teaching technology such as Adobe as RF. Justification: CF need the same access to essential technology to ensure the full functioning of their jobs. Example: For the 10-J grants, the form for applying is electronical. There are many tech glitches for CF who can’t do the same things with adobe forms. This is emblematic of CF resource issues in general. Motion Passed unanimously. 

President’s note: The virtual computer lab houses a lot of software for use by faculty and students. To use it go to Requests for software install can be made here:

Access  to Adobe creative cloud (including acrobat) is available to all faculty using this information:

Here is information specific to Office 365:


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