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1/3-1/5/24 8th Grade Newsletter
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8th Grade Weekly Overview!

January 3-5, 2024



Here is what’s happening this week!


Sarah Reams

Students spent time reflecting on 2023, then selected one word for 2024. The one word should help guide them mentally, physically, emotionally, relationally, and/or spiritually.


Zach Allen

8th Grade Math: This week we reviewed the distributive property and how to identify and combine like terms as preparation for working with linear equations.  

Math 1: This week we reviewed exponent rules and applied them to operations with monomials.  


Shawn Bourque

We are continuing to work on the second part of ecosystems. Students will be completing a biome project and we will assess before winter break.

Social Studies

Diana Jones

We started Unit 2: Road to Revolution this week. This unit focuses on the settlement and colonization of the thirteen colonies.  Students will be using critical reading strategies to analyze primary and secondary sources to learn about different economic, social and political aspects of American colonial life.


Shannon Vaden

Darian LopezMartinez

The phrase of the week: ¡Lo siento! - I’m sorry!

1B students will continue to engage with Senor Wooly’s song Billy y las botas 3. We will play games and do activities that support the understanding and acquisition of the language in this resource.


Jonathan Dameron

Beth Burroughs

Lindsay Grey

Coach Burroughs-   We are still on the turf, and will be learning about soccer techniques, and how to play the game. Please dress warm for this cooler weather.

Coach Dameron - Pickleball & CPR Training


Sarah Reams

Diana Jones

Students are continuing work in the financial literacy unit. The unit focuses on building familiarity with financial literacy terms and concepts.


Medical Detectives

Shawn Bourque

We are finishing the mysteries of the human body unit and have dissected our sheep brains.


Computer Science

Zach Allen

This week students are completing their projects and finalizing their presentations.  


Nate Barton

This week we considered in a creative way what we want more and less of in the coming year. Then we began to think about how we might represent our more column with an animal in the style of Eric Carle. If you aren’t familiar with his art, just find any copy of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and all of the illustration is his. Happy New Year!


This is the demo for students to begin to think about how the art is made.

Hudson Goerges

Check back next week.


Melanye Crayton

Check back next week.


Chelsey Montgomery

Jeff Tippins

We will be sending  out a bi-weekly band specific newsletter that will have all necessary reminders and upcoming events for band! If you do not receive it, please email us so we can add you to our list!


Bryan Campbell

Check back next week.

Important Contacts

  • Administration:
  • Counselors/ Family Support/ Questions about 504 Plans
  • Jesse Mitchell:
  • Technology Support:
  • Contact Homeroom teachers for general questions.
  • Contact specific course teachers for course specific information.
  • Notes about attendance:
  • Exceptional Children: Laura Marsden, or the appropriate case manager