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AoECHM Unit 1: Toxic Spills and Significant Figures (2019)
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AoECHM Unit 1: Toxic Spills and Significant Figures (2019)


Learning Objectives:

Essential Standards: review of previous learning and the engineering design process

General topics: scientific notation, significant figures, metric system, density, conversions (factor-label method)

(image at left: aerial view of the BP Deepwater Horizon Spill)

*Magnet Lessons

4C’s: On a daily basis, students will use various methods of communication, think critically to solve problems or draw conclusions, Utilize their creativity to find different solutions, illustrate their work, ask their own questions, and work smarter, Collaborate to accomplish the above

Unit 1 Spread


  • Variable
  • Control
  • Uncertainty
  • Accuracy
  • Precision
  • SI System
  • Conversion Factor

Top 10 “I can…”

  1. Describe different branches and applications of chemistry
  2. Know common elements and their symbols
  3. Determine the number of significant figures in a measurement
  4. Measure an object and report the measurement with the correct number of significant figures
  5. Determine whether an experiment or data set demonstrates accuracy and/or precision
  6. Calculate the percent error in a set of experimental data
  7. Explain how density is related to mass and volume and can be used to identify a substance.
  8. Know common metric prefixes and their exponential values
  9. Convert between metric units using the factor-label method
  10. Use the factor-label method to solve word problems involving conversions

Formulas/Math - Dimensional Analysis/Factor-label method, Metric Prefixes, Density = mass/volume

Test Date: 7 February

Note that all things in italics will be checked in your notebook!!!

Finished early? Add to your mindmap, define a word in your glossary, or update your table of contents.

Daily Calendar


1st 5






Find your seat! Say hello. Look around. Stay a while.


This or That Buddies


Label Reference Sheet for Quizzes

(5 min) Review the Lab Safety Rules

(15 min) MBTI Assessment - find your type

  • Read your strengths/weaknesses and workplace habits
  • Write them down with your type (i.e. ENFJ - the Diplomat)

(1 min) Parent Homework (due 1/24)

(varies) Study Symbols (Quiz 1)


Lab Equipment Review



Circle of Chemistry Concerns

Breathing Break, Lone Pears

Discuss Lab-Skills Pre-Assessment

Symbol Quiz 1

Laptop Procedures

Measurement Exploration

     Work on Unit 1 Notesheet (p. 1-2)

(15 min) READ: Significant Figures

     Write down your answers to the review      

     questions at the end under your notesheet

(2 min) WATCH: Accuracy and Precision

(varies) Finish Unit 1 Notesheet (p. 1-2)

(varies) Study Symbols (Quiz 2)

Make sure 1/22 HW is completed

Uncertainty Tutorial

Measurement Prezi

Sig Fig Notes



Review your symbols

Symbol Quiz 2

Set up notebooks

Go over Unit 1 Notesheet p. 1-2

Practice WS #2-4, 8, use a LEFT page in your NB if you need space to work problems

Classcraft intro

(10 min) Set up an eFolio

(varies) Study Symbols (Quiz 3)

Review Measurement Exploration

Read Classcraft Rules

Sig Fig Calculations Activity


Screen Shot 2017-08-16 at 3.30.46 PM.png


Parent HW DUE!

Start own Mindmap (pg 1 of your NB)

Symbol Quiz 3 (skip)

Measurement Pre-Lab Activity 1.6


  • Mindmap
  • Classcraft

(~15 min) Measurement Quiz (CANVAS)

(varies) Finish Significant Figures Challenge

  • (actual kernel count = 2992)

How to organize data activity

Measuring Tutorial



READ your Day 1 procedure

Measurement Practical Day 1


  • Day 1 measurements
  • Density Problems (take notes on a spare page, but not your practice WS page)

(varies) finish Day 1 analysis questions

(varies) catch up on Practice WS (#2-4, 6-8)

(varies) Study Symbols (Quiz 4)

SAS Density VLab (QL #11) = practical makeup assignment



Notebook Maintenance

Skill Drill #3

Symbol Quiz 4

Measurement Practical Day 2

(10 min) WATCH: Factor-Label Method

(20 min) FINISH Measurement Practical (due 2/4), Type it up for +1,  turn in 1/31 for +1

(varies) Study Symbols (Quiz 5)


Fill in top of p.3 notes

Symbol Quiz 5

Factor Label Discussion

Factor Label Practice WS

(10 min) Ch 1 Practice WS (9)

(varies) Study Symbols and Ions list (Quiz 6)

(20 min) FINISH Measurement Practical (due 2/4), Type it up for +1, turn in 1/31 for +1

Factor-Label Tutorial

Factor-Label Strategy Sheet


Skill Drill #4

Turn in your practical if you want +1

Ch 1 Practice WS (#10) with Mrs. Wood

Cubed and squared unit conversions

Choose your own adventure (measurement practice)

(10 min) Ch 1 Practice WS (all except #10)

  • HW check 2/4!

(varies) Study Symbols and Ions list (Quiz 6)

(30-45 min)  Study for Practical and test

Metric Units and Conversions

Measurement Class Discussion


Screen Shot 2017-08-16 at 3.30.46 PM.png


Unit 1 WS check

Metric Conv. Skill Drill (#5)

Deepwater Horizon Documentary (30 min)

  • $2 summary assignment in CANVAS

Unit 1 Review  (this must be completed in order to be eligible for medkits - AKA reassessment, do this on your next empty left page for your unit review spread)

Review Solution to #10. Try it on your own!!!

FINISH Measurement Practical (due 2/4), Type it up for +1

(30 min) Study for Test

100 Days of the BP Oil Spill

10 Biggest Oil Spills in History



Symbol Quiz 6

Practice WS DUE

Measurement Practical DUE

BP Oil Spill Practical*

(1 hour) Study for Test (on your own)

Suggestion: look over the measurement quiz results and figure out the ones you missed



Finish BP Oil Spill Practical

Toxic Popcorn Design Challenge

(1 hour) Study for Test (be sure to review symbols and polyatomic ions!!!)

Measurement Practice Key

NOTE: For conversions A4, the cubed units should show their conversions being cubed, so the answer is 5.27x106 mg/mm3


BP Practical DUE

Boss Battle #1 Walkthrough

(1 hour) Study for Test (be sure to review symbols and polyatomic ions!!!)


Boss Battle #1

Mrs. Wood’s Unit 1 Pechakucha (Review)

Test pep talk, #4 buddy

(45 min) Boss Battle 1 (Unit 1 Test)

     (includes symbols AND Polyatomic Ions)

(25 min) new spread: Classification of Matter Notes using Powerpoint for CoM Notes

Draw your own mindmap if you haven’t had a chance to!

(25 min) new spread: Classification of Matter Notes using Powerpoint for CoM Notes

Top 10 “I can…”

  1. Describe different branches and applications of chemistry
  2. Know common elements and their symbols
  3. Determine the number of significant figures in a measurement
  4. Measure an object and report the measurement with the correct number of significant figures
  5. Determine whether an experiment or data set demonstrates accuracy and/or precision
  6. Calculate the percent error in an set of experimental data
  7. Use numbers in scientific in notation without converting to decimal form
  8. Know common metric prefixes and their exponential values
  9. Convert between metric units using the factor-label method
  10. Use the factor-label method to solve word problems involving conversions

Top 10 “I can…”

  1. Describe different branches and applications of chemistry
  2. Know common elements and their symbols
  3. Determine the number of significant figures in a measurement
  4. Measure an object and report the measurement with the correct number of significant figures
  5. Determine whether an experiment or data set demonstrates accuracy and/or precision
  6. Calculate the percent error in an set of experimental data
  7. Use numbers in scientific in notation without converting to decimal form
  8. Know common metric prefixes and their exponential values
  9. Convert between metric units using the factor-label method
  10. Use the factor-label method to solve word problems involving conversions

Top 10 “I can…”

  1. Describe different branches and applications of chemistry
  2. Know common elements and their symbols
  3. Determine the number of significant figures in a measurement
  4. Measure an object and report the measurement with the correct number of significant figures
  5. Determine whether an experiment or data set demonstrates accuracy and/or precision
  6. Calculate the percent error in an set of experimental data
  7. Use numbers in scientific in notation without converting to decimal form
  8. Know common metric prefixes and their exponential values
  9. Convert between metric units using the factor-label method
  10. Use the factor-label method to solve word problems involving conversions

Top 10 “I can…”

  1. Describe different branches and applications of chemistry
  2. Know common elements and their symbols
  3. Determine the number of significant figures in a measurement
  4. Measure an object and report the measurement with the correct number of significant figures
  5. Determine whether an experiment or data set demonstrates accuracy and/or precision
  6. Calculate the percent error in an set of experimental data
  7. Use numbers in scientific in notation without converting to decimal form
  8. Know common metric prefixes and their exponential values
  9. Convert between metric units using the factor-label method
  10. Use the factor-label method to solve word problems involving conversions

Top 10 “I can…”

  1. Describe different branches and applications of chemistry
  2. Know common elements and their symbols
  3. Determine the number of significant figures in a measurement
  4. Measure an object and report the measurement with the correct number of significant figures
  5. Determine whether an experiment or data set demonstrates accuracy and/or precision
  6. Calculate the percent error in an set of experimental data
  7. Use numbers in scientific in notation without converting to decimal form
  8. Know common metric prefixes and their exponential values
  9. Convert between metric units using the factor-label method
  10. Use the factor-label method to solve word problems involving conversions

Top 10 “I can…”

  1. Describe different branches and applications of chemistry
  2. Know common elements and their symbols
  3. Determine the number of significant figures in a measurement
  4. Measure an object and report the measurement with the correct number of significant figures
  5. Determine whether an experiment or data set demonstrates accuracy and/or precision
  6. Calculate the percent error in an set of experimental data
  7. Use numbers in scientific in notation without converting to decimal form
  8. Know common metric prefixes and their exponential values
  9. Convert between metric units using the factor-label method
  10. Use the factor-label method to solve word problems involving conversions

This or That Buddies


Label Reference Sheet for Quizzes

Breathing Break, Lone Pears

Discuss Lab-Skills Pre-Assessment

Symbol Quiz 1

Laptop Procedures

Measurement Exploration

     Work on Unit 1 Notesheet (p. 1-2)

Symbol Quiz 2

Discuss and complete top of Unit 1 Notesheet p.3

Practice WS #2-4, 8, use a LEFT page in your NB if you need space to work problems

Measurement Pre-Lab Activity 1.6

Symbol Quiz 3

Classcraft intro


  • (actual kernel count = 2992)

Measurement Practical Day 1


  • Day 1 measurements
  • Density Problems

Symbol Quiz 4

Measurement Practical Day 2

Symbol Quiz 5

Factor Label Discussion

Factor Label Practice WS

Deepwater Horizon Documentary

  • $2 summary assignment in CANVAS

Unit 1 Review

Symbol Quiz 6

Ch 1 Practice WS (#10) with Mrs. Wood

Cubed and squared unit conversions

BP Oil Spill Practical*

Practice WS 1-9 DUE

BP Oil Spill Practical*

BP Oil Spill Reflection

Boss Battle #1 Walkthrough

  • Unit 1 Study Map and Glossary
  • Intro to Pechakucha Presentations
  • Set up Review unit spread
  • Update your table of contents
  • Measurement Practical Reflections and reassessment procedures

Mrs. Wood’s Unit 1 Pechakucha (Review)

Test pep talk, #4 buddy

(45 min) Boss Battle 1 (Unit 1 Test)

     (includes symbols AND Polyatomic Ions)

(5 min) Set up Unit 2 Spread

Draw your own mindmap if you haven’t had a chance to!