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members info pack 2023.docx
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New Members Application Pack

Welcome to Arfon Swimming Club. We hope you enjoy your time with us and are able to make the most of our swimming sessions, social occasions and competitions.

Membership is open to all those able to swim, aged 18 or over.

The first, assessment session is free.

Training Sessions. (No session on Bank Holidays)

Bangor pool:                 Tuesdays 8.00p.m – 9.00p.m with Pete

                                 Fridays 5.30pm – 6.30pm with Jill – fitness plus some technique  


Caernarfon pool:          Thursdays 8.00p.m – 9.00p.m with Oggy, Sunnie & Jill, mainly front crawl fitness

                        Sundays 8.15a.m – 9.15a.m with Roy mainly technique.

These times are subject to alteration; however, every effort will be made to keep members informed of any changes. Please keep an eye on your emails.

Training sessions involve strenuous exercise and if you are unused to this, we recommend that you consult your GP before starting.  Please inform the coach of any health problems or allergies that may affect your swimming ability such as asthma, back problems, heart problems etc., or if you have any needs for support. Please also let the coach know if you are recovering from a viral infection and need to build up gradually.  

Happy swimming!

Keep informed about latest news, club policies, galas etc. by visiting the club website at:

Facebook Group: Arfon Swimming Club

Twitter: @ArfonSC

  1. Pecyn Cais Aelodau Newydd

Croeso i nofio Meistri. Gobeithiwn y gwnewch chi fwynhau eich amser gyda ni ac y byddwch yn gallu elwa o’r sesiynau nofio, y cystadlu a’r digwyddiadau cymdeithasol. Mae pawb sy’n medru nofio ac sy’n 18 oed neu hŷn.

Sesiynau Hyfforddi

Dydd Sul:           Pwll Nofio Caernarfon    8.15 –  9.15 g.b. 

Nos Gwener      Pwll Nofio Bangor            5.30 – 6.30 g.n.

                      Sesiwn Cyhoeddus – Lon 4 yn unig am Arfon SC


Nos Fawrth:       Pwll Nofio Bangor          8.00 – 9.00 g.n.


Nos Iau:              Pwll Nofio Caenarfon     8.00 – 9.00 g.n. 

Mae’n bosib i’r amseroedd hyn gael eu newid ond gwneir pob ymdrech i hysbysu aelodau o unrhyw newid. Cadwch olwg ar eich ebyst ac ar yr hysbysfwrdd yng nghyntedd pwll Bangor.

Mae’r sesiynau hyfforddi yn golygu ymarfer egnïol ac os nad ydych wedi arfer â hyn awgrymwn i chi gael gair â’ch meddyg cyn cychwyn. Awgrymir hefyd y dylech gynhesu am o leiaf 10 munud ar ddechrau pob sesiwn. Rhowch wybod i’r hyfforddwraig Roy, o unrhyw broblemau iechyd neu alergedd a all effeithio ar eich gallu i nofio, megis y fogfa, problemau cefn neu’r galon ac ati neu os oes gennych unrhyw anghenion am gefnogaeth. Yn ogystal gadewch i Roy wybod os ydych yn gwella o haint feirysol ac angen ailddechrau’n raddol.

Hwyl ar y nofio!

Am y newyddion diweddara, galas, polisïau clwb ac ati, ewch ar safle we’r clwb yn:

Facebook Group: Arfon Swimming Club Twitter: @ArfonSC

Clwb Nofio Arfon Swimming Club

Session Fee Charges

Session Fee payment options.

There are three payment options for attending Arfon Swimming Club


  1. PAYG: £8:00 per session

  1. Standing order payment of £26 per month which allows members to attend an average of one club session per week, these averages will be over three monthly periods as below

There are 13 weeks during each of these three month periods so members paying £26 per month can swim 13 times during each of these periods.

If members miss a week due to being away on holiday or because of illness they will be able to swim two or three times during another week to make up for any swims they have missed.

  1. Standing order payment of £44 per month which allows you to attend as many sessions you want.

Please Note:

Standing orders are to be paid into the Arfon Masters bank account at the beginning of each month, if payment is not received, in order to attend club sessions, members will be required to pay £8:00.

Bank details for Standing Order monthly payments:

        Account Number:         00399931

        Sort Code:                30 90 43

        Account Name:        Arfon Masters Swimming Club

Please use your name as the reference.