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2023-2024 Shiloh Elementary Supply Lists Updated
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2023-2024 Supply Lists

Shiloh Elementary School


1 set of headphones (no earbuds)

1 large/regular sized backpack (no wheels)

1 refillable water bottle

1 BLACK one-inch 3 ring binder (clearview front sleeve)

1 BLACK poly (plastic) folder with brads

1 GREEN poly (plastic) folder with brads

1 RED poly (plastic) folder with brads

1 pair of Fiskars scissors

4 or more boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons

6 or more Black Dry-erase Expo markers (skinny, if possible)

6 or more Elmer’s Purple Disappearing Glue Sticks

1 box of pencils

1 package pencil-top erasers

1 package pink pearl erasers

1 package classic Crayola markers

1 ream of copy paper

1 package of colored copy paper

1 box of Gallon sized Ziploc bags

1 box of Sandwich sized Ziploc bags

2 bottles of Germ-x hand sanitizer

1 package of Baby Wipes

2 boxes of Kleenex Tissues

1 package of Lysol Disinfectant Wipes

**Extra set of clothing in case of accidents or if a change is needed

First Grade

Personal headphones **Place in a ziploc bag with the student's name.

One pack of highlighters ( Yellow)

One pair of Fiskars scissors

Four hand-sized pink erasers

One durable zippered pencil pouch

Sixteen glue sticks (please no bottle glue)

Four packages of #2 pencils

Two vinyl-only pocket folders

One ream of white copy paper

Two boxes of Kleenex

Four boxes of 24 count Crayola Crayons

Two packages of thick black Expo dry erase markers (Black only please!) Two packs of skinny black Expo dry erase markers (Black only please!) One 32 oz bottle of Hand Saniter

Six Mead composition notebooks (no spirals please- black and white cover) Two containers of cleaning wipes

One can of Lysol Spray

One pack of clear page protectors

***Please do not write your child's name on any supplies.

Second Grade

*One set of headphones in a labeled gallon bag- no earbuds!

Four colored vinyl folders with prongs (red, blue, green, black)

Forty-eight pencils (sharpened if possible)

2 boxes of Crayola Crayons (24 count)

Four large boxes of tissue

10 glue sticks (Elmer's brand)

Three pink bar erasers

Two boxes Crayola colored pencils (12 counts)

One pair students scissors (Fiskars)

Six dry erase Expo markers (black, wide tip)

Four colored Expo dry erase markers

Six composition books (black Mead style)

Two 16 oz. or larger bottles Hand sanitizer

Two highlighters (yellow)

Two reams of copy paper

**No pencil sharpeners please

**Label only headphones with student's name


- 1 container Clorox Wipes

- 1 box of quart size ziploc bags


- 1 container of clorox wipes

- 1 box of gallon size ziploc bags

Third Grade

Headphones- No earbuds (label with child's name and place in a ziploc bag)*

3 boxes of 24 count pre-sharpened Ticonderoga #2 pencils

4 count pack of BIG PINK erasers (Girls)

1 pack of pencil cap erasers (Boys)

1 pack of highlighters

1- 4 pack of black Expo markers

1 box of 24 crayons*

1 box of colored pencils*

3 Family-size boxes of Kleenex

1 BIG pencil pouch labeled- No Pencil Boxes

6 composition notebooks (Not Spiral)*

1 pack of wide-ruled notebook paper

1 ream of white copy paper

6 pocket folders : 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 purple, 1 orange* 1 pair of Fiskars scissors*

1- 4 or greater pack of glue sticks (Elmer's preferred) (No liquid glue) Personal

2 bottles of Hand Sanitizer (Germ-X or Purcell preferred)

2 containers of Clorox Wipes

2 rolls of paper towels

1 box quart size bags--boys only

1 box gallon size bags--girls only

**No Pencil Sharpeners

**Please put names on supplies marked with an asterisk (*)

**Teacher will have an individual list of any additional items needed

Fourth Grade

1 set of personal headphones 

3 one-subject spiral notebooks

6 folders with prongs

2 packages of wide ruled notebook paper

6 packages of number 2 pencils (no designs please - they mess up the sharpeners) 1 pocket pencil pouch with 3 holes

1 box of colored pencils

1 box of markers

1 box of crayons

1 package of Expo markers

6 glue sticks

1 pair of scissors

2 boxes of Kleenex/tissues

1 box Clorox Wipes

1 bottle of hand sanitizer

1 box of gallon or quart size Ziploc bags

1 reusable water bottle

**Student's name should ONLY go on headphones and binder.

Fifth Grade

Personal Headphones with MICROPHONE (Label with your child’s name)

1 Pencil Pouch

1 pair of Scissors

6 Composition Books

5 plastic folders with brads and pockets (red, green, blue, orange, and yellow) 3 packs of #2 pencils (No Mechanical pencils)

1 pack of Colored pencils

1 pack of Dry Erase Markers

2 packs of Highlighters

I pack of pencil tops or flat erasers

1 pack of wide-ruled notebook paper

2 Reams of copy paper (1 white and 1 color)


12 glue sticks

4 boxes of tissues

2 containers of Clorox wipes

1 bottle of hand sanitizer

1 Quart size and 1 Gallon size Ziploc bags

2 rolls of paper towels

Please do not put your child’s name on any

supplies except headphones, unless noted. Thank you!