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Coin Concede - Episode 175
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Coin Concede - Episode 175

Hat * Botticus * Appa* Guest*

Intro (~10 min)

Welcome to Episode 175 of Coin Concede, a Hearthstone podcast dedicated to making the competitive side of the game more accessible to you.

Joining us from Gadgetzan, New York, it’s RidiculousHat!

Also joining us - from Karazhan, California it’s Botticus!

Joining you all from the Maelstrom, Louisiana, it’s Appa!

And now live from Undercity, Pennsylvania it's Edelweiss!

Coin Concede is supported in large part by you, the listener. If you’d like to find out how you can support us and receive rewards in return, head to

How's life and ladder? -

Hat - Aggro odd mage! I had Appawock built but haven't played it yet

Appa -        
Botticus - Professional Tavern Brawler

Edelweiss -

News Highlights (~15min) -

Tournament Results (~15min) -

High Level Recap

Bawoh NA playoffs -

Pathra > Futureshock, Teebs and Slyssa 3rd and 4th, Caracute, iOrchestrate, Dragonrider, Heidilisk rounding out top 8

Monthly Masters cup -

1st ($2,000 USD) - Jarla

2nd ($1,500 USD) - Kaláxz

3rd-4th ($750 USD) - Seohyun628 and BoarControl

Tournament Meta

Hunter 8 - 5 cube, 2 midrange, 1 spell
Paladin 6 - 5 Odd, 1 2x OTK
Priest 6 - 3 Zerek's, 2 Dragon Control, 1 Wall
Warrior 4 - Odd
Warlock 3 - 1 Even, 1 Cube, 1 Mecha'thun

Druid 2 - Malygos
Rogue 2 - 1 Quest, 1 Odd
Mage 1 - Odd Secret        

Winning lineup was Cube Hunter, Odd Paladin, Zerek's Priest, and Mecha'Thun Warlock over second place Malygos Druid, Midrange Hunter, Odd Secret Mage, and Odd Paladin.

Oldguardian Masters Cup analysis -


First Finals - Pathra Deathrattle Hunter v FutureShock Odd Paladin

The Deathrattle Hunter is not favored here, but Pathra opened with Keleseth on 2 and a buffed Grizzly on 5 to make it look close. Still, FutureShock had the buffs to take out the bear and keep the board clear - and when she gets Vinecleaver on 7, it seems like that's all she wrote. But Pathra manages to stick a Houndmaster Shaw, and when Frostwolf Warlord comes down as a 10/10, she uses a topdecked 4/4 Ooze and a 5/7 Carnivorous Cube (the last card in her hand) to clear it off and survive. Shaw gets taken care of along with a second Witchwood Grizzly, but Futureshock is down to 9 life while Pathra is completely empty-handed. Futureshock draws Leeroy when her life total ticks down to 7, but Pathra is at 28… Baku and friends hit her down to 16, but against a board full of 1/1s, the topdeck is Deathstalker Rexxar - and the first pull is a Bloatbat with echo and rush! A second vinecleaver comes down the next turn, but the Pathra topdeck of OONDASTA makes the Bat come down as well and clear the board except for an 8/7… and Futureshock is down to 5. A lucky Stonehill Defender answers back and gets a Righteous Protector, which slows the game down just enough that FutureShock's Leeroy is lethal next turn!

Coming Soon

2019 wild open is 2/23, HCT Winter Champs is 2/28

CC Not-League!

Decksplanations - Lineup Prep Stuff:

Outro (~5min)

Thanks and contact!

We have many folks we'd like to thank - check out our THANKS! section on the website at, where you can also find our contact info, our show notes, and our Patreon information!

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BIG THANKS to our producers VIRIATUS, RYAN and DONALD!!!

Coin Concedes (Shout Outs):


Hat- Former blizz employees - thank you, wickedgood

Botticus- Kresh

Appa - KremePuff and EK

Edelweiss -

Keep Calm and!

And if you see us on ladder…

“Coin Concede” Hat

“Coin Concede” Bott

“Coin Concede” Appa

“Coin Concede” Edelweiss