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44. Catherine Makes an Offer
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Chapter 44: Catherine Makes an Offer

        “Ah, there you are Vivian,” said Catherine, as Vivian came into the garden.  “I was hoping I’d get a chance to talk to you.”

        “I don’t want to talk to you, Aunt Catherine,” Vivian said.  “I’m only here to get some vegetables for Mother.”

        “Now, don’t be like that.  We’re family after all, you and me.  I was Queen when you were just a little girl.  I watched you grow up.  I know it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other and sat down and talked, but that wasn’t by my choice.”

        “You were a bad Queen.”

        “You were barely able to understand what was going on.  You couldn’t have known.”

        “I was 19.  I was old enough.”

        “A child.  You didn’t understand what I was doing.  You didn’t understand the complexities of it all.  And I know your father told you I was the most evil queen ever but… but that’s just what your father said to justify what he did.”

        “It’s not only my father who thinks that.”

        “But it’s mostly your father, isn’t it?  And then he ruined your life by making you leave your baby and your one true love.”

        “He didn’t make me do anything.  I chose to come back.”

        “Really?  Can you honestly say no one pressured you?  If you weren’t afraid of him, then why did you and Midor sneak out of the castle in the middle of the night?  I knew you were sneaking out, by the way.  I was still queen of the castle at the time.  My guards told me what was happening.  But I choose to let you two go.  ‘Let her have her freedom,’ I said to myself.  ‘Let her find happiness and true love.’  I know you’re angry because you had to come back and give all that up.  But it wasn’t me who did it.”

        “I need to go now.”

        “And then, after all that, he never treated you as an heir, did he?  He’s been training up George and Rufus to succeed him, but not you.”

        “He’s been teaching me what I need to know.”

        “You know that’s not true.  Who are you trying to convince: me or yourself?”

        “I don’t want to have this conversation with you.”  

Vivian turned to go, and had made it almost all the way to the edge of the garden before Catherine said, “You have the magic blood, you know.”

“I don’t want it.”

“That may be, but you have it.”

“I don’t want it!” Vivian yelled.

“You're not denying it?  You’re not arguing with me?  You know! You’ve already felt it!  Have you been able to use the magic before?  I can teach you.  I can teach you how to control it!”

Vivian turned around and marched back to Catherine.  “Don’t you ever come near me!” she yelled.  “You stay away from me!  I don’t want your help.”

“You’re angry.  The magic has been burning inside you for a long time.  You’ve felt it, but you’ve never dared show your father.  Somewhere, in the back of your mind, you weren’t entirely sure what he would do when he found out.  Would he send you to the dark parts of the forest to live in the witch’s coven, with your aunt Catherine?  You didn’t think he would do that to his own daughter, and yet…  you weren’t sure.  You saw what he had done to his own sister.  Why not his daughter?  You knew how much he feared magic.  And so you never dared show the magic.  But the magic doesn’t go away, does it?  That feeling inside you just burned more and more.  Over time it became almost painful.”

“Shut up!” Vivian put her hands to her ears.  “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!”

“Oh, I’ve hit a sore spot, haven’t I?”

Vivian made to bolt, as if she was going to run away, but Catherine grabbed her by the arm.  Catherine held her in a tight grip, but although her hand was firm, her voice changed to soft and sympathetic.  “It’s okay dear, it’s okay.  I know, I know.  It’s been difficult for you, hasn’t it?  But it’s all over now.  Your father is gone.  He can’t hurt you now.  I’m here.  And I understand everything that you’ve been going through.  And I can help.  I can teach you how to use it, so that the burning feeling will go away.  I know you’re scared right now.  You’re scared of using magic because it’s something you don’t know, and what you don’t know is scary.  Don’t worry.  I’m not going to push you before you’re ready.  You take as much time as you need.  And then, when you’re ready, I’ll be here to help you.”

Catherine finally let go, and Vivian ran up the stairs, and back to her room, slamming the door behind her.