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LIB IFO unit Minutes Feb 23.docx
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Metropolitan State University

LIBRARY IFO Faculty Association (FA) Meeting MINUTES

Meeting Date: Fri., Feb. 3, 2023        Time:  10am-noon        Location:  Zoom

Convener: Christine Larson

Recorder:   Christine Larson

Present: Michelle Filkins, Jennifer DeJonghe, Becca Peters, Ruth Zietlow, Christine Larson

To aid in council packet formation, please indicate when a topic was discussed and no motion was made so that we can differentiate these from topics which were not discussed (or not discussed adequately) due to lack of time.




Call to order; Agenda check.


Non-packet biz:

  • Graduate Programs Council rep  

Dawn Wing (LIB rep) has resigned this committee.

Christine Larson as LIB rep for GPC


A. No discussion of retrenchment has occurred

B. In response to motions and comments regarding reorganization we have learned that due to concerns related to accreditation, Social Work will not be merged with Human Services, Nursing and Dental will not be merged, and they are rethinking the potential merger of Accounting and Finance.

C. Regarding the space plan, specifically, moving-- unless a unit now located at Midway requests it, admin is not planning to move faculty out of Midway until Summer 2024. Discussions about space are ongoing including the possibility of renegotiating the rent on the midway space. We will be included in ongoing discussions of the plan to make sure it works for us.


V.A. IFO Exec and Board positions

Positions on IFO exec: RFVP, CFVP, IFO Statewide board representative. Nominate!

V.B. Calls for volunteers

  1. Council and committee openings.
  2. Mission, Vision, and Values Taskforce
  3. VP of HR and Employee Experience Search
  4. Faculty and Staff Giving taskforce
  5. Pilot testers for Right now CRM tool for advising

V.C. Calls for nominations for Chancellor search

V.D. Call for proposals for Spring Faculty Conference, March 18

“Looking Back, Looking Ahead: Advancing Engagement, Effectiveness, and Inclusion” more details linked in packet. Proposals due Feb. 11. Link to registration also in packet.

V.E. Call for nominations for “Minnesota Campus Compact Presidents’ Awards”

For students, faculty, staff. Nom by Feb. 20.

V.F. Faculty participation in Commencement.

Call for ideas of how to get more participation.

V.G. Committee/ Council Representation Query

Discuss whether college/unit based representation should be a requirement for specific FA committees/university committees/councils or if we could potentially change select opportunities to at-large representation. 

Discuss whether this should be the case for:

  1. University Committees/Councils
  2. FA Committees


  • This issue connects with faculty role in shared governance. Look at committees holistically.
  • FA E&D Committee could benefit from being open (at large), not unit-based, so that all interested persons can participate.
  • We notice when a college is participating less in committees, and miss their contributions.
  • For at-large only representation, how can we ensure appropriate communication with units?
  • Curricular committees really need unit representation
  • Refer this to Faculty Issues?
  • Our unit would like more time to discuss this.

V.H. Grad Certificate in Technical Communication

Library supports.

V.I. University Scholars process

  • Pres. Arthur is outlining a process.
  • Units are encouraged to discuss.
  • FA exec has reminded Pres that nominations contractually come from department.


VI. Rally at Capitol, Feb.21, 12-2pm.


VIII.NEW BUSINESS, from Units and Committees/Councils

VIII.A and B. [PDGs]

A. FIC Motion: That administration simplify the Professional Development Grant (PDG) application process language outlined in Faculty Personnel Matters so that PDG applicants submit their applications directly to their dean.

Rationale: The current FPM language suggests that a college faculty committee reviews and ranks grant applications, with deans providing their own recommendations to the provost. However, this seems to be a historical artifact and does not reflect current practice. Further, faculty are not interested in evaluating the merits of individual grant applications or adjudicating disputes resulting from different interpretations of the process, such as the deadlines or when proposed activities may occur; the Provost’s Office should do this. 

B. FIC Motion: That administration consult annually with the Faculty Issues Committee about:

  • The potential Professional Development Grant (PDG) maximum award amounts based on a faculty member’s status (e.g., CF, probationary, tenured), rank (e.g., assistant, associate, full), and/or activity (e.g., attending versus presenting, domestic versus international).
  • The PDG process and criteria detailed in Faculty Personnel Matters

A. Library supports.

B. Library supports.


CLA Motion: The CLA IFO requests that the grievance response to the recent CLA Article 4 grievance be made public and available.

VIII.D. [Grad/undergrad credit statement for syllabi]

FIC Motion : The Faculty Issues Committee recommends to the Provost that the following statement be included in the Provost’s syllabus template for dual/cross-listed courses: “This course is dual/cross-listed and has undergraduate as well as graduate students. Only students that are registered/enrolled in the ABCD 5xxG section will receive graduate-level credits. Graduate students who enroll in the undergraduate section (and thus pay the undergraduate tuition rate) will not receive graduate level credit (and the course will not show up on a graduate degree audit to support graduate level graduation).”

Rationale: It has been reported in Faculty Issues that occasionally graduate students register for the lower cost undergraduate section of a dual/cross-listed undergraduate/graduate course and then later expect graduate credit.

Question for academic units to discuss about the motion (above): Should the statement in the above motion go in the syllabus template, the online registration system (Eservices), or both?

Seems most useful to include this statement in the registration system.

We note another important distinction is that graduate level course consists of more work, not just higher tuition.

Can this issue be addressed  somewhere else in the registration system?

VIII.E. [FoC member for Safety and Security]

FOCC motion: That the Metro State Faculty Association asks that the Metro State Safety and Security Committee includes a representative from the Faculty of Color Caucus as a standing member.

(Appears to be same request as motion in VII.I.)

Library supports.

VIII.F. [CLA syllabus review doc]

DLIP Motion: that DLIP work together with Faculty Issues Committee to review the CLA Community Faculty Report to determine the following issues:  whether the form contains embedded biases concerning the use of a syllabus; whether it contradicts Policy 3.22 and Procedure 3.22.1, (on course outlines and course syllabi); whether the form needs to include an end-date; and the possible misuse of the syllabus to make unwarranted determinations about course offerings and teaching evaluations.

Rationale: DLIP was furnished the document (CLA Community Faculty Report – version 1) for evaluation of CLA CF due to fears that it was possibly biased and could be used for coercive and punitive reasons. There were concerns that the syllabus could be used to evaluate the faculty’s teaching and other matters, in that it fails to state criteria and standards to be used. 

See packet for links to docs.


Library supports.

VIII.G. [DLIP meet with Provost over use of syllabi repositories]

DLIP Motion:  DLIP requests that IFO Council approve our request to meet with the Provost to discuss improper uses of the faculty syllabi repositories in each college.  

Rationale: DLIP has received reports that the repository isn’t being used as stated in Procedure 3.22.1 and that the repository is not transparent to faculty in terms of how their property is being used, for how long, and for purposes beyond that stated in the procedure.

Library supports.

VIII.H. [Diversification plan]

E&D Motion:  E&D committee requests that the FA nominating committee implements the Faculty Association Equity Inclusion Plan, Focus II: Policies Procedures and Organizational Structure, Priority I.  Diversity FA leadership in the selection of Vice President and A representative on the IFO Board of Directors.


Background – FA adopted the equity and inclusion plan – includes diversifying faculty and faculty union leadership. Not much effort has been made in this matter and it is important to remind the FA that diverse voices are needed in the elections committee, conveners and recruiting committee.  

Library supports.

VIII.I. [Call for FoC position on Safety and Security]

(Appears to be same request as in VII.E.)

E&D Motion: That the Metro State Faculty Association asks Administration for the Metro State Safety and Security Committee to include a representative from the Faculty of Color Caucus as a standing member.

Background – the FOC workgroup has been working on this in all 7 campuses statewide. There should be an FOC voice on Metro’s Safety and Security committee as a standing position. E&D committee should be informed about events that take place involving FOC – including any investigations. We believe the FOC also has a unique perspective and should have their voice heard in the Safety and Security Committee.

Library supports.

VIII.J. [Seeking Admin info on ‘radical inclusivity’]

E&D Motion:  In order to live into the promise inherent in the phrase ‘radical inclusivity’ we request that Administration provide more detail about how they will hear diverse voices, including those of the faculty, in their planning and revising of institutional structures and decision making.

Background – the E&D Committee believes that rethinking administrative committee structures in order to listen to under-represented voices is required to be in accordance with the definition and characteristics of Radical Inclusivity presented at the Fall 2022 Convocation.

Library supports.

VIII.K. [IFO funds for food at meetings]

COM Motion: Update our IFO FA budget to allocate $500 to each IFO FA unit and caucus for the remainder of AY22-23 for food and beverages for unit IFO meetings.

Rationale: In light of the diminishment of COVID and flu infection risk (vaccinations and better ventilation & filtration), IFO FA units are choosing to meet in hyflex and in person formats. Our IFO FA can return to funding reasonable budgets for the sharing of food and beverages. This rearrangement of the budget can be accomplished, in part, because there is a line item in the budget for FA organizing.  Also, there is significant carry-over from the previous fiscal year.

Library supports.


IX.A. Provost updates

  • Themes in Program Annual Reflection process
  • Council updates
  • Note: Student Success Council needs an IFO rep

Two IFO reps needed.


IX.B. 1. Provost Update

a. “Equity for Student Success” “efforts to diversity curricula and ensure inclusive classrooms,” “Bookings,” reminder of new contract language about planning and reporting equity efforts in all 5 criteria, general statement on enrollment and cancellation response

b. Course cancellation reports

  • Course cancellation summary
  • Spring schedule summary by modality
  • Instructional change requests

IX.B.2. EOD (?) update (Equity and Inclusion)

  • Report on office activity. (There’s a lot in here.)
  • Bias response draft.

IX.B.3. CIO update        

  • Accessibility technology for teaching bundles in process
  • Don’t phish
  • Semester start and D2L support emails include useful info.

MOTION: We request an update and a schedule for the previously PEC-approved hyflex technology for classroom LIB 132. We encourage moving forward with this project promptly.  PASSED

Rationale: Funds have been identified and committed from HEERF funding to this classroom upgrade which was approved in May ‘22, but it has not been started. These funds will be lost. We understand there is an early summer deadline on spending these federal funds.

IX.B.4. HR update

Master list of searches.

IX.B.5. Strategic Enrollment and Marketing

  • Mission/Vision/Values taskforce report.
  • Enrollment data for Spring
  • Recruitment events and actions.


X.A. Reorganization

  • Response to request for info on new V.P. of Student Success position
  • Response to motion about consultation with CLA about reorganization
  • Response to opposition to HS and SW merger

X.B. Course scheduling and syllabus use

  • Syllabus use: Provost responses to last month’s motions originating with DLIP.
  • Course scheduling: Provost responses to last month’s motions relating to course scheduling, cancellations, FDIS, etc.

X.C. Facilities

  1. Space plan. This month there will be available a video of plan walkthrough. Also, feedback forms.
  2. Streamlining process for internal events. Details on recent review. Packet includes link to How-to guide for scheduling events.
  3. Parking. Survey results will be discussed at next Parking Committee meeting. FA will invite that committee to share additional info in March packet.

X.D. Committees/Councils

  1. Committee attendance info for guests. In process.
  2. Library rep on Safety and Security. Spot has been made.

X.E. Policies and Procedures

  1. 360 Review of Supervisors. In process.
  2. 2600/260 Academic Forgiveness
  3. 19B funds and Pcards. Packet includes link to instruction.
  4. GRADCAS. Will be used on trial basis for next 3 years.

X.F. Enrollment decline

Response to request for strategies.

XI. Referrals to FA committees.

See packet for section populated with motions referred to committees for work. No new business here.


XII.A. Reporting requirements for working outside of Minnesota

  • Outside Minn but inside US: report your hours. Packet includes link to calendar of payroll periods, which guides hours reporting.
  • Outside US: not authorized

XII.B. Security Escorts available.

On all Metro State campuses, “anywhere on campus.”

XII.C. Philips Headstart AEDs

Defibrillators – locations and instructions.

XII.D. Bookings

Admin and FA disagree about requiring its use. Report to FA pres. any issues with its use or admin attempting to use it to gather info.

XII.E. CF Guidebook

XII.F. Summer teaching parameters for resident faculty

Packet includes doc with contractual guidelines and process, following on successful grievance last fall.

XII.G. Roberts Rules consultant report

XII.H. FOC Mentorship Summit at IFO Statewide

Brief report on event held.

XII.I. Metro Swag.

Link to order apparel (apparently self-pay)

XII.J. Lobby Days

Brief report on several faculty who attended Lobby Days.

XIII. IFO membership report.

XIV. Important dates.

Note helpful infos of various kinds at the end of the packet.



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