The Buffalo Trail Public Schools Board of Trustees has approved electronic reporting for our schools. There will be no more Report Card distribution dates except for Kindergarten students. Marks and comments will now be accessed through the BTPS ParentStudent Portal.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I get the information I need to set up a BTPS Parent Portal account?
Contact your child’s school to verify your email address in our software and let them know the children you are needing to set up an account for. The school will then request the Student Information Services Department to email the information to you.
Do I need a different account for each child?
No, you will be able to create one account, choosing your own username and password. Once you are logged in, you will be able to access all the children that you linked to the account.
Can parents each have their own account?
Yes, as long as the accounts are not created with the same email address.
Can students access the portal?
Yes, they log in to the same portal, but they use their BTPS network login. They do not need to request information to create an account and they only see their own data, not data of siblings.
What internet browser should I use for the BTPS Parent Portal?
The best browsers to use are Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Safari. We do not recommend using Internet Explorer.
Is the BTPS Parent Portal only available as web pages?
No, there is also a mobile app called PowerSchool Mobile which is available for download in the App Store or on Google Play. Our district code for the app is GFST. Please keep in mind that BTPS cannot add or modify the information in the app. It is solely designed by PowerSchool. Many parents love using it because it allows the option of having attendance and mark change notifications come right to their phone, as well as super easy access to student information, but please keep in mind that BTPS customizations (like the student demographic information, report cards and jr/sr timetables) will only appear in the BTPS Parent Portal webpages!
What information can I see in the BTPS Parent Portal?
You will be able to see attendance, marks, comments, teacher email addresses, BTPS Transportation Fees and BTPS tuition fees (not individual school fees), student demographic information (please let us know if it needs updating), public messages on the School Bulletin and general school information.
How can I print something from the BTPS Parent Portal?
In the top right corner of the header on every page in the web pages, there is a printer icon to print the page. Also many web browsers have access to printing by right clicking on the page.
Will there still be a report card available to view or print?
Yes, report cards for the previous school year and the current school year are available in the BTPS Parent Portal web pages, but we are not able to add them to the PowerSchool Mobile App. The report card can be generated on any day of the year. The report card has a "Generated On" date and will be accurate as of that day. As teachers add new marks, the marks on the report card will continue to change until the course is completed. Schools will communicate when report cards are finalized for the year and will no longer change. In addition to running a report card, we encourage you to continue to check out individual assignment marks and comments for your child.
Will there still be Parent-Teacher Interviews?
Yes, BTPS believes that parent-teacher communication is vital in our quest to maximize student learning!
Why has BTPS moved to electronic reporting of marks?
There are a number of reasons ---