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116 Vancouver Coastal Health employees decry eviction, despite organizational silence
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The letter is closed to new signatures as of May 7th 2023, the total is 116.

Read the published version in the Georgia Straight:

The following letter is from 44 Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) frontline workers, who are speaking out about the City of Vancouver's forcible decampment, despite fears of backlash and silencing from their employer. VCH was mentioned in the original leaked documents as "in discussions" with the City concerning the operation, and a safety warning leaked via the Vancouver Sun implied the health authority was aware of its commencement. After its initial publication, a further 23 VCH employees added their signatures.

xʷməθkʷəy̓əm, sḵwx̱wú7mesh & səlilwətaɬ lands: We write to you as current Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) employees, across a number of disciplines and neighbourhoods, that are unequivocal in our condemnation of the Hastings Street police-led, city of Vancouver planned displacement that began on April 5, 2023.  Notably, we are writing on the day which marks the seventh year since the drug toxicity crisis was declared a provincial public health emergency.

Many of us who are on the frontline have witnessed and/or been the recipients of police-led violence or escalation, both physical and verbal. We have seen or heard about our clients and other community members having their belongings taken. For some, this was all they owned, and for many it was their only shelter. Some days police have sectioned off parts of the community, creating barriers for people to access pharmacies, overdose prevention sites and other important services. Services that are accessible have been running beyond capacity as displaced peoples search for somewhere to go. We work alongside and have relationships with the community members currently being displaced (sometimes experiencing this multiple times), and are concerned that the police remain armed, despite recent increases in firearm use and police-escalated violence in Vancouver. While "lived experience" is rightfully becoming valued in healthcare, there has been no enhanced mental health support for those of us who may feel unsafe or forced to relive traumatic experiences throughout this show of force.  


As workers providing direct care, we were not forewarned about this operation. This lack of communication meant that we could not always create appropriate care plans for our clients who may be impacted, either as residents of the encampment, or those living and spending time within sections of the streets that have been closed off. Care has deferred as police attempted to halt outreach services via the barricades, which has impacted our ability to connect with clients. During this time, deferring outreach-based healthcare has meant potential for increased risk of adverse health and psychosocial events (i.e., onset of sepsis and the worsening of a mental health crisis) for populations who are already marginalized.    

We look to the groups that spoke out before us, including Kilala Lelum Health Centre, DEWC and Battered Women’s Support Services, Vancouver Aboriginal Health Society, the BC Federation of Labour, among others, and are thankful for their leadership in ensuring this inhumane and cruel operation has not occurred without resistance and critique. We also have gratitude for the many community-led groups, including the #StoptheSweeps coalition and Distro Disco, and businesses like Sisters Sage, who have done the labour to reduce harm caused by the ongoing decampment while other organizations have stood aside.

We are likewise concerned as employees about what feels like a prohibition on the critique of policing as an institution, including harms caused, within the parameters of VCH. Several employees cited being too nervous to sign this letter for fear of managerial blowback, despite stated support. VCH spans a large region and numerous communities, and we feel this blanket ‘cone of silence,’ excludes many voices and valid concerns in the communities we serve, live and/or receive our own healthcare in.  

Signed (in alphabetical order),

  1. Abby Rolston, RN, DCHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  2. Adair Manning, Mental Health and Addictions Outreach Nurse, Assertive Community Treatment, Vancouver Coastal Health
  3. Ainslie Cook, Concurrent Disorder Clinician, Three Bridges CHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  4. Alexander Brown, Youth Substance Use Services, Vancouver Coastal Health
  5. Alexis Baker, Registered Social Worker, Three Bridges CHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  6. Alicia Wilson, MOA, NEUPCC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  7. Alida Fernhout RN, BA, BN, MPH, DCHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  8. Ali Munro, Registered Nurse, Insite, Vancouver Coastal Health
  9. Annah Mackay, Outreach Worker, Overdose Outreach Team, Vancouver Coastal Health
  10. Anna Roth Trowbridge, RN, Bella Bella Hospital, Vancouver Coastal Health
  11. Blake Edwards, Outreach Worker, STOP HIV/AIDS, Vancouver Coastal Health
  12. Blue Topping, Community Liaison Worker, DCHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  13. Bobby Burgess, Community Liaison Worker, DCHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  14. Brandon Wong, Social Worker, DCHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  15. Bridget Simpson, Registered Nurse, Three Bridges CHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  16. Caitlin Millham, Physiotherapist, VGH, Vancouver Coastal Health
  17. Candace Barry, Outreach Support Worker, Overdose Outreach Team, Vancouver Coastal Health
  18. Chelsea Tetrault, Social Worker, Overdose Outreach Team, Vancouver Coastal Health
  19. Claire Frampton, RN (C), DCHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  20. Claire McMillan, Outreach Counsellor, Youth Assertive Outreach Mental Health Team, Vancouver Coastal Health
  21. Connor Learey, Social Worker, Emergency Department, Vancouver Coastal Health
  22. Conrad So, RN, MPH, DCHC Vancouver Coastal Health
  23. Dan Korotchenko, RN, Pender CHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  24. Danielle Lee, RN, NE UPCC, VCH
  25. Dr. Daniel Paré MD CCFP(AM) FASAM, DTES Family & Addiction Physician
  26. Dave Markland, Outreach Worker, STOP HIV/AIDs Outreach Team, Vancouver Coastal Health
  27. Del Carr, Social Worker, Youth Substance Use Services, Vancouver Coastal Health
  28. Elaine Durand, Occupational Therapist, Youth Substance Use Services, Vancouver Coastal Health
  29. Farah Davie, Registered Nurse, STOP HIV/AIDS Outreach Team, Vancouver Coastal Health
  30. Faiza Khalil, RCC, Community Care Coordinator, Pender ICT, Vancouver Coastal Health
  31. Fraser MacPherson, Registered Nurse, Raven Song Primary Care, Vancouver Coastal Health
  32. Hailey Smith, Registered Social Worker, STOP HIV/AIDS Outreach Team, Vancouver Coastal Health
  33. Hannah Douglas, Community Liaison Worker, Downtown Community Health Centre, Vancouver Coastal Health
  34. Harkamal Sangha, MCP, clinical counsellor, Pender ICT and Steps Services, Vancouver Coastal Health
  35. Heather Tunold, Peer Specialist, Heatley ICT, Vancouver Coastal Health
  36. Hera Chan, RCC, Concurrent Disorders Counsellor, Vancouver Coastal Health
  37. Hilary Ison, RSW, Lion’s Gate Hospital (formerly Overdose Outreach Team), Vancouver Coastal Health
  38. Ineka Schuurman, Social Worker, Acute Care, Lion’s Gate Hospital, Vancouver Coastal Health
  39. Jacqueline Schmidt, CLW, Raven Song, Vancouver Coastal Health
  40. Jade St Onge, Clerk, VGH, Vancouver Coastal Health
  41. James Rankin, Strategic Lead, Indigenous Cultural Safety, Indigenous Health, Vancouver Coastal Health
  42. Jeff Woodyard, Outreach Worker, Overdose Outreach Team, Vancouver Coastal Health
  43. Jenn Brown, Outreach Worker, Heatley ICT OAT Tracking, Vancouver Coastal Health
  44. Jennifer Lee, Registered Nurse, Insite, Vancouver Coastal Health
  45. Jennifer Nelson, RN, Vancouver Coastal Health
  46. Jerome Rumbaoa, Registered Nurse, Insite, Vancouver Coastal Health
  47. Jesse Bolton, Registered Social Worker, Vancouver Detox, Vancouver Coastal Health
  48. Jess Peart, Nurse Practitioner, Heatley CHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  49. Joan Kennedy, Case Manager, Youth Substance Use Services, Vancouver Coastal Health
  50. Justin Roll, Child and Family Support Worker, RMHSU, Vancouver Coastal Health
  51. Justin van Westen, Social Worker, Vancouver Coastal Health
  52. Kahlied Salem, Casual Outreach Worker, DTES, Vancouver Coastal Health
  53. Kara Schultz, MSW, Casual Mental Health Clinician/Outreach Social Worker, Strathcona Mental Health, Vancouver Coastal Health
  54. karina czyzewski RCSW, Concurrent Disorders Clinician, Vancouver Coastal Health
  55. Karis Bergsma, Registered Social Worker, PCN, Vancouver Coastal Health
  56. Katie Saundercook, Registered Social Worker, Youth Outreach CYMH, Vancouver Coastal Health
  57. Kelsey Carlson, RN, Heatley ICT, Vancouver Coastal Health
  58. Kelsey Murdoch, Community Health Nurse, Pender Clinic, Vancouver Coastal Health
  59. Kelsey O'Hanlon, Outreach Worker, Overdose Outreach Team, Vancouver Coastal Health
  60. Kelsey Yarlett, Registered Social Worker, Lions Gate Hospital, Vancouver Coastal Health
  61. Kerry Ryan, Youth Care Worker, DTES Youth Outreach Team and casual Community Liaison Worker, various sites, Vancouver Coastal Health
  62. Khadija Hammuda, Social Worker, Foundry North Shore, Vancouver Coastal Health
  63. Kim Calder, Indigenous Nurse Educator, Vancouver Coastal Health
  64. Kimberly Bartfai, RSW, Overdose Outreach Team, Vancouver Coastal Health
  65. Kimberly Collier, RN, DCHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  66. Kimberly Tran, Registered Social Worker, STOP HIV/AIDS Outreach team, Vancouver Coastal Health
  67. Kirby Pickard, RN, Insite, Vancouver Coastal Health
  68. Kirsten Douglas, Registered Social Worker, STOP HIV/AIDS Outreach team, Vancouver Coastal Health
  69. Kirsten Larsen, Clinical Coordinator, RN-C, DCHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  70. Kris Burris, Outreach Worker, DCHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  71. Krista Fullerton, RN, NEUPCC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  72. Laura MacDonald, RN, Priority Populations Outreach Team, Vancouver Coastal Health
  73. Leah Shin, Registered Nurse, Insite, Vancouver Coastal Health
  74. Lee Gangbar, RN (C), Intensive Case Management Team (outreach nurse), casual RN at Heatley CHC and Insite Supervised Injection Site
  75. Lindsay Greene, Registered Nurse, Insite, Vancouver Coastal Health
  76. Lisa Wong, Family Engagement Worker, LRP, Vancouver Coastal Health
  77. Lukas Gauthier, Casual Outreach Worker and Community Liaison Worker, Vancouver Coastal Health
  78. Luke Gruenhage, Outreach Worker, Overdose Outreach Team, Vancouver Coastal Health
  79. Madelaine Beaumont, Registered Nurse(C), Master of Nursing student at UVic, Casual STOP HIV/AIDS, Pender CHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  80. Mark Ng Shun, CLW/DTW DCHC and VDC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  81. Marjory Ditmars, Nurse Practitioner, Heatley Clinic and Onsite Withdrawal Management
  82. Mehak Sharma, Social Worker, Pacific Spirit Community Health Centre, Vancouver Coastal Health
  83. Michele Loughrin, Registered Psychiatric Nurse, STOP HIV/AIDS, Vancouver Coastal Health
  84. Mina Karimi, RN, Insite Casual Clinic Nurse, Vancouver Coastal Health
  85. Mo Gaffney, CRN, DCHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  86. Monica Dee, RN, DTES Connections, Vancouver Coastal Health
  87. Morgan Marrs, Outreach Nurse, Heatley/Women’s ICMT, Vancouver Coastal Health
  88. Myles Adams, Social Worker, Youth Substance Use Services, Vancouver Coastal Health
  89. Nathan Froehlich, Outreach Worker, Overdose Outreach Team, Vancouver Coastal Health
  90. Nathaniel Winata MD CCFP, DTES Family & Addiction Physician, Vancouver Coastal Health
  91. Nat Ko, Occupational Therapist, Robert and Lily Lee Family CHC and Pender CHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  92. Navi Dasanjh, Social Worker, DCHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  93. Nesa Hamidi Tousi, Nurse Practitioner, DCHC, VCH
  94. Nicole Beare, Mental Health and Addictions Outreach Worker, Vancouver Integrated Supervision Unit, Vancouver Coastal Health
  95. Nicole Engel, Social Worker, Overdose Outreach Team, VCH, VCH
  96. Olivia Wale, RN, STOP HIV/AIDS Outreach Team, Vancouver Coastal Health
  97. Paulina Bisognin, Addictions RN, Onsite, Vancouver Coastal Health
  98. Phoebe Wong, Clinical Audiologist, Vancouver Community Audiology Centre, Vancouver Coastal Health
  99. Robin Destun, Registered Social Worker, PCN, Vancouver Coastal Health
  100. Rodrick Malton, Social Worker, STOP HIV/AIDS Outreach Team, Vancouver Coastal Health
  101. Sam Stouten, Registered Social Worker, RMHSU, Vancouver Coastal Health
  102. Santina, Mental Health Rehab Worker, Willow Pavillion, Vancouver Coastal Health
  103. Sarah Irving, Concurrent Disorders Counsellor, Stepping Stones Substance Use Services, Vancouver Coastal Health
  104. Serena Lee, Outreach Social Worker, DCHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  105. Shar Cooper, outreach worker, Robert and Lily Lee, Vancouver Coastal Health
  106. Sienna Sangra, Peer Support Specialist, DTES Connections, Vancouver Coastal Health
  107. Simone Page, Licensed Practical Nurse, Insite, Vancouver Coastal Health
  108. Stephanie Wang, Community Liaison Worker, Heatley Clinic, Vancouver Coastal Health
  109. Sylvia Massinon, Social Worker, DCHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  110. Tanya Vall, Outreach Worker, Overdose Outreach Team, Vancouver Coastal Health
  111. Taylor Barker, RN, DTES Connections, Vancouver Coast Health
  112. Tharuna Abbu, Physician, Pender Community Health Centre
  113. Tiffany Wu, Family Engagement Worker, LRP, Vancouver Coastal Health
  114. Tyson Singh Kelsall, PhD student, Faculty of Health Sciences, SFU and Casual Social Worker, DTES, Vancouver Coastal Health
  115. Vic Cluett, Registered Nurse, Heatley CHC, Vancouver Coastal Health
  116. Yuka Ishikawa, Casual Community Liaison Worker, Raven Song Community Health Centre, Vancouver Coastal Health