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Grade 1 Welcome Letter and Supply List
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         Welcome to 1st Grade! We are thrilled to have you as a part of our wonderful school community. I hope this letter finds you excited and ready to embark on a new and exciting journey in your education. We look forward to meeting all the 1st graders on the First Day of School, Wednesday, Aug. 3oth. This is a Full Day of school. Please pack a snack and lunch.

First Grade is an incredible time of growth, learning, and discovery. You will have the opportunity to explore new subjects, make new friends, and discover the joy of learning in creative and engaging ways.

At FES, we believe that each student is unique and brings something special to the classroom. We encourage creativity, critical thinking, and a love for learning. As you progress through first grade, you will find that there are many opportunities for you to showcase your talents and interests.

First grade is not just a place for learning; it is also a place for building lasting friendships and memories. You will meet classmates who may become your lifelong friends, share laughter together, and support each other as you take on new challenges.

Remember, making mistakes is a natural part of learning and growing. Do not be afraid to ask questions, seek help when needed, and take risks in your studies. Each step you take will lead you closer to becoming a confident and successful learner.

Parents and guardians, we value your involvement and partnership in your child's education. We believe that a strong collaboration between home and school leads to the best possible outcomes for our students. Together, we can help your child reach his / her full potential.

As we embark on this exciting journey together, always remember that we are here to support you every step of the way. Feel free to approach us if you ever need guidance, encouragement, or someone to talk to. Information regarding classroom routines and schedules will be coming home during the first week of school. If you have any questions before then, please feel free to email us.

We cannot wait to see all the amazing things the students will accomplish this year. Let's make it a year filled with laughter, learning, and friendship!


Mrs. Whittaker & Mrs. Riley

1st Grade Team

Franklin Elementary School

# 860- 642-7063 or

Grade 1 School Supply List                                   

Please make sure your child's name is on all supplies

1 Backpack: A sturdy and comfortable backpack to carry their supplies.

1 box pre-sharpened #2 Pencils

1 pack of large Erasers and Erasers

2 boxes Crayola Crayons: 24 boxes of crayons with various colors for art projects.

1 box of Colored Pencils

1 standard-sized Plastic Pencil Box: A small case to keep their pencils, erasers, and other small items organized.

Several Glue Sticks: washable glue sticks for arts and crafts projects.

1 Child-safe Scissors: Rounded-tip scissors suitable for young children.

2 1” Binder


3 Folders: A sturdy folder to keep important papers

1 Water bottle: A spill-proof water bottle for staying hydrated throughout the day.


1 Pk of Black Dry Erase Markers

A Set of Headphones ( No Bluetooth, please take them out of the package and put them in a zipper freeze bag )

* We understand budgets are tight. Send in what you can. We will make sure your child has what they need.

Donations of these classroom supplies are always welcome: