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LMS 2021-2022 COVID Safety Mitigations
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Loveland Middle School

2021-2022 COVID Safety Mitigations

Tiger Time 7:45-8:15

Bell 1 - 8:18-9:03

Bell 2 - 9:06-9:51

Bell 3 - 9:54-10:39

Lunch 1

Lunch 2

Lunch 3

Lunch 4

L1)  10:39-11:09

4)  10:42-11:27

4)  10:42-11:27

4)  10:42-11:27

4)  11:12-11:57

L2)  11:27-11:58

5)  11:30-12:16

5)  11:30-12:16

5) 12:01-12:47

5) 12:01-12:47

L3)  12:16-12:47

6)  12:19-1:05

6)  12:50-1:35

6)  12:50-1:35

6)  12:50-1:35

L4)  1:05-1:35

Bell 7  1:36-2:25


  • Masks are mandatory on the bus.
  • Assigned seats and seating charts will be maintained on busses to limit exposure and for contact tracing purposes.
  • Buses will be sprayed down at the end of the day with Peroxigard.
  • For arrival, busses will stagger release with staff supervision. Students will report directly to their Tiger Time classroom.


  • It is strongly recommended that students and staff wear masks during the school day.
  • Students will have assigned seats in the classroom with 3 ft. distancing, when feasible.  
  • Classrooms will be configured to maximize physical distancing and minimize quarantines.
  • Shared surfaces will be disinfected in the morning, mid-day and at the end of the day at minimum.
  • Students will use hand sanitizer frequently throughout the school day during all transitions (from class to class, lunch, recess, etc.).
  • Staff will minimize shared materials, when feasible.

Restroom Procedures

  • Only one student is permitted to leave class at a time to go to the restroom.  
  • A restroom log (sign-in/sign-out) will be maintained in all classrooms.  
  • Students will use the appropriate restroom in proximity to their current classroom.  
  • Reminders for handwashing posted visually and the expectation verbally communicated by staff.

 Visitor Procedures

  • No volunteers will be permitted at this time.
  • Within the building, visitors will be contained to the lobby or designated space approved by administration.  
  • Masks are strongly encouraged for guests entering the building.  

Lunchroom Protocols

  • Students will have assigned seats changing quarterly and/or as needed.  
  • We will social distance to the extent possible.
  • Tables will have plexi-glass dividers.
  • Tables will be cleaned between each lunch.
  • There will be designated tables to accommodate students with allergies.  

Illness/Nurses Office

  • Teachers will be supported to handle minor issues in the room.  Protocol includes calling the clinic before sending a student down to prevent increased numbers in the clinic.
  • Please call the school to report absences in a timely manner.
  • We will follow Hamilton County Covid Quarantine Requirements.

Additional Logistics (Hallways, Lockers, Common Areas)

  • Signage throughout buildings for physical distancing when feasible.
  • Hallways: Students and staff will walk on the right side of the hallway at all times. Staff will monitor student hallway transitions to avoid congregating
  • Lockers: Students will have the option to use their locker and/or carry their backpack with them throughout the day. Students will only be permitted to visit their locker prior to the start of school, before/after lunch and at the end of the day.  
  • Large gatherings/assemblies should be minimized or physical distancing implemented.
  • Water fountains will not be used. Students should bring a water bottle to school and use water filling stations.
  • Ventilation: Fresh air intake maximized and filters changed more frequently. Classroom doors kept open to increase ventilation when possible.
