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Mrs. Gilpin’s Classroom Handbook: 
The ABCs of
First Grade


Please refer to this handbook many times throughout the school year. It's the perfect
place to visit when you have questions about our policies and procedures.


    Absences cgsappleIf your child needs to miss school, please remember to write a note or call the office at 582-6800 telling why your child was absent. If you are gone and are having someone else watch your child please let the school and your child’s teacher know.

Arrival cgsappleSchool begins at 8:15. We will meet students at the four square on the blacktop. If you arrive before 8:15, please access the playground by walking around the school directly to the playground. Do NOT enter the school because classrooms and hallways are not supervised. Outdoor supervision begins at 8:00am.

Attendance cgsappleAttendance is very important! Your child's progress, both academically and socially, is greatly influenced by daily participation.


Birthdays cgsappleWe have lots of birthdays to celebrate this school year. We will not be having birthday treats to help maintain our healthy hikers and for student allergies. We have a classroom tradition where we do a compliment circle, gifting the birthday child with compliments and singing “happy birthday.” In addition, students can bring a favorite book to share with the class or a show & tell item. Students with summer birthdays are encouraged to celebrate their “half” birthdays or celebrate with all our summer birthdays in May. Please connect with me ahead of time to prepare for these special celebrations. Birthday party invitations given out to a few select friends can cause hurt feelings for those not invited.  For this reason we ask you not to send invitations to school for distributions thank you!

Breakfast cgsappleResearch shows that children who eat a protein breakfast learn better than those who don’t.   Please be sure your child is eating breakfast daily.

Communication cgsappleCommunication between school and home is vital to your child’s success. It’s very important to me that you are aware of everything that is going on at school. To keep you informed, a newsletter will go home monthly. Schoolwork and letters will go home in daily take-home folders. Please help your child remember to bring the folder back to school each day. You also can put notes for me in there. And of course, you can always reach me by phone or email. Please feel free to contact me at any time for any reason. If you would like a quick response in the day, it is better to e-mail me early in the day. I often don’t have enough time to make phone calls until the end of the day after meetings. E-mail: renee.gilpin@bsd7.org    Phone: 406-582-6836

Conferences cgsapple We have two Parent/Teacher conference days during the school year. One conference is in the Fall and one in the Spring toward the end of the year.  However, you or I may request additional conferences throughout the year if needed. During our first conference, I will discuss your child's accomplishments, strengths and overall progress as well as set goals for the year. Conferences are very enjoyable.  I look forward to sharing this time with you!

Confidentiality cgsappleThe safety and well-being of my students is important.  I insist that any conversations or observations made while in the school setting should not be discussed in or out of school with anyone other than myself or Mr. Dickerson. To volunteer in our classroom or to chaperone field trips, you must sign a volunteer sheet.  


Differentiation cgsappleBecause all children enter first grade with different abilities, learning styles, prior knowledge, and experiences, they may require different levels of instruction. It is my responsibility to take each child from where they are to the next level. Students may be learning concepts differently from their peers. With differentiated instruction, you can be sure that your child’s individual needs will be met.

Dismissal cgsappleWe dismiss first grade students at 3:10 Monday through Friday.Car riders should be picked up outside the east entrance to the school. Please park your car and then come pick up your child. Please be prompt when picking up your child. I will wait outside with students until 3:20 and then they will have to wait in the office.


Early Dismissals cgsappleIf your child needs to leave school before the regular dismissal time, you must go to the office to sign him/her out. Our secretary will call for your child to meet you in the office.

Email cgsappleI check my school email every day renee.gilpin@bsd7.org  Email is a great way for me to receive quick messages. However, if it is after lunch for that day please call the office at 582-6800.  If it is something important or personal that you need to discuss with me, please contact me by phone (406) 582-6836 or in person.


Field Trips cgsappleWe hope to go on several field trips during the school year that are both fun and educational for the children. Permission slips will be sent home in advance informing you of all the details regarding the trip. Please return permission slips as soon as possible once they are sent home. We will often request parent volunteers to chaperone field trips. Please let me know before each trip if you are available to chaperone.

Fire Drills cgsapplePractice fire drills are held throughout the school year. All students will participate and are expected to walk quickly and quietly to our designated outside area. To prepare the children, we will practice and become familiar with procedures before our first scheduled drill.

Food Policy cgsappleDue to the increasing number of students with food allergies, students are asked not to share lunches. We ask that you let the school and your child’s teacher know of any allergies. 


Goodbyes cgsappleSaying goodbye at school can be very emotional for you. Please send your child off with a smile and a wave along with the reassurance that you will see them after school. Remember, even distressed children settle very quickly once you're gone, so make your goodbye loving but brief. If your child cries, it usually lasts about 30 seconds after you’re gone! Resist the urge to return if they cry - this will only prolong the situation. Please don’t feel guilty about leaving your child with me if they are crying. Just trust that they will be shown concern and compassion from the moment they enter my room. My main goal is to make them feel comfortable right away.


Health cgsapplePlease let me know of special circumstances that may affect your child (i.e. medications that may make him/her sleepy, a death in the family, etc.). Also, please let me know of any allergies your child may have.

Homework cgsappleHomework will come home in take-home folders and should be returned to school when completed. In addition, take time to read to and with your child every day.  Eat dinner together, practice good conversation, PLAY, and set a good early bedtime routine.


Illnesses cgsappleThe question of when to keep your child home from school is often a difficult one, especially when the decision may affect your work schedule and alternate arrangements may need to be made. It is important, however, to keep your child home if he/she is ill. If your child has a fever or upset stomach, please keep your child home for 24 hours after the fever has broken or vomiting has stopped.  This prevents others from becoming ill.

Children function more effectively in the classroom when they are healthy.

Independent Reading cgsappleBecause children learn to read by reading, they need plenty of opportunities to read independently. By giving the children time to read both at school and at home, we can work together to provide a literature-rich environment and a life-long love of reading.


Journey cgsappleThis year is sure to be an incredible journey for your child and I am so glad that I get to share it with you and your family. We will cross many milestones together and face many new challenges. With your help, we can make this year a journey that your child will cherish for the rest of his/her life.


Kindness cgsappleIn our classroom, we practice kindness. It’s so important to treat others with kindness and respect,  even when we may not agree with what they are saying or doing. Encourage kindness at home and ask for examples that demonstrate kindness each and every day.


Library cgsappleWe will visit the library once a week on for a lesson and book check out. If books are lost or damaged, we will ask that you replace the book.

Lost and Found cgsappleWe have a lost and found in our classroom and at Hyalite Elementary. I encourage you and your child to check them regularly for any missing items as unclaimed items are donated a couple times a year. Please label your child’s clothing that is worn to school with last name, especially clothing that may be removed such as jackets, coats, sweaters, and sweatshirts.

Lunch cgsappleSchool lunch is FREE this year. We will eat from 12:00-12:25 every day, and you are welcome to come and eat lunch with your child. Instead of coming to our classroom, please plan on meeting your child inside the cafeteria as they transition from recess to lunch without stopping in the classroom. Please make your good-bye brief once lunchtime is finished to allow your child to quickly refocus on our classroom expectations.


Mailing List cgsapplePlease join my e-mail list by sending me an e-mail where I can send school updates to you. renee.gilpin@bsd7.org

Money cgsappleMoney is difficult for children to keep track of. Whenever you send money with your child (lunch, field trip, book order, etc.) please put it in a sealed envelope or baggie that is labeled with your child’s name and what the money is for. If possible, it is best to send money to me in your child’s Take Home Folder.


Newsletters cgsappleI will send a monthly newsletter home. It is very important that you read the newsletter so that you can keep your child prepared for the month’s events, so your child does not feel left out. The newsletter will contain information about our classroom activities, schedules, and events for the month. It will also include an overview of the month’s lesson plans along with guiding questions you can ask your child to help reinforce learning at home.

Nurse cgsappleAlthough not formally trained, I try my best to be a good nurse to your child when they are not feeling well. The office staff is here to tend to minor scratches and scrapes, as well as sudden illnesses, and to administer medications. All medications that your child may need to take during the school day should be brought directly to our school office by you - children are not allowed to bring their own medication to school. Please be sure your contact information is kept up to date in the event that the office needs to get in touch with you.


Office cgsappleYou now need to be buzzed in to enter the school via the Raptor System, the new electronic system to sign in at school with the front office. The first time you enter the building, please bring your photo identification so Vicki and Lisa can enter you into the system. If you have brought your ID in the past, please know this is a new system and identification needs to be added.


Play cgsapple Time for play is not just social but academic as well. Part of our exploration center time will include both academic support stations as well as collaborative social play centers. Here is a note about the importance of play from our district assistant superintendent, Dr. Marilyn King, “If we think about what characteristics we desire for our students so that they have the skills to be successful in school and life, we want them to be self-regulating, critical thinkers.  We want them to be able to resolve conflict successfully, have good work ethics, be inquisitive and enjoy learning. Constructive and free/creative play helps children develop social skills while laying critical foundation for academics. For this age and developmental level, play is work. For example, when children set up a pretend post office or a restaurant, they are learning how to take turns, how to speak clearly to one another, and how to make up their own stories — stories that are the foundation for writing.  Children who never learn to play with one another — who rely on grown-ups to resolve disputes — never learn the self-regulation and teamwork for their adulthood.  We all understand the importance of content area instruction…and we cannot forget the importance of play.  In a time when public pressure often, unfortunately, focuses solely on test scores, we must work to educate those who don’t understand how these fundamental skills that support academic success are learned and practiced.” 

Progress Reports cgsappleProgress Reports are sent home twice a year; mid-year report and end of year. Based on the standards and the developmental nature of first grade learning, the progress reports are designed to reflect the progress your child has made toward the first grade standards. I will discuss the Bozeman Public Schools learning standards and the progress report with you during our first parent-teacher conference.


Questions cgsappleSince so many parents are new to Bozeman Schools, I’m sure that you’ll have some unanswered questions. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I will gladly address them! E-mail: renee.gilpin@bsd7.org Phone: (406) 582-6836.


Recess cgsappleChildren will play outdoors for two 15 minutes periods- one in the morning from 9:30-9:45 a.m. and one in the afternoon from 2:20-2:35 p.m. each day. Please help your child make clothing/ footwear decisions and dress accordingly.  Children will also play outside before eating lunch for 30 minutes from 11:40-11:55 a.m.

Restrooms cgsappleAs a class, we will visit the restroom once in the morning, before lunch and once in the afternoon. Children may also go individually as needed throughout the day. Please make me aware of any medical problem that might require frequent restroom trips.


School Supplies cgsappleWhen school supplies are brought in, some will be combined as community supplies since they will be shared. However, items such as gym shoes (velcro) will be kept for your child's personal use. Please label your child’s supplies as well as their personal belongings such as their backpack, lunch box, and coats.


Take Home Folders cgsappleYour child’s Take Home Folder will travel with them to and from school. Any notes, transportation changes, lunch money, etc. can be sent to me inside the Take Home Folder. I will check the folders daily for money and/or correspondence from home. Please ask your child for this folder each day as it will contain work and notes. The Take Home Folder has two pockets; the one on the left contains items to be “left at home” while the one on the right contains items that need to come “right back to school.” This is a great tool that we will utilize to communicate and aid your child in their success.

Tardies cgsappleIf you bring your child to school later than 8:15, you will need to walk with them to the office and sign them in. It is very important that your child arrive on time so that they can get settled in and ready for the day.

Toys cgsappleBringing toys to school is discouraged because they distract the children from learning. Please encourage your child to leave personal items at home. Our classroom is filled with items to keep them busy, and lost or broken toys can result in very sad feelings!  

Transportation Changes cgsappleIf your child's transportation for any given day changes, please alert me by sending a note in your child's Take Home Folder ahead of time, e-mailing me before noon or by calling the school office. If you choose to send a note, please be sure it includes your child's first and last name, the date, the message explaining your child's change in transportation for the day, and your signature. If a child fails to bring a note and is supposed to do something different from the normal schedule, the child will not be permitted. (i.e. If your child is normally a bus rider, but thinks he/she is getting picked up by a family friend but does not have a note, the child will be sent home on the bus.)


Unique cgsappleEach child is unique and special! They enter my classroom with different skills, personalities, experiences, backgrounds, and learning styles. My goal is to foster their individual strengths and help each child develop to his or her full potential, academically and socially. The two most important elements that I hope to instill in your child are a positive self-concept and a love for learning.


Visitors cgsappleAll guests, including familiar faces, must enter through the main front door, sign in and get a nametag in the school office. Hyalite welcomes and encourages family involvement. It is important to remember that while this may seem inconvenient to frequent visitors, it is the goal and responsibility of the school to create a safe learning environment.

Volunteers cgsappleI strive to utilize volunteers in my classroom on a daily basis because I believe your involvement in your child's education is essential! By expressing an interest in your child's education, you are encouraging their success in school! If you would like more information about how to become a volunteer, please contact me.            

Wish List cgsappleThroughout the year, I will post requests for items that we need in our classroom. I will put items that are needed in the newsletter as well as online. You just never know when I may need something that you’re about to throw away.

Water Bottlescgsapple Due to Covid-19, we no longer have functioning drinking fountains. Your child will need to have a water bottle at school everyday in order to stay healthy and hydrated. I will send water bottles home on Fridays to get cleaned. Please help your child remember to bring the water bottle back to school each Monday.


X’tra Clothes cgsappleDuring the first few weeks of school, please send in a gallon size zip lock baggie with a complete change of your child’s clothes to be left at school. We will save this to be used for bathroom accidents, snowy/slushy times when your child gets really wet, and if spills happen at snack time or lunch. I will notify you when we needed to use the extra clothes and why, requesting that a new extra change of clothes be brought again.


You! cgsapplePlease remember that you are your child's first and most important teacher. No one can influence your child's life in the way that you do!

Younger Siblings cgsappleYounger siblings should not be brought to school when you are planning to volunteer in the classroom. This not only allows your full attention to be focused on the class, but also allows for some special time between you and your kindergartner. If you are working on something outside the classroom, younger siblings cannot be left in the classroom with us, you must take them with you. Younger siblings can become a distraction and it’s important that my full attention be on my students as well.


Zz Zz Zz Zz cgsapplePlease make sure that your child gets plenty of rest each night. Setting and keeping a bedtime routine helps them to be alert and ready to learn each day!

Thank you for all your support and trust as we start a new adventure together.

I am so excited to be your child’s teacher this year!