25th Primary School of Heraklion – Crete

The 25th Primary School of Heraklion (that shares building with the 27th Primary School) is located in Heraklion, a very dynamic city especially during summer period where thousands of visitors choose it as their holiday destination. It is the capital of the region and the economic center of the island.

The school's history goes back to 1960. It consists of one main building in two floors, where a variety of facilities are included, such as lots of classrooms, a library, an assembly hall, a computer room, a staff room, a canteen and a large playground with a basketball court.

Our school houses 280 students and 20 teachers who are appointed at the school. The majority of our students are Greek, but we also host a number of students from other countries, mainly Albanian and Bulgarian, since Greece is a multiethnic country and different groups live side by side peacefully. The majority of the parents have a similar, rather medium, social-economic background. They work in the public or private sector and they are undergoing an economic and social crisis, but they manage to keep their spirit up. I would like to point out that the 25th and 27th primary schools work as one.

Our paid staff consists of 20 teachers, including teachers of English, French and German Language, Physical Education, Information Technology, Art, Music and Drama. We belong to what Ministry of Education calls “New School”, which aims to an interdisciplinary approach of the basic education (Greek Language, Mathematics, Environment, Religion, History, Physics and Geography, Physical education, Music, Drama, English and French languages).

The teachers of our school have participated in a variety of projects held by the Greek Ministry of Education that cover many fields including environmental projects as well as health care and project related to tradition and culture. It is common in our school for the children to be engaged in lots of games, during break time, some of them organized and supervised by teachers.

Our school creates an appropriate environment for education and the transmission of knowledge, while respecting cultural factors and social sensitivities. Our goal is to challenge, engage and ensure that our students are motivated, stimulated and also enjoy the learning process. We consider our school as a large family, taking good care of its members.