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22-23 Standard Based Grading Packet
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Grading Policies and Practices


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6700 Rives Junction Road-Jackson, Michigan 49201

(517) 817-4703 Fax: (517) 569-2931

Daniel Brooks, Principal   Dale Stroede, Assistant Principal


 Why do we use a standards-based grading system?

The simple answer is: We want to improve student achievement for all students in every classroom every day, and research supports standards-based grading as a basis of communication that will help students learn more effectively through better feedback.

       What are the purposes of standards-based grading?

The purpose of standards-based grading is to raise student achievement by clearly communicating students’ progress towards learning outcomes in a fair, informative, timely, and specific manner. SBG accurately communicates student achievement to students, parents, and educators. Work Habits and Respect influence student learning.  These standards will be reported separately from the academics.


Grading In The Middle School

We use the same system for grading in every class. Our grading system has the following benefits:

Fair, Informative, Timely and Motivational.

Grades are figured from three kinds of feedback.

1.)         The first kind of feedback is from practice. Practice is called formative assessment and includes things like homework, class work, practice quizzes, and class participation.  Formative assessments help students learn and get feedback while they are learning.  

2.)     The second type of feedback, summative assessment,  indicates if a student has mastered the “I Can” Statements/Power Standards.  

3.)     The third type of feedback will be for Respect and Work Habits.  


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KMS Formative Assessment Policy

Students will be expected to complete any given formative assessment (homework, class work, etc…) and participate in class.  This work will be graded, and entered into PowerSchool under a formative assessment category.  The formative assessments will be averaged and then weighted 40% of a student’s grade.

Formative Assessment will be denoted on a 1-5 point scale

(or in 5 point increments).

This could be for percent completion or for percent accuracy.  

This is up to the discretion of the teacher.

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KMS Summative Assessment Policy

Summative assessments will be graded as a percent grade. These grades will be entered into PowerSchool under a summative assessment category.  The summative assessments will be averaged and then weighted 60% of a student’s grade.  Students who score below a 70% on a summative assessment will be expected to complete a Success Ticket. The expectation is that a minimum of 10 standards are assessed per trimester.




Below 70%


Exceeding Grade-Level CC Standard

Meeting Grade-Level CC Standard

Progressing Towards  Grade-Level CC Standard

Does Not Meet Grade-Level CC Standard

Assessment Not Attempted

Student consistently demonstrates an understanding above and beyond what is expected and applies and transfers concepts or skills.

Student consistently demonstrates mastery of the knowledge of the standard expected at this grade level.  Understands concepts or skills.  

Student demonstrates a partial understanding in the knowledge of the standard.  Student is progressing in understanding; however, the skills are not yet mastered.  

Student is not yet demonstrating an understanding in the knowledge of the standard.  Student is working below grade level expectation and struggles even with assistance.  Student needs continued support and intervention.

Student did not attempt the assessment.  Refusal or did not make effort.


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KMS Final Grades Policy

KMS Percent Grade Scale



























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Retesting Policy

If a student receives anything less than a 90% on an assessment, they will have the opportunity to retake the assessment.

Students are given 1 week after the assessment is returned to retake an assessment.  Students are allowed to retake the assessment one time. The Maximum grade on a retake is 90%.

Process For Retaking Assessment

  1. Teacher and Student will complete a Success Ticket.

  1. Teacher may assign any of the following

  1. Correct errors on previous assessment.

  1. Complete practice problems on the assessment in which they didn’t receive a 90%.

  1. Correct any missing assignments that led up to that particular assignment.  

  1. A student could attend intervention on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

  1. Once assigned work is completed and the Success Ticket is turned in, a retake will be scheduled.

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             SUCCESS TICKET

                 STUDENT NAME________________________________________

                                              UNIT OR LESSON NAME

        1.  “I Can” Statement being assessed. (Include Standard #)

        2. “I Can” Statement being assessed. (Include Standard #)

                                  Subject and Grade Level

                         No Practice-No Retake

                                   Checklist of Review Practices

  1. Summative Corrections ____________
  2. Practice Problems ___________
  3. Complete missing assignments _________
  4. Checked by staff for retake __________

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Intervention  (Tuesday/Thursday)         

Each Tuesday and Thursday students will take attendance with their advisory teacher. Students will then either be silent reading, going to an intervention room, or working with their advisory teacher on improving grades.  Students will have the opportunity to attend an intervention classroom if they have received a success ticket or a pass from the teacher.  In the intervention classroom, students will receive remediation and instruction from the subject teacher.  

Expectations of Intervention Classroom

-Bring Success Ticket and materials assigned by teacher

-Receive instruction/complete assignment

-Student will remain in remediation room until the end of the hour

Expectation of Advisory/Intervention Classroom

-Students are expected to bring materials to read or classwork

-All students are expected to read, study or complete work.

-NO devices (unless specified in an IEP/504)  

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Grading the Respect and Work Habits Standard

Respect; I listen and accept the opinions of others, and I am respectful and helpful.

 A   Exceeds Expectations

Seeks and accepts the opinions and input of others.  Consistently demonstrates both respectful and helpful behavior.  

 B   Meets Expectations

Listens and accepts the opinions of others.  Demonstrates both respectful and helpful behavior.

 C   Emerging Expectations

Sometimes accepts others.  Sometimes demonstrates respectful and helpful behaviors.

 D   Below Expectations

Usually ignores the opinions and input of others.  Needs improvement in demonstrating respectful and helpful behavior.  

Work Habits; I am punctual, prepared, on task, timely, and I follow directions.

 A   Exceeds Expectations

Always punctual and prepared, Consistently displays a positive attitude. Always on task; Always strives to meet potential. Spends extra time to ensure tasks are well done. Consistently follows directions.

 B   Meets Expectations

Punctual and prepared for class. Stays on task; Strives to meet potential.  Completes tasks and meets deadlines. Usually follows directions.

 C   Emerging Expectations

Occasionally punctual and prepared.  Sometimes stays on task; Beginning to strive to meet potential.  Inconsistent with task completion.  Occasionally follows directions accurately.

 D   Below Expectations

Seldom punctual and prepared.  Rarely displays a positive attitude. Needs to remain focused on task; Does not strive to meet potential. Needs to complete tasks and meet deadlines.  Seldom follows directions accurately.

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