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STUDENTS' Final Evaluation
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Inprimakiak zerbitzuko erantzunen diagrama. Galderaren izenburua: Was "eTw-TRAIN" your first eTwinning project?. Erantzunen kopurua: 142 erantzun.

Inprimakiak zerbitzuko erantzunen diagrama. Galderaren izenburua: Did you feel it was something new?. Erantzunen kopurua: 142 erantzun.

Inprimakiak zerbitzuko erantzunen diagrama. Galderaren izenburua: Did you feel comfortable working with your partners?. Erantzunen kopurua: 141 erantzun.

Inprimakiak zerbitzuko erantzunen diagrama. Galderaren izenburua: About your participation.... Erantzunen kopurua: 142 erantzun.

Inprimakiak zerbitzuko erantzunen diagrama. Galderaren izenburua: Which skills and competences have you developed by participating in the project? (you can tick more than one answer). Erantzunen kopurua: 139 erantzun.

What do you think about the Meet/Team live sessions with foreign partners and communication via forum or other tools?

Forum is good, but live sessions are far much better

They were great. It would have been even better If we had seen more people from all over the world!

It was interesting but unfortunately we only did one live session.

There were great but short

Very interesting session. If I had the opportunity to do it again, I would do it!

It was entertaining

It's interesting to be able to communicate with people around the world and a good way to practise speaking in English.


It was funny and entertaining

I think they've been great, given that they've given us the chance to practice our English and relate to different people.

I found it very entertaining and I liked meeting new people

It has been good listening to different accents.

it's been interesting and pretty fun

The idea was good, but the outcome didn't relate to the expectations, but planning events like these isn't easy at all, so the outcome could've been worse.

I think it was really entertaining but it was hard to communicate.

It is a very useful and interesting thing

It was a good idea

I think they've been very enriching experiences: I've met new people, I've learnt a lot about other countries and I've practiced my speaking skills.

It was interesting

It's interesting.

I have liked meeting new people and I would like to continue next year

It has been a very enjoyable experience and I hope that next year we will do the same.

I have had a great time, to repeat.

I found it very funny and a very good idea

I think that they had been really interesting to do, because it was something that I didn't expect to happen.

I had a great time on the call and I fractured my English calmly

I liked the activity but we couldn't hear properly.

I really liked it, I think it was a very funny and interesting experience.

It was very valuable and interesting.

That is a great idea to do in class

They were great because we had the opportunity to get to know other people from different countries and practice English.


I think that they were really interesting and that we learnt a lot about foreign cultures

I think that the meet live sessions was a good alternative to improve your speaking skills.

They were very interesting and I hope that in the next projects we will have good luck to do more.

I think this was a different and interesting way to practice speaking english and learning new things about other countries.

They have been helpful to improve the language.

I think it is a great idea via Meet to meet partners.

It was an amazing experience and I learnt a lot from this project.

I think that the team meet live sessions have improved a lot our English.

In my opinion, it is a very good way to relate to other parts of the world that can teach us different accents, ways of interacting.

They have been entertained

They were actually very funny.

They are very useful and interesting to learn english and meet with new students from Europe

They were really interesting and a really good way to know more about other cultures.

It was fantastic, because we met new people and culture

It has been very interesting

It is ok.

It was funny.

They were amazing because we knew people from all over the world and that was an incredible experience.

I think they are a very fun and interesting way to meet new people and practise english.

It was good.

It was so interesting.

I think that using Meet is a great idea to meet them, but I don't like the eTwinning web page so much, I think that it's not very intuitive.

I found it entertaining, though sometimes communicating was hard

It was successful

They have been very useful for learning english and a lot about different cultures.

I found it very interesting, because we have been able to learn and share the different ways of communicating, the tastes of each one... It has been a new experience in my life to learn and communicate with other people from other countries.

The team live sessions have been really interesting.

They have been a lot of fun despite being embarrassing, we have learned a lot and made new friends.

Very intuitive platforms.

The first was a bit boring because they put me with two students who hardly spoke but the second was very funny

I think that the live session meetings were really enjoyable, we all had a really good time and it helped to improve our speaking skills.

I had a good time

It was something new for me, but I enjoyed it

The communication via forum and sessions with foreing partners were good,although we should have had more time to talk.

I think that it was interesting to know other people and other cultures, but at the same time, this activity was boring and stressing to me, because sometimes it was difficult to understand the conversation words

It has been a very beautiful sperience

It was ok

It has been very enriching

I liked it because meeting people is great experience

It was fun to communicate with students from other countries

Very funny and a good experience!!

This is a very important experience.

 I found it very fun and interesting to learn things from other places.

it is a good way to meet outsiders and practice the language

We did not have a live meeting with partners.We had asynchronous exchanges with Austrian students (we were in schools lockdown November-May and it was impossible to have a live meeting).

I think it was really cool

I think they were a great idea and good thing to do, but technology failed at times.

It was good

it was very useful

It was very interesting

that´s great

it was good and fun,it worked pretty well

Was funny and interesting

It was a great opportunity to get to know people from other countries.

It was awesome i would do it again for sure

I really liked being able to talk with other people from other places because we were able to share the situation that each country is experiencing due to the virus.

They were really cool, and I hope I will repeat them.

I think they were useful and interesting.

It was great to share ideas with people that live in other countries and have similar ages.

I think it was really good experience

It was awesome. I learned so many things about other countries.

I was awesome, we all want more.

they were interesting

I really enjoy it :D. It was fun

I had a great time with them.

It was a new experience for sure, I think we all learned something and I'm happy I was a part of it.

I really liked it and I would like to repeat it.

It was fun and great abreaction

It was nice to talk with them but sometimes we couldn't hear each other

Meet/Team was good for me. Sometimes I feel nervous, but i enjoyed it

It was a very  nice experience. We learn a lot  of new things and I hope we will do this in future.

It was amazing, I enjoyed every single second.:)

I like online meetings, it was really funny!

I think that it is fine. At a time when we weren't allowed anywhere, we could communicate.

We never had a live session.

we didn't have any live sessions but we communicated with Austria

We had exchanges with the team from Austria for the Christmas celebration and we have learned their customs and more personal info. Nice experience.

We didn't have live sessions but the forum was very interesting and i enjoyed it. Also we worked on padlet with Austria during Christmas, which I really enjoyed.

We did not manage to have video conferences with the partnews but we had exchanges with the team from Austria for Christmas celebrations and we have learned their customs and more personal f

We had exchanges with the team from Austria for Christmas celebrations and we have learned their customs and more personal info. Nice experience.

We unfortunately did not have the chance to have a videoconference with our partners, but we had exchanges with the team from Austria for Christmas celebrations and we learned their customs and personal info. It was a nice experience!

we didn't have the chance to communicate or to do any live sessions but I would love to because I would learn a lot of things. But we had exchanges with the team from Austria for the Christmas celebration. It was nice. I love it!  

We never had a live session.

I am very grateful because this project gave us the opportunity to communicate with students from other countries

We did not manage to have video conferences with the partners but we had exchanges with the team from Austria for christmas celebrations and we learned their customs and more personal info. Nice experience

I really like this type of communication with students of others country because I can learn something about them country and their interesting accent for example accent Spanish students

I think it is good for developing our language skills

I think this is a very good way to improve your English level and meet new people.

It was an interesting experience, I also improved my language skills. I would love to do it again.

They were a pleasant time during which we learned more about ourselves.

I think they were very interesting and you used them well

It was the best

Communication with my parents was very great

It's great way to learn speaking English.

I think it was great time and something we miss in school learning English.

it's okay.

i didn't like it

It was great.

I find it very nice and I like the people.

I think it was a great idea.

It is a nice thing and its cool to connect with students from another country

It‘s really difficult to describe because the first live session was really weird. There were about 5 people in my team and I was nearly the only one who talked. The second one was okay, but the czech students had problems with their microphone.

It was great and interesting to hear from other countrys people how they feel and what happened by them.

I think it was a nice experience and it was really cool to talk with someone from an other school so we can learn about their traditions and rules.

I find it very interesting and I think it's a great idea to improve your English by communicating with others.

It was very interesting to talk with other students. I learned a lot about other countries. And the students were very nice.

I think in theory it is a great idea. But practically there sadly were a few problems. The bigest one I think was the internet connection.  

I think some of the partners  are not quite responding to the questions we had to fill out

Sadly I didn't talk to once to them. It would have been nice to talk to other srudents.

we didn't participate in live sessions

Inprimakiak zerbitzuko erantzunen diagrama. Galderaren izenburua: Which of the stations did you like best? (you can tick more than one answer). Erantzunen kopurua: 123 erantzun.

What did you like about the task(s) you ticked in the previous question?

Collaboration with my peers, I like to do research

The creativity that was involved with them

All of them were different and interesting tasks, more entertaining than normal ones.

That we could put things that represent ourselves.


I don't know

It was more interactive.


The entertainment

What I liked the most was making Christmas figures for a class from another country.

It was funnier for me than the other activities

Learning different things.

The lifecycle

Designing the city where I would like to live.

I really enjoyed packing my suitcase and guessing partners'.

They were entertaining

The activity of guessing who was your partner

The home station has been very entertaining and I've enjoyed doing the activities. I've liked the art and slow stations because in them we've done activities that have made me reflect about how lucky I am (stories that move, for example) and about what I should change in my habits (the lifecycle of the sneakers).

the real truth of our clothes.

I think that all of them are interesting.

I have found them very original and different from what is done in a regular English class

In general everything, but what I liked the most were the meetings with the other classmates and also some of the games we played at home.

Copyright games


The Beethoven one.

The creativity that I used doing them and the help of my classmates when doing these exercises

That the organisers wanted to make us aware of massive production and circular economy.

About the first task, what I liked most was meeting the new partners from different countries. And about the second task I liked creating an ideal city.

That they were dynamic and to develop creativity.


That we learnt a lot about Fake News and the flipgrid videos.

That were very dynamic

I liked working with my classmates and researching information

The christmas challenge

The learning of an important question in our daily lives.

I like the different activities we have done and to learn english doing different and more entertaining classes.

I liked how the questions were made.

That they are entertaining.

The things I liked most were the flipgrid videos we made.

I liked that these stations were very dynamic.

I was surprised by the good organization of the activities that you have planned and carried out.

The new year's resolution

The suitcase packing and guessing and the treasure hunt

They were very enjoyable and a good way to disconnect from the normal english classes.

They were interesting and pretty fun.

It was fantastic know more about my partners and their lives

The teamwork

I liked all of them

The creativity.

In the new year's resolution I like knowing about all the people and what they have done and also learning about different cultures it was a great experience

The fact that we interact with each other by flipgrid and that we learn a very useful knowledge to detect false information.

I liked communicating with other people from other countries.

The EU code week Treasure Hunting.

The first one because I think that it is funny to try to guess whose suitcase is from whom and apart from that in the last project we did, we could search information about our clothes.

It were fun


Seeing what people like the most and thinking which are the most important things for me.

I really enjoyed these activities, as I was able to understand for example the large amount of Fake News that are spread around the world, the importance of the author's rights in an image, related to the copyright...

What I like about those tasks is that they are interesting and enjoyable.


I really liked that it is so dynamic and that we can use our artistic talents."

The games, the new methods for learning new things.

All the things

In general I like that they were dinamic, they had interesting tasks from which we could learn useful things and improve our English.

Learn how to recognise Fake News

I learnt about useful things such as reusing clothes, imagining an ideal city...

because I like art and things that are related, as well as recycling since it is something that you should be aware of.

All the things

There were very original


I found them very interesting

That I got to know the culture and opinions of others

All the tasks were creative and challenging for me

The creativity we had to use and the originality of the tasks.

Originality and creativity of the tasks

I have learned useful things for our life in the activities carried out. For example: how much is contaminated when making a shoe or how to take photos without copyright.


I found the key of collaboration


"I really liked the Home Station because it gave us the chance to get to know each other in a very creative and fun way. It was the initial activity that joined us together on this very special project.

I ticked overall because though I really loved the HOME STATION, I really liked all the activities."

The games

a little bit boring but was fine

It was good

i like holidays

the activaties

I like when we do the suitcase and when we enter in the train

They have been very interesting

They were really cool and well made it was nice to make them

All of them were very interesting and I had a good time when I did those activities

They were such creative activities and I really liked it.

I learnt so much stuff that I wouldn't have learnt otherwise.

Generally , the thing I liked the most was the cooperation between me and my partners , without depending on a specific task.

thanks to this tasks I improved my creativity and english skills

I think that it is great that we can learn so many things and have fun.

They are describing all stations perfectly.

i liked them all

Every task was interesting and I learned new things.

I really liked the SLOW STATION, because I found out something new about it. Then I liked the ART STATION. It was fun EU Code week treasure hunting.

They were interesting in some way. For example, I liked the HOME STATION the most, because this project helped me understand my new classmates and know them better.

Making your suitcase.

Concept and creativity

i liked the drawing and describing pictures

Tak(s) was perfect, i like it

I don´t know if I enjoyed every station. It was a new experience for me

Communicating with students from schools abroad.

I like everything about it.

We learned something about yourself and your interests.

It was a chance to learn new things and develop several skills.

I learned how to be creative

I have worked in the ICT class with interesting activities, games, presentations and our peers' work was very motivating.

I liked packing and guessing suitcases and decoding photos the most.

I have worked in the ICT class with interesting activities Gomes, presentation and our peers work was very motivating

I have worked in the ICT class with interesting activities.

I have worked in the ICT class with interesting activities , presentations and our collaboration was very motivating

The work that I did, the things that I learned and the cooperation that I had with the other people. The activities were very interesting and I had a good time.

I learned a lot of things and developed several skills.

I liked the Slow Station because we learnt how our actions can affect the environment which  is something very important

I have worked in the ICT class with interesting activities Games ,presentations and our peers work was very motivating

Actually the most I like Christmas challenge

I like to talk about the lifecycle of my sneakers.

guessing partners' suitcases, Christmas challenge


a lots of games in tasks


possibility of creative thinking"

Playing games, being creative and speaking

I enjoyed packing my bags and guessing who they belong to

There were quite interesting and simple.

I like this station the most because I learned something nwe and interesting. I can know more about my friends

they are interesing


 I liked the research of current events.

I like to pack my suitcase. It gives me a holiday feeling

I liked everything about it.

You can learn something new  by each task

I liked thanksgiving

All of them because it was a creative and interesting work

I liked that this topic is so important now and we need to talk more about it. In no other lesson we talked about this topic so much like we did in englisch.

I love to speak about the new year, because it is so beautiful, Copyright was also very interesting.

I liked that I learned about how christmas is celebrated in other coutries. The task with the stories that move was also very interesting. It was very nice to hear new years resolutions from others. I also created a poster about fake news and I learned a lot about the internet.

It was very interesting to get to know the oppinion of the other people

That we were allowed to decide what to take with us on the trip and that we all did it together in class

In the Art station we could have been very creative and I liked the treasure hunting. In the Slow station I learned more about the Lifecycle and how important it is to recycle.

we started to learn about the foreign students by doing a lot of exciting activities.

What, in your opinion, can be done to improve the project in the future?

More video sessions

More online meetings with members

I think that is right.

More video calls with foreign partners.

There are some stations that have no sense with other one. I think if all the stations are related to the same topic, the project will be better.

I don't know

To make more Meets


Let it not be just those in the same class, that is, that students can perform the tasks with classmates in other classes.

Communicate more with people from other countries.

I don't know.

More live sessions

No major changes should be made in them in my opinion, but a slight change so that they take a little less time would be perfect.

Using a better webpage.

More live sessions

More meets

I think that doing more life sessions with other countries would be enriching.

More time for do tasks

I think that it is hard to understand all the activities, so in my opinion, I need to improve comprehension.

The platform could be improved so as not to have to register every day and some of its activities

Do more dynamic activities

It could be improved but that's fine

There are some tasks that sometimes are a little bit boring.

In my opinion, more entertaining exercises could be done but I don't know how they could be made more entertaining

The platform, Twinspace, could be changed and we could use a simpler one. And, the tasks could be more related to meeting the participants.

To have a better platform

Extend the time for the tasks

We could talk more with the international students and the platform could be better.

More meets and live sesion, so we can increase our english

The meet with other was a little bit boring because we were three and they were just one

Improve the Etwinning forum

More live session (if it is possible)

It's better to find a different application or website to start another project with new and different activities and opportunities.

It would be interesting to add more activities in which students of different countries could work face to face. I think that nowadays with the technology that we have it could be something possible to do.

They can do more tasks.

I think the project is very well organized. But I think that the project can be more enjoyable with more games.

The project could be improved by having  more meetings.


I would recommend the organization of more didactic games "

Doing a better web page

I don't know, maybe  do  video calls with other countries more frequently.

More communication between the countries

More participation

We could have done more live sessions because we practised speaking english

It would be nice if there was more interaction between students from different countries

I think that the web page could be improved, to make it easier to move with our Chromebooks, because they are not very powerful and sometimes they move very slowly.



Doing more meets and letting the students speak about whatever they would like to.

The only thing that could be improved in my opinion is to have more direct communication with the foreign colleagues who are working with us.

It would be good to make more contact with other countries.

I don't know

make more calls

More communication with the other countries.

Do more games to become the activity more dynamic.

That the project is shorter, and leaves more space for creativity.

I would improve the project in the future, like it is. But to future generations, because  we have done the etwinning project yet.

personal meeting

I think it was okay, I wouldn't change anything

Maybe less activities.

Do more exercises  all the class together.

Do tasks about the currental, global problems and about innovative things.

Higher technology needed

I think the technological difficulties in video conferences should be fixed because they were a very good idea and they have kept us from getting to know each other better and communicating more directly.

More games

more interacting games

More games

i won't improve nothing ´cause it´s ok

more talking between the students

Nothing it was so funny

Maybe have a better communication between us and other countries

Maybe interact more with other participants of other countries

Interact more with people from other places

More conexion between the participant countries.

From my point of view , more online meetings could be done.

In my opinion should be more online sessions with other people

i dont really know

meaby more schools to talk with.

i don't really know, it is good this way.


I don't think there's anything you can do. For me, It's perfect.

Maybe add more interesting things.

I think nothing, I don't have any ideas.

We could do more live sessions and communicate more with the foreign students

i don´t know,because any task was ´t bad

i don't have any idea

I can't really tell, because I actually liked everything.

I think that this project has really good improve!

At least i did something new.

More videos can be made,in order to have a clear image of our partners.They can answer several questions about different topics in videos rather than completing tasks.

more live sessions

It was okay.

Maybe we could have live sessions and meetings.

It was a great project!

I think it was a complete project

I believe that the project is perfectly fine, just the way it is!

I think that everyone should be involved in this project and also everyone should learn things from this. In my opinion I believe that our project was very good in each sector.

Maybe create more videos,rather than completing tasks.The questions in the task can be answered in a video,in order to have a more clear image of our partners.

Personally etwinning was a great project which does not need any improvements

There aren't much stuff that could be done as the project is completed and doesn't need to be improved

I think more live sessions will be a good idea.

i don't know, nothing

Increase the number of online meetings with partners

I think I will increase the time in meetings with other schools

everything is good

I don't know, it was good enough for me.

In my  opinion i would like to know more about culture in other countries.

I dont know

stop doing it


Nothing it was really great they should stay so how it is.


Make it a little bit more interesting

to tell other people about it

I think it would be nicw to tell the students to think about an idea for an exercies or they could even design an exercies, so the students would be more involved.

more connection to the others, so more conferences, because otherwise they are just tasks that we have to fulfill.

It would be nice to ask students if they have an idea for an exercise / topic. Maybe it would be a little bit more interesting for some students.

Maybe not so many exercises alone but together

Maybe if we would have more time for this them I think everyone would take part of it. It would also be nice to talk to other students from other countries.

It could be a great idea for the program to give to the students the opportunity to meet each other face to face.

Could you suggest a topic you would like to include in the future?

Mental health, mindfulness, sustainable development goals

I think everything was great

I have no idea, but I would do more live sessions.



Most famous festivals or celebrations in the world.

More meetings with people from other countries.

Something to learn more things about each country.

i don't know

Dangers of social media: types of dangers (kidnapping, cyberbullying, types of viruses...) and preventions

I don't think about anything I would like to include.

I don't know

A interesting trip to the other country

I would like to include topics related to the LGTB collective

I don't know


I would like to talk more about sports


video games and their positive properties


Society or different families


Social media.


learning the culture of the other country

the topic of injustices or like this.

More activities to learn about discrimination and respect.

I would like to include an activity similar to a gincana.

It would be interesting to talk about cinema so that we could exchange our favourite movies with teenagers from other countries.

Yes, football topic.

I think it would be a great idea to add topics like food and cultures.

I'd suggest to include more nursery-doctors topics.

I would like us to go deeper into travel and different cultures, even though this year we have already done it.


The space


I don't know what to add

I don't know

I would like to talk about music, TV shows and films.

in my opinion, wouldn't add any new topic

No, I couldn't.

Something about technology.




I would like to add topics on criminal forms of harassment on the Internet (grooming, phishing, bullying...).

About politics


The nature

I think it would be interesting to do something related to LGTB.


Magic, different cultures, animals, love, different ways to express yourself...

Pictures topic

I wouldn't like to change the etw-inning project, so I couldn't suggest any topic.

History from the countries of our partners


Sport station for example


Different sports 

I think it would be really cool to cover more moral and social issues (like we did in "Stories that Move".)

Things about our country





I would like to include books and films


Art in the world

Genre equality

Gender equality, world problems...

More tasks about sport

Environment, death penalty :)


It can be something about movies or music.

Something about holidays, traveling or so. I think this topic could be interesting for us, teenagers.

I don't konw what.

I don´t know

movies or traveling and holidays

I like fashion and films, series ...

i don´t know now

I would like to include something more about our lives, because every country is different and everyday life is different from those others.

Maybe some topics about traveling or food.

Maybe healthy food.

Maybe about the culture of a country and the history of this country.


I can't think of something to recommend. The programme contains lots of interestings topics.

Movies and science


Science and AI

 a project about fashion or about  internet safety would be great.

 more about  history and culture 

I believe that it would be a great idea to include subject such as,Science and Cinema

A topic i would like to be included is sports as i believe it would make the project more interesting

Actually I don’t any idea of the title for new project

more about the environment

traditions of other countries

 I think something about zoology would be a good idea

I don't know

Actually not.

culture in other countries

I dont know




Animal Testing could be a topic next year


Use topics everyone is talking about


I think topics, like the one I ticked are nice, because it is a topic everybody should know of and we shouldn´t ignore that.

I would like to speak about the topic Racism

I would like to do something with fashion.

Maybe more meetings not just two

Create a machine for the future. It could be live changing/saving

many live sessions

Would you like to make any further comments?

Great project


It was a great project.







Overall, etwinning is a different project, an original one. The idea of being able to talk to people from other countries is amazing in my opinion, and the first and only meeting we did was quite well planned. Like I said before, I would change the tasks so that they consume less time, but that's only me being a little picky.


No, everything is okey






The platform is not very comfortable.







No, thanks.



No, I wouldn't.




I have nothing more to say.


No, thanks


No, I think it's okay.


No. I wouldn't



I think that this project really helps to develop important skills,




Overall, I think the project was great. It covered a lot of issues and topics through elements that I find essential nowadays: technology, communication, language skills, cooperation and teamwork and creativity. I think the coordinators and teachers a lot for organizing this project for us.



no, it´s ok


It was a great project and see you soon



probably no




I don't think so.


i dont think so

No, thank you!


Yeah, very much!!

No i say everything.

Probably not.


Thank you! Great to have been a partner student in this project!!!!

Thank you for our collaboration. :D

Thank you for our collaboration!

Thank you for this experience

Thank you for our collaboration!

It was nice communicate with you guys have a nice summer!

It was a nice trip and i enjoyed every single moment of it.Have a nice summer.Καλό Καλοκαίρι!!!

It was a great expertience  and I am very grateful that I participated in this project.

No, thank you for our cooperation




I think not"

No, thanks. It was great.

I don't have






No i don´t

No, i liked everything and it was a great offer to do this project.

It was a nice year with the other students and I hope they have a nice summer



It was very interesting for me, and I like it very much.

To all students who will do this in the future, have fun

It was an amazing and unique experience.