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Copy of 1-2-19 Reorg Agenda
Updated automatically every 5 minutes





Meeting Location - District Administration Office 1445 Route 31, Annandale, NJ 08801

Wednesday, January 2, 2019 - 7:00 p.m.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Open Public Meeting Act Statement
  1. In accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meeting Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq., adequate notice of the meeting has been provided by posting of notice at North Hunterdon High School and Voorhees High School, delivery by facsimile to the Hunterdon County Democrat, Star-Ledger, municipal clerks of Bethlehem Township, Califon Borough, Town of Clinton, Clinton Township, Franklin Township, Glen Gardner Borough, Hampton Borough, High Bridge Borough, Lebanon Borough, Lebanon Township, Tewksbury Township and Union Township as well as other interested parties.
  1. Fire Code Announcement
  1. In compliance with the NJ Fire Code, fire exits are located in the direction indicated.  In case of fire, you will be signaled by bell and / or public address system.  If so alerted to fire, please move in a calm and orderly fashion to the nearest smoke-free exit.  At this time, please silence all cell phones.
  1. Flag Salute
  1. Official Election Results
  2. Oath of Office
  1. Board Secretary administers oath of office to elected board members:

Name                        Representing                                        Term

John V. Melick                Califon Borough / Tewksbury Township        3 year term

Rachel McLaughlin        Clinton Township / Lebanon Borough                3 year term

Tara Marie Hintz        High Bridge Borough / Lebanon Township           3 year term

Lisa Diederich                Union Township                                 3 year term

  1. Roll Call

Cheryl Allen-Munley

Califon Borough / Tewksbury Township

Shelley Crisologo

Town of Clinton / Franklin Township / Glen Gardner Borough

Lisa Diederich

Union Township

Francis Goger

Bethlehem Township / Hampton Borough

Tara Marie Hintz

High Bridge Borough / Lebanon Township

Robert Kirchberger

Clinton Township / Lebanon Borough

Rachel McLaughlin

Clinton Township / Lebanon Borough

John Melick

Califon Borough / Tewksbury Township

Heather Richards

Clinton Township / Lebanon Borough

Thomas Roll

High Bridge Borough / Lebanon Township

Roger Straight

Clinton Township / Lebanon Borough

Jessica Viotto

Town of Clinton / Franklin Township / Glen Gardner Borough

  1. Election for Office of President
  1. Board Secretary calls for report of the nominating committee chairperson
  2. Nominating committee chairperson makes recommendation for the office of President
  3. Board Secretary calls for nominations from the floor for the office of President


Any member may place a member’s name in nomination; a second is not required.

Election for each office will be conducted by roll call vote when the nominations for that office are closed.  The candidate receiving the votes of a majority of board members present and voting will be elected to office.  In the event no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, a second election shall be conducted between the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes.

  1. Board Secretary conducts election for the office of President
  2. Board Secretary turns the meeting over to the newly elected President
  1. Election for Office of Vice President
  1. President calls for report of the nominating committee chairperson
  2. Nominating committee chairperson makes recommendation for the office of Vice President
  3. President calls for nominations from the floor for the office of Vice President
  4. President conducts election for the office of Vice President
  1. Call for a motion and second to approve action items 10.1 - 10.9
  1. Appointment of Board Secretary - Susan Press
  2. Appointment of Treasurer of School Moneys - Raymond Krov
  3. Appointment of Public Agency Compliance Officer - Susan Press
  4. Authorization to sign checks by accounts
  5. Re-adoption of policies, bylaws and curriculum
  6. Adopt Code of Ethics for School Board Members
  7. Adopt 2019 Board meeting calendar
  8. Adopt resolution BR1219-1 designation of official newspapers
  9. Adopt organizational chart
  1. Committee Interest Survey - President calls for Board members to complete the committee interest survey
  2. Discussion - B. Liss of Riker, Danzig, Scherer, Hyland & Perretti - School Ethics Act and Code of Ethics for School Board Members
  3. Public Comment
  1. During this portion of the meeting, the public is invited to address the Board with

questions or comments.

  1. The public is requested to sign the register provided for this purpose and to state their name, address and direct their comments to the Board President.
  2. While all comments will be considered and a response will be forthcoming if and when appropriate, the Board will not respond to the speakers at the time of their appearance.
  3. The public comment period will be a maximum of thirty minutes in length unless there are unusual circumstances.
  4. Those appearing will be allocated three minutes to speak and no one will be permitted to speak twice until all those wishing to speak have had a turn.
  1. Call for a motion and second to adjourn