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 29.2 Styles

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Music video styles 

1.popular music genres: 

The first music video i will be looking at is ”Everlong” by the Foo Fighters, this music video incorporates the music video style of surrealism, this style involves the use of bizarre visuals and creating dream like sequences which the audience won’t forget, surrealism ignores the boundaries between fantasy and reality.

The conventions that are incorporated into the song are as follows lyric interpretation, during the first run through of the chorus the lyrics “if everything could ever feel this real forever” this is a direct interpretation of the dream sequence featured in the video.

The techniques it uses are a heavy use of special effects, a prime example of this is when the band members zip their so called costumes down and reveal themselves underneath, another example of this is when the lead singer dave grohl begins to beat up various of the people at the party and is hand grows to a huge size when doing so, also there is a point in the music video when two of the people that he beat up begin to disintegrate as seen below.

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In Concert and “as live” footage.

The second music video i will be talking about is “It's My Life” by Bon Jovi, this music video incorporates the in concert and as live footage style of music videos this styles central focus point is filming a band performing on stage for an audience

                                                        the conventions that are incorporated in this music video are Lyric interpretation because a lot of the lines such as “I did it my way “ can be interpreted in whatever way the audience see fit (whatever there way is). An earlier example of this convention being used is in the music video for the song “if i fell” (a hard day's night) by The Beatles.                                          

This music video uses multiple techniques as well, for example, there is a scene where a man and a women are on the phone with each other and they use split screen to show them both on the phone (as seen above).

Camera angles are also used in this music video, shots like a low angle shot to show someone jumping off a bridge.

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Animation (stop motion, CGI, 2D, 3D)

The third music video i will be talking about is “ a little piece of heaven” by Avenged sevenfold.

This music video incorporates the style of animation, animation is typically used as a story telling technique, the conventions that are used in this music video are as follows, lyric interpretation, the lyrics in this song are an interpretation of the music video and vice versa. One of the first songs to incorporate the animation style was “take on me” by a-ha as seen above. Although this video isn’t entirely animation,

As you can see below .

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My fourth music video will be R kelly “Trapped in the closet”, this music video uses the interpretive style in the music video, an interpretive music video is one where the lyrics of the song are a direct interpretation of the music video.

As you can see in the above image the main character of the music video is trapped in a closet, this music video use the convention lyric interpretation and extending or consolidating the songs meaning  , because the words he is saying in the song are a direct interpretation of the music video and vice versa.

This music video also uses different camera angles.

this music video makes good use of different camera angles such as

tracking shots,for example, when one of the characters is running around the room frantically looking for someone.

the conventions the song uses are lyric interpretation and consolidating or extending the songs meaning, this is because the words he sings are a direct interpretation of the music video and vice versa.

Bibliography (2019). Your browser is deprecated, please upgrade. - YouTube. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Jan. 2019].