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Bimbo Water III
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Masturbating in the shower is so easy; soap for lube, don’t have to worry about the mess… It’s wonderful! This shower is no different, in fact…

The hot water crashes down on you as you ease the tension in your back, stretching as you reach for the soap. Then suddenly you feel a rush of arousal, and turn to grab the shower head. You shiver with pleasure as the cascading water massages your erect cock, but suddenly your dick goes limp and the radiating arousal doubles as your nipples perk up.

“My nipples? O shit, my voice!” You exclaim, jumping in surprise when you hear a feminine voice come out of you.

You see frail arms holding the shower head, and look down in aroused shock as your left hand strokes your slimming torso and shrinking manhood. You want to stop and shut the water, but hormones coursing through your body practically force you to bring yourself to climax.

The rush of estrogen makes its way to your torso, and you moan as the skin on your chest stretches. The two sides fill with fat quickly, and your nipples puff up with sensitivity as you’re finally able to bring yourself to true orgasm.

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You hear Stella pound at the door and try to answer her pleading cries, but your words are suppressed by orgasmic moans that get caught in your throat. Your girlfriend decides to break into the bathroom, her jaw down to the floor as she watches a stream of cum flow out of your inch long member. She then snaps out of her shock, pulling you out of the shower and turning the water off.

“The news said the entire town’s water supply has been poisoned, and everyone poisoned should stay away from the water.” Stella informs you, drying your body off while you play with your new boobs.

It takes a few minutes for your cum to to stop flowing, and by the time it does you feel drained. Within a few minutes your bust size diminishes to basically flat, the rest of your body following suit and just leaving you slightly feminized. Your penis doesn’t return to normal though, now drained of all manhood and just a sensitive inch long flab.

Stella puts you in bed and gives you a few sealed water bottles, unaware that the only thing you now crave is more of that transforming water. You stay up all night drinking the stuff out of the sink, trying to stay quiet as you tweak your nipples and orgasm. The swelling goes down pretty quickly after drinking, but you start to notice your chest remaining pretty full after a few nights. You reason with Stella that it must be the after effects of the water, and that there’s no way you would continue drinking that stuff.

One day you’re watching the news with her, cuddling and making out as a breaking story plays. The anchor outs your entire game, informing the audience that most victims of the poisoned water supply still crave more bimbo water.

“Their bodies won’t change anymore than they did on day one, unless the victim’s been drinking more.”

Stella turns the TV off, demanding that you admit to drinking more bimbo water. You deny her accusations but that night she breaks into the bathroom, scaring you as you gulp down some bimbo water koolaid.

“Omg, you can’t like, scare me like that Stell!!” You giggle, unsuccessfully trying to suppress your ditziness as you speak aloud for the first time after consuming the addictive drink.

You giggle at Stella’s frozen posture, and continue to drink from your bottle before she grabs it from you.

“What are you doing?? You can’t just keep drinking this stuff!!” Stella exclaims, pouring your koolaid down the drain as you pout.

The immediate effects from the bimbo water make your body submissive enough to just let Stella lead you to bed without a fight, and you pass out as bubbly thoughts swirl in your head. You dream of muscular hunks, their veiny arms in full control of your petite body when you suddenly wake up next to Stella.

“I’m going to work; just try to relax, and definitely don’t drink any more tap water!” Stella demands with a pleasant smile before leaving, assuming you’re still just as submissive as last night.

You try your best to stay away from the sink for Stella’s sake, last night’s water’s effects still making you submissive enough for Stella’s command to actually help your body not crave the water so bad. Then a news report plays informing everyone that a slew of vandals have been taking advantage of the new water’s powers, and you feel the nub that used to be your manhood pulsate with arousal as footage plays of two girls locked in a shower rubbing their bodies against the glass door.

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“These previously two young men were just innocently playing video games, when this house was broken into. The assailant, we assume aided by others, forced these boys into this shower and turned on the water. We don’t know what they did to these nice women before leaving, but they used a lock that the fbi officers are still having trouble opening.

There’s no room for anyone to get out over the top, and the girls refuse to turn the water off!

The town has informed us that they will be shutting down the supply until further notice to stop more potential crimes like this, so please gather what you can if you are in desperate need of drinking water.

Oh sorry! Go down to town hall if you need drinki-”

You leap out of your seat, quickly filling massive jugs with water from the sink. Your fingers slim and your nails manicure from getting wet, and you feel the craving to drink overwhelm you. You grab a ten gallon bucket and put it under the faucet before running to the bathroom and getting in the bathtub backwards, your petite body fits snugly in the tub as you giggle and open your mouth under the running faucet.

Time seems to stop as you try to keep up and not drown in the gallons of water going down your throat, your body slowly inflating and filling up the tub as your crotch opens into velvety folds. Suddenly the flow of bubbly goodness stops, and you squirm in ecstasy as a powerful orgasm takes over your body.

It’s difficult to get out of the slippery tub, your curves lubricated by cum that makes you even wetter as you try to escape. You then quickly grab the full jugs of bimbo water, running to the shed in a rush to hide them before Stella gets home. Your mind delights in pure bliss as your chest bounces intensely, your nipples rubbing into the coarse fabric of your tied together top as you move heavy containers of water.

When Stella gets home you try to act casual, drinking from a water bottle before saying hi to her.

“What are you wearing?? How are your boobs- Did you lose the rest of your cock??” Stella screams, her eyes fixated on your flat panties as you giggle.

“Did you hear they shut down all the water lines?” You ask casually, trying to clear your throat from sounding so luscious.

“Wait… Are you drinking bimbo water??” Stella demands, making you try to act innocent and show that you’re drinking regular bottled water.

You’re not though, and try not to smirk when Stella blindly accepts your explanation. A gulp from the bottle makes your stomach flutter, and you blush as your inflating ass makes you rise up on the bed.

“What?! I knew it! Stella yells, grabbing the bottle from your hand and taking a whiff. “I know you have more of this stuff, I can see it in your eyes!

Tell me where it is!!”

Your submissiveness makes you admit right away, but your drained intelligence leaves you trying to rmemeber what you’d done with the water as your mind just begs for sex.

“You don’t know where the water is?” Stella asks, jumping up to look around the house when you give her a blank look.

You follow her around the house and eventually out to the backyard, but you’re too late. A large tattooed  man laughs maniacally as he moves dozens of gallons of your bimbo water into his truck, but that’s the last thing you can think about. You feel a magnetic attraction to the hunk, and drape your body on his as he opens one of the containers.

You beg for the bimbo water, practically melting when he decides to pour a gallon of it on your chest. Your body slims down, all the fat going into your chest as Stella pulls her phone out to call the police. Suddenly a man in a mask grabs Stella, slapping the phone out of her hand and pouring bimbo water down the back of her shirt.

You manage to ignore the men’s erections for a moment to watch Stella’s ass inflate, her back arching as her legs lengthen. You start to run for her, the small remainder of your male mind forcing you to protect your woman from danger. Then the large man grabs you by your ponytail, making you moan in surprised lust as he pulls your hair back. The masked man pours a full bucket of bimbo water onto your backside, and you can’t help but laugh euphorically as your ass bubbles up and swells.

Stella calmly drinks from a bottle that the masked man gives her, watching as he pours another full bucket straight onto your ass. All you can do is wiggle and giggle as you and Stella plump up, her clothes starting to look comically small on her new supermodel body as her torso and legs extend. She undresses and puts on a gold bikini from the guys’ truck, her plump lips blue from the intense first transformation as she complains about the size of her bikini.

“I feel like this is two sizes too small…” She trails off, “Not that I’m like, totes complaining or anything!”

The last shred of your manhood fades as you watch Stella’s struggle against bimbohood dwindle, the two men groping and grabbing her as she tries to fit into her tiny, bimbo water soaked bikini.

You jealously ask for a new bikini as your shirt becomes too small for your giant chest, and your hips tear through your panties as the large tattooed man picks you up. The two men bring you and Stella inside, and the one carrying you throws your plush body onto the couch. Your bikini top snaps as you land, forcing your hyper sensitive nipples to rub into the coarse fabric as the tattooed man mounts you from behind.

Even through your craving to be penetrated, the last morsel of your former self begs to be let go. The man ignores you, slowly penetrating your gushing folds and silencing your protests.

“Now leave your arms at your sides, and only think of me as Master…” He calmly says, gently thrusting in and out of your womanhood as you bite your lip and moan.

You don’t even register his command, your mind too overwhelmed by ecstasy as your body blindly follows Master’s orders. You try to be worried about only being able to refer to Master as Master, but being Master’s servant makes you even more turned on!

These complex thoughts all evaporate when Master grabs your wrists, and you can only howl passionately as he fills you perfectly with each exaggerated thrust.

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You look up when you hear the other man say, “No hands!”

This makes you all laugh as Stella tries sucking his massive cock with her hands behind her back, her tongue gleefully licking his shaft as he pours bimbo water over her wet head. Suddenly both men focus on the TV, and you feel like the reporter is saying something important even though you can barely understand him.

“Although the effects of what everyone now refers to as ‘Bimbo Water’ are known to be regressive, doctors have concluded upon further research that male cum will reverse these after effects. They warn to stay away from consumption of any form, and our prayers go out to-”

The masked man mutes the tv, laughing as Stella’s glazed eyes try to focus on his cock. She can only giggle in desperation, her mind too slow and warped from all the bimbo water for her to figure out how to fit the cock in her mouth with no hands.

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Stella’s hunk passes the tattooed man the bottle of bimbo water as he grabs Stella’s ponytail, making her moan as he pulls her head back and guides her wet lips around the head of his cock.

“When in Rome…” The man on top of you trails off, pouring the rest of the bimbo water on your head.

Your folds puff up and tighten as your hair soaks in all the wonderful liquid, and you squeal like a pornstar as the throbbing cock inside bulges before pumping you full of cum. You feel a rush in your swelling curves as your body absorbs the warm load, and get ready for round two as you watch Stella gulp down the masked man’s orgasm.