NAME: Nadal        

DATE 9/10/23


 List down a country name for each letter of the alphabet. Identify a celebration from that country (must start with the same letter) and in the final column, provide a brief description of the celebration.

*An example has been given below:

Country name



  1. Australia


Australia Day marks the 1788 landing of the first fleet and raising of the union flag by Arthur Phillip at Sydnet Cove, New South Wales. Today, it’s become a day that acknowledges past wrongs and show respect for the Aboriginal and Torress Strait Islanders.

  1. Belgium

Zinneke Parade

Zinneke is a parade which is held once every two years. Belgium is directing at helping the different cultures.

  1. Canada


Regardless of the likeness the canadian thanksgiving has a specification all its own.

  1. Denmark

Saint Lucy’s Day

A christian feast day, It acknowledges the Martyr Lucia of Syracuse legend that she brought food to christians hiding in Roman chambers. Wearing a candle lit wreath on her head.  

  1. Egypt

Abu Simbel Sun Festival

The Abu Simbel Sun Festival celebrates the two dates each year when the sun fills the hidden temple room where there are four sculptures.  

  1. Finland

Helsinki Festival

The Helsinki Festival is the enormous multi arts festival in Finland. It is Finland's broad cultural event in terms of visitors, This event is arranged yearly in the capital on august.

  1. Germany

German Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving in German is an autumn harvest celebration. This celebration is celebrated in September or October based on the region.  

  1. Hungary  

Miskolc Opera Festival

The Miskolc Opera Festival or another name International Opera Festival of Miskolc was a cultural event held every summer.  

  1. Iceland

Fyrsti Vetrardagur

Iceland recognises the first day of a season called winter of the year to indicate the starting point Gor, Viking culture acknowledges two seasons like winter and summer.

  1. Japan

Tenjin Matsuri in Osaka

The Tenjin Matsuri is one of the symbolic water and light festivals in Osaka and is also categorized as one of the  significant festivals in the whole of Japan.  

  1. Korea


Chuseok is also known as Hangawi, the definition of this is the 15th day of August, specified by the lunar calendar.

  1. Laos

Boun Pha Wet.

The festival is considered a sacred time as it is well thought out as a bright time for laos men installations as a monk.

  1. Mexico

day of the dead

The day of the dead is celebrated commonly on the 1st and second though additional days such as November the 6th also halloween 31st of October.

  1. Nigeria

Afan National Festival.

The Afan National Festival is an yearly event commemorated every 1st of January by the Oegworok people.

  1. Oman

National days Oman

The national day is a formal holiday in the Sultanate of Oman. This holiday occurs on November the 18th this started to become a celebration of Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said.

  1. Pakistan


This celebration Eid-ul-Fitr attributes two to three days of celebrations that embrace morning prayers.

  1. Qatar

Doha Cultural Festival.

The Doha Culture Festival is one of the most activities sustained out yearly by the Qatari Ministry of culture.  

  1. Russia

Police Day

This celebration “police day” is a day that is a public holiday not only is it a public  holiday it is also  to appreciate/honor all those helping in their national police.

  1. Spain

Las Fiestas del Pilar

The Las Fiestas del Pilar is an yearly festival observed in the city of Zaragoza, Aragon. In privilege of the guardian saint of the city.

  1. Thailand

Ubon Ratchathani candle Festival

This celebration/festival is held at theUbon Ratchathani Thailand Nearly all of the details of the tradition. parade candles.

  1. Ukraine


The Malanka is a Ukranian folk holiday to  commonrate on the 13th of January, Which is their New years eve in granting with the 31st of December.

  1. Vietnam

Quest Festival Vietnam

It is a three day festival of music, art, workshops, movies and performances located just outside of Hanoi, it's been acknowledged as a the most attractive festival all across the world.

  1. Wales

Shwmae Sumae Day in Wales

The celebration is on the 15th of October. This day is manifest each year in Wales to remember/encourage the welsh culture.

  1. Yemen

Liberation Day in Yemen

Liberation day is a public holiday celebrated in Yemen on October 14th ever since 1963.

  1. Zimbabwe

National Unity Day in Zimbabwe

Unity Day in Zimbabwe has been observed on December 22 yearly since 1987.