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Sister’s Torment I
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

“When did I say you can eat at the table??

You’re still Punished!” She laughs and emphasizes the last word, triggering the phrase she’d instilled to set you off.

You immediately start crying like a baby, calling for mama and sliding out of your chair before curling up on the floor. The latest in your sister’s abuse of her immense magical powers, teaching you a lesson for calling her a little baby when she ran away from a spider.

“Who’s the baby now?” She chuckles as she stands over you, squeezing her bust together and teasing you with her mammaries.

Not only do you have to act like a hungry baby for five minutes any time you hear the word ‘Punished’, but your desire for breast milk is unlike any craving you’ve ever had. You continue to sob and scream, famished as your sister just laughs.

She never told your parents about her powers, deciding to just manifest them into authority over her older brother. You know she’s more powerful than your parents can handle, and believe her threats when she says things will get a lot worse if you tell them. She’d be able to manipulate them easily, and your life would never be the same.

When the five minutes end you take a deep breath, attempting to keep your dignity as you wipe the drool off your chin.

“Is it over now?” You ask meekly, scared to look your sister in the eye as she towers over you.

“Yeah, I think you learnt your lesson!” She laughs, eliciting a sigh of relief as you feel the hex leave your body. “I have a different project I wanted to work on anyway, so come with me.”

You have no choice, your willpower taken long ago when your sister first found her abilities. Anything she commands, you follow without a thought. She brings you to her room and pulls out a colorful steampunk revolver, the clear markings of a magical item.

“As much control as I have over reality, I’m still a very anxious girl. I’m scared to do anything outside of the house, or to anyone besides you! There’s nothing I could do to change that magically, nobody is able to use spells on themselves.

That’s where this guy comes in…” She trails off as she points it into your face and pulls the trigger, making your lips dry as a metallic taste fills your mouth. “It took a while to learn how to program this thing, so you’re lucky I already did. In a few minutes you’ll be an exact copy of me, down to the brain cells in your head. You’ll still have a core original identity, but that’s just in case I decide to turn you back…”

Before worry can fill your mind, you feel your face tighten as gravity pulls at you intensely. A rosey scent fills your nostrils as your blonde hair lengthens and frames the edges of your vision, suddenly turning brunette to match your sister’s hair color. You feel your slumped shoulders straighten out as your posture matches hers, and a tingling in your chest lasts only briefly as a small collection of fat surges upward.

“Wow, I didn’t realize how small my boobs are, I can barely see them! This thing’s amazing!!” She laughs and looks back to the gun, making you blush as your nipples get tender and sensitive.

The change travels further down, toning your belly and waist. Your legs shrink before stretching, your body becoming petite and lanky like your sister’s as your arms lose all their fat. You suddenly become aware of the throbbing erection pressed against your underwear, but then a spurt of cum shoots out.

An orgasm more intense than you’d ever had washes over you, and you unabashedly groan as your voice feminizes. Your pulsating manhood erupts and spits out several loads, oozing through your pants and getting you all sticky as your pelvis begins to swivel inward. Your boner slowly shrinks away as the throbbing euphoria is squeezed into a firm lump, painfully pressing at your transforming genitalia as they’re sucked up inside you.

Arousing tendrils snake up toward your belly, settling as they form your womanhood. The skin between your legs flattens momentarily as everything is pushed up inside, and then the pit in your stomach blossoms into beautiful folds. Your new pussy lips spread open for the first time, and you’re unable to stop yourself from inserting a delicate finger.

“O god!! Your pussy feels so good!! Your pussy is- My pussyyyyyy!!” You squeal, convulsing as a powerful wave of feminine bliss leaves you a gushing mess.

You feel your brain start to shift, and blush as your sister’s shyness permeates your mind. You become extremely self conscious, worried about your looks as you shamefully cover up the cum stain on the front of your pants.

“Tell me your name, quick no thinking!”


Fuck! Wait, it’s-” You’re cut off by your sister’s hysterical laugh, “So I’m done changing?”

“I think you’re me now, so let’s really get the fun started!” Your sister winks, getting herself ready to perform magic.

She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, then your hair suddenly turns blue. Before you can ask what’s happening you feel your shyness intensify, and you’re forced to close your eyes as it pools in your stomach. The feeling weighs you down and makes you want to curl up like a ball, anxiety vibrating your fluttering heart as you grit your teeth.

And then an audible pop from your tummy, and the uncomfortable feeling coursing through your veins suddenly turns ice cold. You shiver as a tingling heat then slowly spreads from your belly button, soon feeling no more shyness whatsoever as you smile confidently.  

“How does it feel?” Your sister asks with a craving jealousy, “You look so happy, this is so cool!!”

“I felt like such an idiot before and I really didn’t think I was pretty at all, but now I feel like a total supermodel! Why’d you make my hair blue? I mean, I don’t really mind and it’s like, totally sexy, but-”

“I would even talk differently with more confidence??

I mean, I always wanted blue hair, and even seeing you so pretty- I…” Your sister wells up as her shyness stops her from opening up, and she tries not to sob as you wrap your arms around her.

You want to console your sister, remind her how confident she is when she’s tormenting you. Your body isn’t capable of that though, simply hugging your twin thoughtlessly till the loving feeling makes her stop crying.

“I also took a lot of your brain’s processing power away, so this might be a little difficult to comprehend” She says between sniffles, eventually stopping as you just smile and hug tighter.

“Okay, okay!!” She laughs, “You could let go now, I have more outfits for you to try on!”

You instantly release her torso when she commands; partly because of her power over you, but you’re also super excited for your next outfit!

Right away Audrey turns your hair blonde, then laughs and says it looked much better before. You just continue smiling, knowing you look sexy no matter what as your pants suddenly disappear. Your shirt lengths before scooping between your legs, then wedgies between your firm butt cheeks as it meets the back of your shirt and forms a latex onesie.

A headband lightly hugs your scalp as your sister beams with pride, pulling out her phone and using a spell to attract you to the lense like a bug to light.

“How does this one look? How sexy am I?” You giggle, pursing your lips as they’re smothered with lipstick.

You reconfigure the band on your head slightly as makeup cakes your face, pretending the camera is a mirror as a bow tie chokes you slightly.

“You look like a supermodel, how do you feel?” Audrey asks, a smirk on her face as you ditzily back away from the camera posing.

You want to ask for less makeup, the suffocating paint almost making you sweat as it restricts your facial movements very annoyingly.

It’s definitely worth it though, think about how much sexier you look now! At this point it probably would feel the same with more makeup, and you would look so much sexier!!

Deep down you struggle to not ask for more makeup, staying silent for a few moments before your body perks up.

“I’m like, super hot and sexy, but I think I like the blue hair more… And you think this is enough makeup?” Your body manages to ask at the end meekly, almost as a last thought.

Damn! You were so sure you had gotten away from asking that, but maybe it had just been your enhanced confidence convincing you. At least you’d given yourself an out, perhaps Audrey would think you have too much makeup on…

Who are you kidding

“No, you definitely need a lot more makeup. Agreed on the blue hair, but what about my chest? I mean, I can’t change my own chest, but for you…” She trails off, smirking and performing her magic before you can even react.

What’s that feeling behind you?

You moan as a round bulging ecstasy protrudes behind you, overwhelming your senses and making you close your eyes. Your eyelids wrinkle as they’re caked in several more layers of cosmetics, your face now feeling a lot heavier as you try not to moan. Your outfit splits in half and turns into lacy cotton, a bra several sizes too large for your chest and a thong that finally releases the immense pressure bulging out of your ass.

Your lips stretch and fill with collagen, reshaping as a ring pierces through your nose. Your body burns slightly as tattoos etch into your skin, and your eyes glaze over as your hair turns back to blue. Suddenly your belly flutters, and your pussy gushes as your mind blanks.

Nothing leaks out of you though, and you take a deep inhale as you feel your body fill with mushy… fat?

You feel the tightness in your abs collapse as cum becomes fat inside you, your stomach becoming pudgy as your hips bend forward. Your ass fills and rounds out, your thighs following suit as your nipples get tender and puff up. You know exactly what’s to come next, and try to fill your lungs with oxygen before they’re suddenly restricted by the lack of free space in your chest.

You gasp for air as fat piles into your chest, skin stretching to accommodate the new mass as you struggle for air. Your breasts jiggle and bounce as they grow, soon hanging off your chest and freeing up space for your lungs. You take a deep grateful breath, but you’re suddenly drawn to your sister’s camera as she pulls it out.

“Feel like you’re missing something tho…” She trails off, “Aha!”

Audrey snaps her fingers, and you suddenly feel something inside each of your breasts.

A bag?

Your eyes open wide as you realize what it is, but there’s nothing you can do as Audrey tells you to take a deep breath. You feel the bags inflate slightly when you inhale, pressing your breasts deeper into the cups.

“Again, sweetie.”

They squeeze together and form cleavage as you breathe in.


Your boobies start to look fake as you listen to Audrey.

“One more time!!” Your sister giggles, mocking surprise when you almost rip through your negligee.

Your mind just ignores it, pouting and bending over for the camera as your sister snaps her fingers again. This time you feel a slice in your tongue, and no longer want to keep it in your mouth.

“You’re gonna give the best blowjobs…” Audrey giggles, encouraging you as you pose your ageless body and shake your sensitive tail for her phone camera.

“I could totally think of something hotter than a blowjob…” You giggle, flexing your tongue wildly between two manicured V shaped fingers.

“O my god, I never really changed much about you…

Maybe with so much confidence you can come out as lesbian?” Audrey ponders, her sexuality coming into question as you just laugh.

“If you’re asking, I think you have an answer…” You drool lustfully, pulling Audrey in and massaging her folds.

“You’re right, this is amazing…” She moans, bucking her hips as she rides your fingers.

You suddenly feel the familiar warmth of a spell, but you’re too caught up to pay attention. Even when yo I hear footsteps approach the bedroom, you and Audrey continue.

“Girls!” Your dad says as he opens the door, “I don’t mean to disturb your fun, but we’re having dinner soon. Does Audrey need a special seat for her tail, or-” He suddenly stops as Audrey gives him a stern look.

“Sorry!” Audrey blushes meekly as he leaves, “I may have changed reality to make everyone think you’ve always been like this…”

“That’s fucking hot!” You giggle and wiggle your fluffy tail, pussy flaring up as you lock lips with Audrey for the first time of many.