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Materials Needed:

•Soil in a small bucket

•Spoon or small shovel

•Clear jars ex: mason jars or baby food jars

•variety of seeds packs

•watering can



•Introduce the child to all the materials:  

“This is a shovel”

“This is soil and is used to plant vegetables and flowers”

•Talk about each object

•Have your child pick seeds

•Using the spoon or shovel scoop a small amount of soil and place it into the jar

•Let your child have a turn

•Place a few seeds into the jar and let your child have a turn

•Water the plant with the watering can

Clean up:

•Place plants outside or on a small shelf. Somewhere your child is able to access them. He will water the plant and observe them growing

•Put soil away

•Clean table or area with a towel, broom, or mop

•wash hands