Youth Choirs
Spring Contract 2023
As a member of the Celebration Singers Youth Choirs, I understand the responsibilities are as follows:
Attendance Policy
I understand my responsibilities as a parent of a singer are:
I understand and agree to hold The Celebration Singers without responsibility for any damage and/or other liability arising out of my child’s involvement with The Celebration Singers during transport to and from rehearsals and during any rehearsals, concerts, or any other Celebration Singers’ sponsored events. I give The Celebration Singers permission to use any recordings for improvement of the ensemble and for publicity purposes in publications, new releases, online & social media platforms, such as, but not limited to, Facebook.
Parent/Guardian Name (Printed): _______________________ Email: _________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________Date: ______________
Singer’s Agreement
I accept the responsibilities of being a member of The Celebration Singers Youth Choirs. I will be on time to all events, behave appropriately during all events, and learn/practice my music to the best of my ability. I understand that failure to abide by this contract may terminate membership in the Youth Choirs.
Singer Name (Printed):_______________________________________________________________
Singer Signature: __________________________________________________Date: _____________
Youth Choirs
Spring 2023 Schedule
Regular Rehearsal Time 6:45 – 7:45pm @ Cranford Methodist Church
We rehearse based on this schedule even if there is no school that day!
Rehearsal Schedule
Tuesday 1/31 Regular Rehearsal (6:30 Parent Information Meeting)
Tuesday 2/7 Regular Rehearsal (Middle C Auditions 7:45-8:15)
Tuesday 2/14 NO REHEARSAL
Tuesday 2/21 Regular Rehearsal (Middle C Rehearsal 7:45-8:15)
Tuesday 2/28 Bring a Friend Night! Rehearsal
Tuesday 3/7 Regular Rehearsal (Middle C Rehearsal 7:45-8:15)
Tuesday 3/14 Regular Rehearsal
Tuesday 3/21 Regular Rehearsal (Middle C Rehearsal 7:45-8:15)
Tuesday 3/28 Regular Rehearsal
Saturday 4/1 Spring Retreat (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)
Tuesday 4/4 Regular Rehearsal (Middle C Rehearsal 7:45-8:15)
Tuesday 4/11 Regular Rehearsal
Tuesday 4/18 Regular Rehearsal (Middle C Rehearsal 7:45-8:15)
Tuesday 4/25 Regular Rehearsal
Tuesday 5/2 Regular Rehearsal (Middle C Rehearsal 7:45-8:15)
Tuesday 5/9 Regular Rehearsal (Middle C Rehearsal 7:45-8:15)
Deadline to notify Mr. Cheek of any dress rehearsal conflicts
Tuesday 5/16 Rehearsal with Adult Choir (6:45-8:15)
Tuesday 5/23 Rehearsal with Adult Choir (6:45-8:15)
Tuesday 5/30 Dress Rehearsal @ The Harvest Training Center 6:45pm-8:15pm
Thursday 6/1 Dress Rehearsal @ The Harvest Training Center 6:45pm-8:15pm
Friday 6/2 CONCERT @ The Harvest Training Center 8:00 start (Call time 7:00)
Saturday 6/3 CONCERT @ The Harvest Training Center 3:00 start (Call time 2:15)
**Please remember school concerts and academic obligations are excused absences, please keep us informed so we can work with you**
Youth Choirs
DRESS CODE - Formal Attire
Concert Black
Any combination of the following:
Please make sure that all outfits are the appropriate lengths and fit correctly. Also please make sure all outfits are the correct colors (solid black, no navy substitutes for black, no white socks etc).
DRESS CODE - Casual Attire
Dress comfortably for regular rehearsals and bring layers when needed.
No food or gum/candy will be allowed during rehearsals.
Masks are optional, but encouraged for singers
Bringing water is highly recommended!
Parent Volunteer Jobs
We will need parents for the following volunteer jobs throughout the season and especially during our concerts.
Rehearsal Chaperone (1-2) Supervise the Youth Choir during weekly rehearsals.
Concert Chaperone (2) - Supervise the Youth Choir for the duration of the concert.
Ticket Sales (2) - Sell/Check tickets at the door before concert time.
Usher (2) - Distribute programs at the door before concert time.
Youth Choirs
Spring Contract 2023
As a member of the Celebration Singers Youth Choirs, I understand the responsibilities are as follows:
Attendance Policy
I understand my responsibilities as a parent of a singer are:
I understand and agree to hold The Celebration Singers without responsibility for any damage and/or other liability arising out of my child’s involvement with The Celebration Singers during transport to and from rehearsals and during any rehearsals, concerts, or any other Celebration Singers’ sponsored events. I give The Celebration Singers permission to use any recordings for improvement of the ensemble and for publicity purposes on social media sites, such as, but not limited to, Facebook.
Singer’s Agreement
I accept the responsibilities of being a member of The Celebration Singers Youth Choirs. I will be on time to all events, behave appropriately during all events, and learn/practice my music to the best of my ability. I understand that failure to abide by this contract may terminate membership in the Youth Choirs.