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E,F &S Music video Group Agreement
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Advanced Portfolio (Component 3)

Group Agreement

This course work carries 25% of your A Level in Media Studies. Everyone has got a big stake in the success of the production! If the group works, the outcomes are more likely to work.

Discuss the following and agree on how to share the workload and make sure everyone gets an equal opportunity to participate and learn.

Please submit a group agreement on each of these items, print it, sign it and hand it to your teacher. This document should also be linked to your perfect production group post.

What Strengths and Weaknesses do you have as a group?


Strengths - creative & team player

Weaknesses - performing & bad memory


Strengths - directing & creative & team player

Weaknesses - performing & indecisive & bad memory


Strengths - camera stuff & editing & software knowledge

Weaknesses - sleeping & bad memory

Scheduling (Test) Shoots Out of School

We are able to commit provisionally to the following shooting schedule… no friday or sat or sun

Roles and Responsibilities on Shoot

Whilst we are all equally responsible for the quality of footage, we think that the best way to share the roles on shoot is… yes

Roles and Responsibilities in Post Production

Whilst we are all responsible for post production, we think that the best way to share the editing workload  is… yes

Creative Responsibility & Disagreements

We understand that we are all equally responsible for creative outcomes, when there is a disagreement we will… no anger. Vote

Working on Shared Documents

Many planning documents must be prepared as a group as they reflect a shared vision and shared practical planning. We will ensure that the workload is equally shared by…yes

Communication and Organisation

The ways in which we will share ideas, resources and project documents is…social media group chat

What can you do if you feel unhappy within the group?

There might be times when you feel excluded from the production. Alternatively, you may also feel as though someone is not working as hard as you, for our group we will settle our difficulties by… Chatting

Name:         Finley Price                                        Signature:

Name:        Edward Jones                                        Signature:

Name:        Sam Martin                                        Signature: