Masters of the Air
An Aces High™ Scenario
Version 1.0
Please read “Dates and Times” and “Main Rules” sections.
Click here for registration. Please register for the event if you can play at least 3 frames.
If you can’t play in at least 3 frames, you can still show up as a walkon (unregistered player) on game day.
Please show up at or before 8 pm US Eastern time in the Special Events 2 arena. (For how that translates to your time, here is a time converter.) End of frame will be nominally at 11:30 pm US Eastern time.
26,000 crew were killed in action during the 8th Air Force's WWII strategic bombing. To put that in perspective, for all of WWII, the entire Marine Corps suffered 25,000 killed in action. The entire Navy suffered 63,000 killed in action. It was a bloody business.
One Bombardment Group in particular typified that aspect more than most: the 100th Bombardment Group. The Bloody Hundredth.
This year, a long-anticipated miniseries will run from late January into March. A series like Band of Brothers, but about the USAAF. It is based on the best-selling book Masters of the Air, which focuses on the Bloody Hundredth.
And this year, running during the same time span, we will run an Aces High scenario focused on the bombing missions of the Bloody Hundredth.
High-altitude formations of B-17's, sweeping into Germany. Escorted by P-47's and P-51's. Fighting desperately though deadly groups of Bf 109's and FW 190's. Fighting to pound the enemy into submission.
This will be an epic event. Full of glory and excitement.
Masters of the Air: An Aces High Scenario
28 Fighters, 19 Bombers; 47 Total
Unit | # | Frame 1 | Frame 2 | Frame 3 | Frame 4 | Frame 5 |
8th Air Force |
| 10-15-44 | 12-12-44 | 1-14-45 | 3-2-45 | 4-6-45 |
56th FG | 10 | P-47D-25 | P-47D25 | P-47D-25 | P-47M | P-47M |
4th FG | 6 | P-51B | P-51B | P-51D | P-51D | P-51D |
479th FG | 12 | P-38J | P–51D | P-51D | P-51D | P-51D |
100th BG | 19 | B-17G | B-17G | B-17G | B-17G | B-17G |
36 Interceptors; 36 Total
Unit | # | Frame 1 | Frame 2 | Frame 3 | Frame 4 | Frame 5 |
Luftwaffe |
| 10-15-44 | 12-12-44 | 1-14-45 | 3-2-45 | 4-6-45 |
II./JG27 | 14 | Bf 109G-14 | Bf 109K-4 | Bf 109K-4 | Bf 109K-4 | Bf 109K-4 |
III./JG54 | 14 | Fw 190D-9 | Fw 190D-9 | Fw 190D-9 | Fw 190D-9 | Fw 190D-9 |
III./JG301 | 8 | Fw 190A-8 | Fw 190A-8 | Fw 190A-8 | Ta 152H-1 | Ta 152H-1 |
Circles are available airfields for launch. Blast symbols are targets to be attacked. These are “Target Areas”, anything in the area can be attacked. Boxes are 20K Airspawns with denoted field.
*Targets and spawns are subject to slight changes as maps are finalized.
Frame 1
100th Bomb Group raids Cologne, 10-15-1944
Allied Active Fields: A158, A159 (Spawns)
Axis Active Fields: A132, A39 (Spawns)
City, Airfield 101 (Vbase) at 7.8.7
AAA, Ammo, Airfield 132 at 7.9.4
AAA, Ammo, Radar, Airfield 131 at 6.10.6
Frame 2
100th Bomb Group raids Darmstadt, 12-12-1944
Allied Fields: A155, A157 (Spawns)
Axis Fields: A46 (Spawns)
City, AAA, Grunt, Radar in 8.7.2
AAA, Ammo, Grunt, Airfield 134 in 9.7.2
AAA, Fuel, Radar in 9.5.9
Frame 3
100th Bomb Group raids Derben, 1-14-1945
Allied Fields: A36, A133 (Spawns)
Axis Fields: A15 (Spawns)
AAA, Ammo, Fuel at 13.12.8
AAA, Ammo, Fuel at 14.12.2
Airfield 5 in 13.13.9
Frame 4
100th Bomb Group raids Brunswick, 3-2-1945
Allied Fields: A36, A133 (Spawns)
Axis Fields: A129 (Spawns)
City, Airfield 69 at 10.13.5
Ammo, Fuel, Grunt, Vehicle Base 70 at 11.13.6
Frame 5
100th Bomb Group raids Leipzig, 4-6-1945
Allied Fields: A36, A133 (Spawns)
Axis Fields: A15 (Spawns)
AAA, Ammo, Fuel in 14.12.2
AAA, Fuel, Grunt, City, Airfield 14
If your side fails to do this within the frame, it will get no points at all for that frame:
Frame points:
Winner of a frame is the side with the most points. Winner of the Scenario is the side that wins the most frames.
Targets for each side are as follows in the target areas on the map:
Note on targets: Downtimes of hangars, bunkers are 30 minutes. Strat Objects and Manned Guns (37mm, 88mm, and 17 lb. AT gun) will remain destroyed for the entire frame. Autoack ground guns (at fields, towns, and flak towers) will respawn in 4 minutes.
Top 5 Kills - Escorts - 100 MA Fighter perks per frame per pilot
Top 5 Kills - Interceptors - 100 MA Fighter perks per frame per pilot
Top 5 Drops - Bombers - 100 MA Bomber perks per frame per pilot
20 perks per pilot per frame for participation. Must participate in 'majority' of frame for credit, eg. 2 of 3 sorties. CM Team will check logs for credit.
100th BG/351st BS by oboe
100th BG/351st BS by oboe
100th BG/351st BS by oboe
479th FG/434th FS by Vraciu (823-Z)
479th FG/434th FS by oboe
56th FG/61st FS by oboe (HV*A)
56th FG/62nd FS by Greebo
56th FG/63rd FS by oboe (UN*V)
56th FG/62nd FS by Greebo
56th FG/62nd FS by Greebo
56th FG/62nd FS by oboe
56th FG/63rd FS by Greebo
4th FG/334th FS by Vraciu (QP*K)
4th FG/336th FS by Vraciu (VF*P)
479th FG/434th FS by Vraciu
4th FG/323rd FS by oboe
4th FG/334th FS by Vraciu
4th FG/336th FS by Vraciu
Bf 109G-14:
6./JG27 by Devil5O5 (Yellow 2)
8./JG27 by Devil5O5 (Blue 11)
Bf 109K-4:
6./JG27 by Devil5O5 (Yellow 24)
12./JG27 by Devil5O5 (Blue 16)
Fw 190A-8:
6./JG301 by Devil5O5 (Red 22)
Fw 190D-9:
10./JG54 by Devil5O5 (Black 12)
12./JG54 by Devil5O5 (Red 9)
Ta 152H:
-III./JG301 by Devil5O5
CO's may split groups up into separate flights and send them on separate missions as they see fit.
CO's may assign walkons as they see fit up to the limit of slots available. COs are free to overfill any plane type, except P-47M and Ta 152H.
CO's may move registered pilots to different aircraft if the registered pilots are willing. But if a registered pilot wants to keep the plane he is registered for, he must be allowed to stay in that plane.
Please get your people into the appropriate named squads. Useful squad dot commands that can be used from your text radio buffer:
Allies will have sector counters that show in a small radius around spawn points.
Pilots get three lives.
You use up a life if you die, crash, ditch, bail, or exit
your plane with anything other than a "landed successfully".
Allied CO: AkWarHwk, (BB ID: swareiam)
Axis CO: Spikes, (BB ID: Spikes)
100th Bomb Group Website:
Frame 1:
Frame 2:
Frame 3:
Frame 4:
Frame 5:
v0.5 - Initial Writeup
V0.5a - Removed Me 410 outright. Added JG54 and adjusted numbers accordingly.
V0.6 - Agreed on Universal dar-bar (MA Style) for Axis, Dar to cover Allied spawn points
V0.7 - Update aircraft table
V0.8 - Various changes to arena settings, added Frame dates, time update
V0.9 - Finalized planeset numbers for registration launch, updated frame targets
V1.0 - Finalized targets, bases, spawns. Maps updated accordingly