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September 27, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes
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Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Oregon Sports Office Conference Room
6:00 p.m. to 7:20 p.m.



Present: Stephen Wright, Margo Glass, Hal Brockman, Alan Smith

Excused:  Dave Green

Guest: Randy Grant


  • Call to order, announcement and introductions

6:00 p.m.

  •        VP Reports
  • Treasurer - Dave - Steve gave balance, a little more $ in the bank.  Discussion on how different races operate.
  • Membership - Alan - stable, a little more renewals about 930
  • Race Operations - All
  • Greenway Trail Trial-went well, Daniel had to not show but it went well. Kelly and Abby will do it next year. Pacific Growlers wants to be a part next year.
  • Best Dam Run - great weather day and most things went really well.  Some changes were having award soon after winners came in.
  • George Rehmet, RRCA Western District Director was present to present RRCA Western Region 10K award. Improvements for next year - Porta potties and new sound system at the start.  525 this year, approximately 700 last year. Reduction due mostly to air quality issues.
  • Blue Lake - Oct 14, small race, 5k and half marathon. Free kids run.
  • Autumn Leaves - Oct 28, need to post packet pickup on website.
  • Turkey Trot -buses with logo will come out soon. Start with add at zoo Oct 1  
  • Equipment and Storage - Hal - will send recommendations to Steve. Reminder email to race directors.
  • Marketing - Margo not much new. Sweet Tomatoes has reached out.  Need to rotate sponsors. ...

6:01 p.m.


  • New Board Member affirmation vote - All

            Board of Director's Application Form. Unanimous vote electing Randy to BOD

6:30 p.m.

  • Half Marathon Series program - Steve. - Lyn had to move out of state because of family emergency.  Steve is the current coordinator. 5th half marathon would be a bonus, i.e.  do 4 halves, the 5th is free.  

 6:35 p.m.

 6:37 p.m.

  • Volunteer opportunities - Steve, Volunteers needed for Blue Lake, Portland Marathon, Turkey Trot.

6:40 p.m.

  • Race pricing - Margo - forgo escalated pricing and go to flat rate. Set race numbers based on ability to handle.  Try stable prices on all runs next year except Turkey Trot. Action was to take issue to Race directors.

6:42 p.m.


  • Manage volunteer program - Alan, Steve, Hal - Will is interested in becoming volunteer coordinator. Maybe ambassador program.

6:52 p.m.

7:00 p.m.

  • Portland Rescue Mission Running Program -
  • ORRC supports Portland Rescue Mission running program  with free entries. 

7:13 p.m.

  • Steve will Google hangout from NZ for October 25th meeting.  Also showed the 2018 - 10k series coats.
  • Margo is deferring 1,200 Club questions to Steve.
  • Steve will coordinate eliciting specialty shoe store bids for  2018 10k, and half marathon series as well as Turkey Trot early packet pick up.  

 7:15 p.m.


 7:52 p.m.