WCEU 2018 - Green room assistant

Check-in time: 30 minutes before the first session on your shift starts

Meeting point: Volunteers headquarter

Contact persons: Rooms manager & Carole Olinger


Your main responsibility during the event will be the management of the Green room. This is where the speakers can prepare for their talks in a peaceful and quiet environment. As Green room assistant, you make sure only authorized people are in the room, and silence is maintained. Also, it is your job to take care of the preparing speakers if they need anything that is not available in the Green room.


Before you shift starts, you’ll meet the Rooms manager who will give you some brief instructions about your role.

Meeting point: Volunteers headquarter

Time: 30 minutes before the first session on your shift starts

Here you can check out who will be the Rooms manager during your shift: When I Work

Select the Rooms manager role in the category “Positions”.
In this video, we give further information about finding teammates and leads in When I Work.


These are your main tasks during your shift:

Your physical presence in the Green room is necessary during your shift.


A tight communication with the Rooms manager, who you are reporting to, will be necessary.

Main Slack contacts:

Rooms manager: @bishop (Day 1) & @takis (Day 2)

#volunteers-managers (WCEU Slack team)




Before the event starts, we would like to ask you to create a Slack account as this is our main communication tool during the event.

Last but not least, we want to say a big THANK YOU for your precious help!
We couldn’t do this without you and we truly hope you’ll enjoy your volunteering experience during #WCEU 2018 at its best.

Carole from the WCEU 2018 Volunteers team