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Journal Entries 2017-18
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

9/12/17:  "It wasn't the first time I..."

9/13/17: You’re an alien landing on Earth for the first time.  Describe what you see.

 9/14/17: Make a list. "10 things I Should Have Learned by Now".

9/18/17: Write a 10 line poem inspired by one of the things on your “Things I Should Have Learned by Now” list

9/19/17: Write about a time that you were mortified (embarrassed) OR terrified. SHOW, don’t tell.

9/19/17 (b): write a found poem using the words you’ve gathered from a random page of a any book.

9/20/17: Start today’s entry with one of the following lines...then fill the page.


“We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell.”

Oscar Wilde



11/3/17: Dear ____, it weighs on me that I never told you . . .

Hand in your journal when your done.  


To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.

 Friedrich Nietzsche


Pick a point of view and tell the story of what happened in this picture.  Use vivid sensory details