Technology Use among Older Adults


Shengzhi Wang, Neilly H. Tan

Human Centered Design and Engineering, University of Washington


We are asking you to be in a research study. The purpose of this information sheet is to give you the information you will need to help you decide whether to be in the study or not. Please read the form carefully. You may ask questions about the purpose of the research, what we would ask you to do, the possible risks and benefits, your rights as a volunteer, and anything else about the research or this form that is not clear. When we have answered all your questions, you can decide if you want to be in the study or not. This process is called “informed consent.” We will give you a copy of this form for your records.

Purpose of our Study

The purpose of this study explores how older adults and people in their support network use and perceive always on home IoT (Internet of Things) devices in their home. The aim of this study is to conduct interviews and surveys to explore technology ownership, use, perceptions, and opportunities, with an emphasis on navigating different types of uses between family members and data sharing.


You are eligible to participate in this study if you are 65 years of age and above or if you are 18 or above and have a family member who is 65 years of age and above. You must also be able to communicate in English, have reliable access to an internet connection or a phone connection.

Study Procedures

In this study, you will be asked to complete a screening survey about your personal background and your use of technology. The survey will be conducted through Google Forms and should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. Once you complete the survey, you may be invited to participate in an interview expanding on these topics. Interviews will be conducted remotely via Zoom or by phone if Zoom participation is not feasible. The interview should take no more than 1.5 hours to complete. You may withdraw from any component of this study at any time.

Confidentiality of Research Information

We will audio/video record interviews and collect survey information through Google Forms. All data including audio/video recordings, interview transcripts, and survey responses will be stored on a password-protected, secured server and will be kept private to the level required by law. If you wish to be contacted about future studies conducted by our research team, your contact information will be stored separately from your study data. University staff may review this study to make sure it is being done safely and legally. If a review of this study takes place, your records may be examined. The reviewers will protect your privacy and the study records will not be used to put you at legal risk of harm.

Benefits of This Study

There are no direct benefits to you from participating in this study. We expect that sharing your experiences and opinions will be beneficial for understanding how adults 65+ use and view various technologies with respect to fostering offline social connectivity.

Risks, Stress, or Discomfort

While on the study, the risks are:

The risk of emotional distress from discussing sensitive topics.

In order to minimize these risks, you may choose the extent to which you share information in any surveys and interviews in which you participate. This study is voluntary and you may discontinue participation at any time.

Source of Funding

The study team is not receiving funding for this study.

Research-Related Injury

If you think you have been harmed from being in this research, contact Shengzhi Wang at

Other Information

Participation in this research is entirely voluntary. You may refuse to participate and you are free to withdraw from this study at any time without penalty. You can ask any questions about the study. If you have a question later you can email me at, or ask me during any synchronous communications (video calls, phone calls).

If you read this and decide to participate in our study, you will be asked to give verbal consent by indicating “I agree” or “I disagree” during the interview.

Participant’s statement:

This research has been explained to me. I have had a chance to ask questions. If I have more questions, I can contact the researchers with the information above. If I have questions about my rights as a research subject, I can call the University of Washington’s Human Subjects Division at (206) 543-0098 or call collect at (206) 221-5940.